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Posts posted by Vespero

  1. All right! I'm finally going to make my purchase. I'm going with the Men's Sample Pack, along with a free sample of La Vie de Boheme and Merlin's Blend. Wish me luck! I hope to come back with positive reports and experiences.

  2. Another quick question: How are the products packaged? Is the packaging fairly discrete? (I'm not the only person who sees my mail, and though I understand and like the name, an envelope with "Love Potion Inc." in large print will raise strange questions from my family? Also, about how long does it take to receive the product?

  3. Hello Vespero! Welcome to our lil forum :hi215:


    I reccomend getting a male sampler to start out. It will give you a good idea of the scents available and you will get to test out some of the scented pheros. If you find a scent you like, you can pair it with any phero blend.


    Do you know what type of Pheros you are leaning towards? Planned environments to use them in etc?


    Thanks for the suggestion. I intend to purchase the male sampler soon, but I'd like to know, which products are in it, or is it random? I intend to be using pheromones in both social situations (with friends, and meeting new people in college) and more intimate ones. I'm looking for blends that aren't overtly or solely sexual, but which are mysterious and can help lead to further things. I'm also looking for something to make me comfort a very special friend of mine, and help me be a pillar upon which she can support herself. One day, I'd like to take that relationship further, but for now, I just want her to feel comfortable and loved.

  4. Hello, everyone! My name is Alexis and I learned about Love Potion through a friend on a different forum. I've been using pheromones for about a year now, and when I found out about the many pheromone-enhanced fragrances sold here, I decided to check it out. I am also interested in just finding great fragrances to wear.


    In case the name leads you to think otherwise, I am male. I'll be reading through the forum to help me decide what products I would like to try first (when I finally get money to buy some) but any suggestions are welcome. I am 18 and about to enter my first semester in college. If you have any questions to help make suggestions, don't hesitate to ask, as I'm not entirely sure what to say.


    I look forward to trying out all the wonderful potions here. Wish me luck!

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