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Posts posted by Evie

  1. This was the first LP I tried. I borrowed a sample from a girlfriend (who borrowed it from her sis..oops.) of mine and wowee was it incredible!


    I think it was particularly effective because the sort of aura it gave was so appropriate for my own sort of lifestyle at the moment,so I was comfortable with the pheros/perfume. It is difficult to describe; the biscotti and coffee took some time to come out on my skin but I couldn't stop sniffing myself for the entire day, and it created a sort of mellow aura around me. I felt much more relaxed and friendly. :)


    Wore this in Paris in a boho area when I was out there to meet a friend. I had at least one interesting conversation that day with someone in a cafe (who I accidentally bumped into. kind of.) SO much more engaging than what i thought it would be. Smiles from many people I had any sort of contact with. aaw, I felt really great.

    (Apart from this one person behind me in a queue who inhaled and then made a face as if I'd stuck my dogs butt under his nose. at least it was a delicious smelling dogs butt.)


    Being a newbie to this whole thing, I wish I had ordered this before it sold out! :) I ordered pherogirl (which was also amazing..I'll try and review later) but I really wanted to give this another go. oh well. :)

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