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Archive: To Soothe A Broken Heart 2015


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Did you ever handle something so slight
it is both delicate and brittle
you can see the faults of time
but also the patina
of distress.
The cracks have been sealed, sometimes
kintsugi of kindness and of discovery
that my battered fluttering agent of determination
still holds fascination
in its experience.
A simple touch, try holding back the rain
only one drop is necessary
the tear which floods the fallow state
to flourish again.


A potion for nurturing yourself...to find peace and emotion healing. A potion which elevates your spirit, with ingredients designed to encourage others treat you more gently too. Like a warm hug, this fragrance is perfect for when you are feeling fragile, and works beautifully for snuggling at bedtime. Featuring a variation of our enormously popular original recipe: blossoms of Tassi lavender, Indian jasmine, Roman chamomile, and marigold extract, an embrace of oakmoss, frankincense and white amber, resting upon a satiny pillow of white and powdered sugars. For further comfort we’ve added a dose of our exclusive BALM BOMB pheromone blend. Feeling crabby? Feeling Blue? Need a quick mood reversal? This one's for you! Pheros for calming and soothing, lessening of grouchy PMS symptoms, mood elevation, and for making people act a little nicer around the wearer...for their own good. 


TASSI LAVENDER ~ Soothes/ restores body and mind. Arouses sexual desire in men, loyalty, purification, protection, healing. Third eye chakra, spiritually uplifting.
INDIAN JASMINE ~ Self confidence, anxiety reduction, prosperity; powerful love attractant, spiritual love.
OAKMOSS ~ Luck enhancing, financial success, protection, charity. Parental love.
WHITE AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, consecration, protection, exorcism. Associated with silver and the moon.
ROMAN CHAMOMILE ~ Prosperity, calming & soothing. Love, peace, meditation.
MARIGOLD EXTRACT ~ Strengthening & comforting, prophetic dreams, divination, aids legal matters, protection.
WHITE & POWDERED SUGARS ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: vintage

February 2015


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