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Posts posted by shehoss99

  1. Dear beautiful thoughtful women!


    Thank you so much for your heartfelt and sage advice. What you are saying is very helpful. I am happy to have the sexual pressure off, as I have been so focused on that for any last hope of real bonding. Also, the sexier pheromones made me feel oddly more exhausted, so I am happy to not need to focus on them.


    And as I contemplate your remarks, it's so obvious: we are so far off of having sex, that there is no way it could naturally transition to that this quickly. I have been working to re-bond though, in all the other ways you are saying, and it has been getting slowly better. I know that sex does not equal commitment or deep bonding, but I had felt like if there was NO SEX, then any re-bonding that had happened was not "good enough". So I will keep with the light flirty fun approach I have been taking, and if things shift before I move out, ole! and if not...well, there it is. Ladies, thanks for that! Seriously, I just had such a sigh of relief on that front.


    And...sitting here recalling all that has gone on.....I just want to take a public moment to massively pat myself on the back and give myself a big gold trophy for how hard I have worked at this, all the while feeling like hell, working to hide it, re-focusing on Dmitry, the relationship, on myself and sexuality, growing, stretching, arghing, and keeping going! I have been such a heroine in this! and in lots of things.... So, one outcome that is "in the bag" from all of this: I am a rock star! ;)


    and...This is definitely a sniffles situation, actually, it's a river of tears. I cannot express the depth of the tragedy of my life or the ramifications of this break up. It is far beyond any normal end of love. in addition to the harships of heart, for complex reasons, i will be homeless, I will not be able to treat the Lyme for the forseeable future, etc. etc.


    I feel so sad, and also I am grateful for many things in my life, at this moment coming to mind.... this forum, my experiences here, the delights of learning about the scents, and for Dmitry and all I have learned with, and been given by him. and...my hardwon kickass rockstar status. :)


    It was definitely worth this last shot. And I so appreciate having your candid thoughts to help me keep perspective.


    Great to hear from the few of you I "know" or remember from before! Raqs--hope you're doing great back in our neck of the woods and dancing your heart out!


    I am back in West Virginia right now helping my also very ill parents.... btw, to everyone: Lyme Disease: DO NOT GET IT AT ALL COSTS!!!!


    I was pretty lucky to have a man who is not my husband stick with me as long as he did. I know of so many even more tragic stories out there, stories that involve abandoned ill wives with children. I had hoped that maybe pheromones would be able to help other women like me who had gotten so ill that their spouses and mates lost interest in them after coming to view themselves as caregivers alone.... it's a common story in the world of Lyme, and I am sure for many long-term or chronic illnesses.


    If anyone knows of someone in the pheromone world who did have a success story with an illness situation like that, I'd love to hear it. Not so much for myself at this point, but so I could encourage any such women I come across to try pheros since my experiment hasn't gone that well.... but maybe that bridge just can't get uncrossed....? God only knows what kind of pheromones a chronically ill distraught woman hammers into her mate's brain. And of course, to re-weave such a damaged relationship takes art far beyond olfactory devices....and there are instrinsic truths to a coupledom that may prevent reconciliation regardles.... so a sample test population of one or two is hardly conclusive. stil.... it would be great to know if there has been any woman who was victorious using pheromones in such a scenario.


    as an idealist, i would like to think that true love conquers all. but..as i have aged and watched the world around me, i think that true love too needs a hell of a lot of help. and also that there are very few loves that are of the most golden truth.


    a parting thought for you lasses: in my search for tools and resources, I came across an astonishingly simple and great approach to relationships called "Marriage Fitness", an info-selling site owned by a guy named Mort Fertel. It didn't save me and dmitry, but it has saved two of our friend's marriages since I referred them to it. I just wrote myself out of energy to explain it, but you can buy his book on Amazon used for $4ish, and it gives you the gist. or sign up for his newsletter. marriagemax.com It's your standard cheesy info-selling techniques, so don't be turned off by that, because the information is stellar. A far sounder approach than any kind of traditional couples counselling I ever encountered, and it has a beautiful evolutionary focus, both for the individuals, and the vision of couple-dom. loved it!


    keep some fingers crossed for me for the last tango!

    thanks again for the wise words,


  2. hi there,


    First, I want to apologize to the handful of beautiful women who responded to me months ago when I first started investigating pheromones. Two of you (one from Argentina, the other from Mexico...I think) offered personal contact and support for me during heavy heavy illness and relationship problems. And other lovely ladies sold me phero samples. I did not respond from total overwhelm with my situation, exacerbated symptoms, and trying to stay offline as much as I could. AND...I WAS SO GRATEFUL for everyone's support and love! And, I WOULD like to connect at some point--I will be hunting down those message links...I am just still in overwhelm, and the relationship is on its very last gasps.


    I have about 45 days to finally make a difference. The pheromones have been very weak in effect for me, and have garnered no actual sexual response. Which I really really need to have a hope of re-bonding!


    background: my bf is exhausted from 6 years of behing with me through 6 years of illness. i am actually doing better than even 2 years ago, but his deep associations of me are from the times of heavy duress. He is an introvert, I am an extrovert. he needs quiet, I need talk and connection. I have altered my behavior greatly to accomodate his preferences, but he just can't "register it" it seems. he acknowledges it intellectually, but energetically, the friction of old remains. I was completely unable to keep our home from being a disaster area, and was distraught much of the time....


    So.....talked to Mara months ago, and we decided on an approach of soothing him, and not doing anything too "talky" or "busy" with him, althoug hI have now strayed from that approach in my experimentation.


    What i have found is that social pheros seem to get the best response from him! I definitely can calm the situation with Elixir of silver, and mu hunch is that he socials are working because we are so incredibly estranged and the energetic barriar between us is so huge, that these ice breakers enable him to actually come forward and open up, overcoming the historical push-away. I was surprised by this response. Alas, nothing has gotten a serious sexual response. And that's what I need to have happen. We are taking a last vacation together for the holidays. It's now or never!!!!


    So, Phero Queens, can anyone derive from these results what might be a good choice of pheromone for me? So far, he is not a fan of LP scents at all. But he loves essential oils. so I want to try one of the $15 bottles and cover with EO's.


    From my samples, here's my data:






    Open windows – very solicitious and flirty. No hard (so to speak hahaha) sexual response.



    Silver potion – he seems to be calmed by this

    Portmanteau (perfect match)– decent amount of attention to me.


    Sexology- mild sexual responses.


    Whose that girl – (popularity potion)he talked his head off! Which is helpful in a way, because he’s an introvert and never wants to talk to me. But…not sexual in ANY way.




    Detective and Dame – mediocre (super sexy)

    Cuddle bunny


    Seemed dismissive of me on:




    Cuddle bunny

    Blatant Invitation









    thanks for your thoughts!

    happy holidays to all

  3. I wanted to adore this. I did! As a flamenco dancer especially! But it was actually so off, I can't even sniff the bottle happily! I think the smoke/coffee are too much for me....

  4. Hmm...I couldn't find a review for this yet--I am sure I must not be "searching" correctly.


    This has been me and my boyfriends favorite to date.


    For me, it has self effects of calming, centering, and general uplift.


    And for him, it likely has the same, as he traditionally finds my presence aggravating, as he is an extreme introvert and I am an extrovert, and we have been living together for 6 years of my extended chronic illness, which has been very heavy, and "i" have gotten fused with the experience in his mind.


    This one I feel has opened the door for some shift in the relationship. He is most affectionate towards me when I wear this, and he has been downright dismissive with some of the more sexual pheros. And they also cause me a lot worse depression, exhaustion, and cognitive dysfunction. Which is not fun, but incredibly fascinating! It seems the effects of Lyme Disease have a pheromonal component and odd sensitivity. From what I could tell on the forum, I have had the most extreme side effects of anyone using pheros. but they stop within 12 hours of removing the perfumes.


    So, that is a rather large aside in this review, but I have so appreciated the calming, happiness effect of the phero, and the clean simplicity of the scent. Wish it had more staying power on me though. I have been using the oil sample, and scent is gone in maybe 2 hours...

  5. Wow, JOC, thanks for sharing the details of your run-in with that bottle!


    @ Raqs, no idea. I have another suspect on the list now: some pharmaceutical amino acids I started taking recently as well. I feel okay when I get up, and 3 hours into wakefulness, the head pressure starts. I did not wear pheros today or yesterday and it happened both days. so i am going to not take the AM aminos tomorrow and see what occurs.

  6. Zion, I just accidentally found this post--tyring to keep myself reading and learning. Aha, you are an Argentina!


    the country fits your juicy vibe! I have a dear friend/ex who lives part time in Buenos Aires. Are you in BA? Because as soon as I get well enough, I'm going there for a visit!


    haven't read this whole thread, but i had to make a little exclamation post about your country of origin. i can't wait to visit it! sipping on mate as i type...


    and i also picked up it is your son with autism. ok, so then my questions about GAPS diet and possible pathogenic/toxic bases for autism is even more appropo!

    other names/ideas for you: DAN, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt? heard of them? seems like you've done tons of homework.


    So, has empathy potion helped your son? you may mention it up above--i will go read more later.



  7. ZM,


    love your photo! what a sweet luscious mamma you are! i love getting to see who I am "talking" to! i'd love to see everyone and their beau's to put faces to names. my avatar is me, but as it is quite distorted and art-ified, here's a photo of me and dmitry from 5 years ago, and one of me from my birthday last year. we don't have any current photos of us together at all.... :(


    self esteem: yes, god knows, it's helpful. i have lost so much self esteem from being largely home-bound for so long, llosing identify and the pride you get out of doing what you love (in my case, I was a sculptor, flamenco dancer, etc.), losing most of my friends, and being treated coldly in this relationship. i swear, Lyme is the ultimate guru: it strips you to your bones and makes you fight for every ounce of your being: mental, physical, spiritual, emotional. oh yeah, and dont forget financial. all treatment is out of pocket.


    i've been focusing on myself and my healing for 4.5 years now, and this is my last little shot to stop that focus, and re-direct to the relationship to try to save it. lyme treatment is a massive marathon in the case like this, where you've been undiagnosed for 20 years. when i treat intensely, i am so messed up, i can't focus enough to do the kinds of things i want to do to try to get us back anywhere near on track, so i hae had to back off on treatment. i'll need to be off treatment anyway to get moved this campaign to restore the relationship is such a serious long shot. he'd have to somehow become in love with me again, and be more emotionally an dspiritually "with" me as I go deep back into treatment. To date, he has been more providing a space for me to treat since he emotionally checked out of "us" long ago. So I am alone in this pace to a large degree. And neither of us is happy this way.


    re: your knowledge of Autism, is it because you have a child who is autistic? i thought i read that, but looking above, now I am not seeing that... Or hae you dated an autistic man? you are quite knowledgeable! do you know about the Lyme/coinfection connections with autism? ever heard of the GAPS diet?


    My name is elizabeth--I also am happy to be shehoss, which translates to "female horse". when I was a child, I was utterly convinced I was a horse! and have retained my love of and affinity with equus ever since. ;)


    I love both of your names: Belen and Zion! Why Zion?



    argh, can't ifgure out how to make these photos smaller. anyway, here we are:







  8. Oh argh.....it sounds like the pheros are to blame. Was hoping to not have that added complication to trying these out.


    One thing I can say that gives me a bit of hope is that yesterday I didn't put anything on, and I still got the headachey/pressure thing within 3 hours of waking up, but...then again....maybe the pheros are on my clothes as I wear the same "house sweater" all of the time. would they stick that badly?


    Thanks for the input ladies. Wow- yikes, JOC! you must dearly love your LP products to have continued after all of that!


    Regardless, going to skip them for a few days to see what happens. so hard! I am so into trialing these. but I am starting to think this is playing with fire for someone whose health is so compromised already..... especially hearing JOC's account.... do any of you remember someone who was ill with a long term chronic condition working successfully with pheromones? someone with lyme, lupus, chronic fatigue, fibromylagia, etc.?


    So far I have used: Serenity, Portmanteau, LFM, Lumina, OCCO Ambrosia, Sexology, Cuddle Bunny, and for one brief hour Sexpionage. I still have yet to get enough response for me to think any of these (except serenity for self effects for me, unless one of those self effects is headaches!) are going to be worth buying a full bottle.


    re: dosing, it seems like I can get at least a week plus out of a single tester vial. I remember Mara telling me she thought I would be able get only 3 days from a tester... unless I failed to understand what she was saying. but if that is true....it means i am not overdosing, right? or, i am just so hypersensitive.....

  9. Wondering if anyone has experienced daily increased head "tension" or headaches when using pheromones? I saw that some people get headaches from ODing.... but anyone have headaches simply from normal usage?


    I have a lot of symptoms that go up and down and it's always hard to know what is causing what as I change treatment strategies, etc. headaches have never been part of my symptom profile, but I realized that since starting to play with the pheromones, as the day progresses, I start to feel this "tightness" in my head and behind my eyes.


    I don't think I am ODing--I am just using oil samples and have so little on that my "target" can't even smell the scents unless I put my wrist right under this nose.


    I re-apply a little every 4 or 5 hours. I have been using different pheros almost daily for a couple of weeks now.


    Anyone have any thoughts on this?


    I have a history of bizarre side effects from drugs, so perhaps I am an anomaly. Even more, I hope it is just a coincidence, and that these sensations are not being caused by the products.


    thank you!

  10. @ Queen of Swords--thank you for your feedback! He's no ass and it's actually me who is far more disabled--I can't work. But your perspective has some merit as well I think too. I only have to leave in October if the relationship ends, as I can't support myself and will have to return to my family's home in WV. I suggested that we set October as the deadline for me leaving, as I can't hold up his life forever, waiting to be well if there is no hope for us. He would continue to let me stay and heal here, but I feel inside that it is not right unless we are on different terms. Due to more Lyme exposure in WV, moving could be very dangerous for me--my docs don't want me to do it. But I cannot trade his happiness for my survival. So if I can't craft a happy home and relationship, then I am going to go.


    @Snowflake. Thank yo ufor sharing your experience and ideas! did it work out for you two? I admire what you did--I know from growing experience how hard it is to do this, especially if you are an american woman with any grounding whatsoever in women's lib, and conventional couples therapy models--talking about problems just doesn't seem to work. I think Dr. John Gottman's relationship work is much more productive.

  11. oh yes--PS. he does like scent! he has been happy when I diffuse essential oils in the house, even putting up withe annoyingly loud (even for me) diffuser! And he seems to be enjoying the daily game of "what do you think of this scent"? I have been playing with the LP's, telling him I am toying with perfuming, which dovetails logically off of my increasing use of essential oils. (naughty hehehe) And consistently praising him for his discriminating palate and sense of smell--i decided it was worth a try as he has a very fine sense of food and wine. this part seems to be going well for him. I just have to "boundary" it to the daily little game so that he doesn't move into sense overwhelm. In a way, it's good that he can't pick up the scents because it enables me to try out sample vials of perfumed pheros on him and get a sense of the pheros without putting him off with the perfume.


    And yep, once I get a winner of a scent (or maybe up to 3, for different moods/occasions), I am going to stick with it, and have the pheros separately. hoping i can find some strong winners. So far the soothing ones are doing best to just open him up to me again, but there is no real sexual vibe yet--only a couple vague hints of that coming around. I know I need to move slowly, and it's hard not to be anxious as I have only 3 months now to pull this off! Am hoping to quickly sample pheros and scents and put a solid rotation in place to steadily shift our rapport from closed to open, then engaged with some good male/female tension again, then sexual. But I might have to figure out the pheros as I go along in each stage. I don't have money so I feel anxious to know exactly what its going to take and how much it's likely to cost.


    re: movement. I was a flamenco dancer, and he loves it when I pull some flamenco moves in the house. He definitely admires female movement. Phase 2 of my effort (and yes! I have written this out in phases with to-do lists for all aspects of the campaign with progressive objectives for managing the house, managing my self, managing the relationship) includes, pending me feeling well enough, my return to some dance classes so that I am much more in my body and my own sense of sensuality, to be more sexually magnetic.

  12. Zm: Many thanks for this detailed information. I am so grateful for the time and care you took in writing all of this for me!



    He fits many of those descriptions--I don't think he'd earn himself a diagnosis, but he's close enough to it that I think building your suggestions in will help. I already do a fair amount of it, and he responds favorably and seems more peaceful. It's quite the challenge, as I am an extrovert, and feel better with light, sensory stimulation, and talking. He wants all natural light (which means quite dim--Seattle), minimalism, quiet. It appears I am more flexible and able to push my comfort zone, so I am taking up the job of trying to get this environment to accomodate him better and to be more soothing. It has been extremely traumatic for him living with me--I have been very ill with Lyme the entire time, extremely cognitively impaired (read: messy house, distress, etc.). I am finally well enough to be able to work on these things. He has been such a hero in all of this, and has taken the best care of me he can, and we are not even married nor did we ever have anything resembling a normal happy relationship. Many people end up losing their spouses, are estranged from families, friends etc. from the effects of neuropsychiatric Lyme. I lost almost all of my friends and my relationship with my sister. But Dmitry has stood by me, given me a place to live, and supported me to a large extent.


    Even if this save-the-relationship campaign fails, I want to give him as enjoyable a few last months with me in his home as possible.... He has given me so much.


    Bottom of my heart thanks again, ZM.

  13. a man who recognizes the value of mad skillz! ;)


    actually, remembering: I have some male friends who in their mid-late 30's had flings with 18-20 yo's, and it was fun for about a minute. eventually, even the biggest of dogs (which these friends themselves would admit they are) tend to want a mind that matches the motion.


    aside: can someone explain to me the little names below your forum name. Why is Pheroman a Disgruntled House Elf, and why is Eggers a Tribble Wrangler, and why am I a Squib? And, for that matter, what are those things exactly? Tribble Wrangler?!


    Oh I certainly can; there's a definite socio-psychological conditioning at work in the perception of males..


    oh right....THAT part of the equation. I guess I was thinking simply from the perspective of women expressing fertility--that this would be physically well-expressed and responded to through early 30's easily.


    thinking about it a little more deeply, of course it's got to be complex: sociocultural conditioning, the physicalities of it, the socioeconomic placement of both the males/females in question....etc. but still. i'm seriously a bit in shock that women experience man-magnetizing powers intensely that then drop off sometime before 30. i guess i got away with relative murder.


    @Eggers. yes...hmmm....impressive!


    ps. are any of you actually happily married and aged enough to have experienced that drop in male attention? curious how that would impact someone psychologically who has the feeling of a very secure marriage and devoted love in their life...

  15. Hmmm....wow, all fascinating! I love your ingeniousnesses in pitching scent to purpose! Grapefruit here I come. I am quite thin so perhaps I'll steer away from spices--don't want to move into the anorexic range in anyone's eyes!


    I can't believe that men would stop paying attention to women under 30. I mean really, it has to be a pheromone thing, doesn't it? or is there some other invisible physiological signal to the opposite sex beyond pheromones?


    I am trying to decide how far to go to indulge vanity at wishing for returned attention. It will be hard not to go for it, simply because of utter fascination with playing with social effects using something as delicious as perfumed pheros. As an artist, i think it's a creative endeavor too yummy to pass up. Can't wait to start seeing some of the majorly dramatic effects some of you seem to inspire with your applications.


    And then there's the gracefulness of it, beyond mere vanity: helping to soothe others egos and pave the way to more harmonious interactions of all kinds, giving the gift of enhanced sexuality to mataes and all the good physical and emotional benefits that brings, gaining a slight upper hand in a situation where truly, you have valuable contributions to make that you might not have an opportunity for if not being lent a more listening set of ears.


    Wonderful! So wishing I'd had these tools long ago.


    Eggers, curious--how old are you? That is some serious accomplishment. I mean no offense in asking. In fact, am I right? That people on this board are way more open in general about things than in society at large?

  16. ps. @ Katz--I read your signature, and truly, going outside and plopping down on the grass and feeling the ground, watching clouds in the sky and bees nuzzling flowers stops all the ick tout de suite. and....i know part of why we feel better this way (especially if we are in physical contact with the ground) is that EMF's bother us much less, and we have all the many other benefits of "earthing"! http://www.earthinginstitute.net/ becoming a barefooter has seriously shifted my Lyme symptom profile. A stupid-simple miracle!


    oh yes, and cleaner air, and the nervous system pleasing presence of natural sounds, etc.


    outdoors, nature = HAPPY

  17. Well, i'ts not nice only if it is not true and he is saying it hurtfully. But I believe he means it currently. Our agreement is that I am to leave in October. And at the same time, he continues to offer very mixed signals to go with what I think are his somewhat mixed feelings. And he's famous for being a bit on theAspberger's end of the communication spectrum. THAT is the least offensive amongst a number of "wow-did-you-really-just-say-that" things he has said on occasion. We once saw a couples coach who also dealt with techie types with Asperberger's. Apparently, he falls just a few paces shy of that group.


    I'm telling you, lass, this scenario is sooo complex!


    I will be interested to hear, once I try to lay it out in all of its nuances and necessities, feedback around it.


    Under usual circumstances, I think the advice would be to walk. But this is anything but usual, and walking means a good chance of imperiling myself.


    Thanks for that smartsheet.com link. I will check it out. :)

  18. thanks, ladies!


    MLH? as in Mother's Little Helper? really?! I have not even read the description of that one yet, due to the title! ;0 MLH + COPS = one sexy boss-mamma?!


    @ Beccah. see?! that IS way more exciting than my CURRENT scenario. and at the same time.........it is surprisingly close to a scenario i was ALMOST involved in. ................many.......years.......ago........ did you read my mind, girl?!




    well, thanks for jogging my memory, which is in apparent need of 2x4 therapy. life has been so different for so long, that i have seriously forgotten and ceased to identify with the many femme mystere episodes in my past. i WAS almost in a harem, and that event is now so far from my consciousness that the memory did not register AT ALL when i posted that joking title. Seriously. Wow. Talk about a tragi-comic state of affairs..... It took you mentioning sheikhs and the middle east for the memory to blast through my daily grind!


    So......since I have now been "busted", for fun and titillation, i will hint at some of my racier LFM moments:


    1. being offered a position in a harem in Bahrain

    2. being propositioned for an all-expenses (and-then-some) paid tryst by a married internationally known politician, who will remain unnamed, but who, to tease your sleuthing skills, was publicly known for liking to wear tights. (I'll let you ponder THAT one! and you will get no more from me on that count! No confirming. No denying.)

    3. being offered a deal to manufacture AK-47's (i used to be a welder/metal fabricator).



    when I write this list out, it is seriously so so so tragi-comic. if you could have seen me then and if you could see me now!


    In truth, I am simply an artist, not an international woman of mystery. and i am attractive, but I am not hot enough to have warranted those crazy life moments!

    not that you have to be hot to make AK-47's, but still..... ;)



    oh, and as for LFM phero. Not much to speak of to date. BF hates the Blue Moon scent, and no effects on him. I wore it out positively sandwiched between two men, all driving to see a mutual friend's salsa exhibition. I even showed one of the men a few salsa moves (read: close quarters and sexy motion). We had fun, but there was not a whiff of sexual anything going on. It was as if I was invisible. I have become invisible, it appears, to men in the last year and a half. I don't think I look that different--I look and act quite immature for a 44 yo, so I can only guess it's some change in my pheromonal signature in addition to finally showing some signs of age. This has been hard on my psyche. I am not used to having to "work it". I just "was it"! I used to go to salsa clubs and fight them off! And now I walk in a salsa club, and no one sees me, it seems. I have yet to try Cougar ;).


    I think the dismay at having become invisible might be less if I were married and cherished, and had been able to give the juiciness of my youth with adoration to a deepest beloved. But perhaps not? Married ladies in your 40's and beyond-your experience?


    All the same, the dream lives!

  19. ps. and oh yes, when I say results, here are the results I mean: he hugged me when he left the house for work 2x this week -- the first time that has happened in over a year! and a couple nights ago he flopped down on my bed and said he liked my room (which he typically deeply dislikes--i've worked hard on it) and had me spoon (clothed) with him and watch a mountain bike instructional video (I am working to find any level of overlapping interest where we can bond. hence: mountain bikes!


    oh the joys of a very introverted brainiac programmer who cares to interact with others only on topics of interest. it's a good thing he is a sweetie in so many other regards. this is a lot of work! but as i mentioned in some other post, my stakes are unusual and high. so i am learning to enjoy the challenge and the many lessons I must master.

  20. Thanks for everyone's thoughts!


    Results have been most mediocre so far, although he does like the scent of Sexology. The best results have come from Elixir of Silver and Portmanteau, and I am having trouble remembering, but I think it was either Ambrosia OCCO, cuddle bunny or Portmanteau. So to re-visit which one it was, I tried Ambrosia OCCO that this AM and he said the scent itself is too sweet for him (I am now asking him to test scents for me--I didn't do this at first, and he said he can only smell things if they are in his nose!) and, anyway, he stone cold ignored me on his way out the door. Sexology--he likes the scent, not sure about result, seems weak. need to re-test. Cuddle Bunny: again, if it was there, it's weak. He definitely does not like Chocolate Kisses. I just made a spreadsheet to start tracking all of this. Does anyone know how I might be able to post a spreadsheet somewhere here to be able to ask for ongoing counsel/feedback on the results I am seeing?


    I am going for reviving the relationship on all levels. I have 3 months to do this, or I will be moving out and away from the area--it's a long story. I really need us to become sexual again for the bonding that brings. Which is why I am trying to now up the ante to a sexier phero, having accomplished the first task of creating an aura of peace in the house--I really needed the peace-vibe groundwork put down first.


    We have had sex 3 times in the last 2 years (this is all complicated by my long term illness from Lyme, which adds layers and layers of challenge to everything), and this year, not since Valentine's and it was lame and he was clearly not into it. In fact, I would say he did it to please me as he knows I am in love with love, and the idea of Valentine's Day and have been since childhood. But for him: nope, not into it. When I once pressed the issue gently by words, He has said he sees no future for our relationship, and why would you want to re-bond sexually? (i did not ask if he meant why would I personally want to rebond, or why should he want to re-bond--he likely meant both of us, not sure but it would be helpful to know). my situation is so complex--will write it all out in an intro soon. it's going to be a monumental task of the feminine arts against some serious odds. I have decided to give it my all, and if it fails, so be it, but at least I tried. Pheros are part of the plan....



    @Gabylicious. It's a very old flamenco lyric.


    thanks, all!

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