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Posts posted by Scorch

  1. I have a bottle on my trading post.....I like it, but it is a little too maple-y for my tastes....
    I can't seem to message you right now, but I'd be interested in that... I love the sweet, honey & maple scents! I don't think I have anything you want, apart from maybe in trial sizes, but I'd happily PayPal you, or swap for pyro work.
  2. Heheh - glad you were able to use my "tweakings" - they do look nice...!


    Thanks, Katz! I'm always SO busy that I don't get a lot of time to keep up with all my forums - it's AGES since I've been here... and I'll drop out agan come tomorrow, now I think of it, 'cos I'll be on holiday and without access for a fortnight. I'll try & catch up a bit when I get back, though...

  3. Well, I tried Cleopatra's Blend today, and it's quite nice. For me, it's not very strong and I can't really smell it much at all, myself, but The Ladysniffers (my colleagues at work who are dutifully reporting on the scent-of-the-day for me!) quite liked it.

  4. I've been bad...

    I have been my own "evil enabler" (Mwahahaha!)

    I snuck over to Cindy's site and ordered Raven and Scandalous... ;)

    I'm defintely addicted :blink:



    And now it's mine, all MINE, and I love it so much! Raven Moon is a truly yummy scent, sweet and rich and just so delicious. I smell sort of like the most wonderfully tempting Danish pastry - mmmm... :)
  5. Hiya, May!


    Thank you for your kind welcome, and for your Trading post too! I'm glad that there are some other UK people here - it'll be fun to swap, indeed...


    Pyrography is a great hobby, if you have the time for it - it's really fun, and keeps you busy. You don't need to be a wonderful artist (which is just as well, 'cos I'm not!), but you do need patience and a smooth and steady hand. And more space than I actually have, to store all the irresistably nice bits of wood to burn on. :) I'd gladly give you a try with my machine, but you're a bit far away to just pop in! :)


    Thanks again for your kind welcome.

  6. Hello!


    Another newbie here - by way of some freebies included in BPAL forum purchases. Everything sounds so lovely! But I'm in the UK, and have no clue what I'd like yet, so I'm hoping to find someone willing to sell samples...

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