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Posts posted by PrimalGirl

  1. Nobody acknowledging the points I make or providing the evidence I ask for... Do I say "you're not listening and btw I think you're a man"? Of course not. That would be cray cray.


    No worries, I get it. You've all dug your heels in so deep on this one, you can't admit that maybe you overreacted just a tad. That would be WAY too much pride to swallow.


    I'm not looking for an apology, I just hope that the next time a new member makes a few posts, you don't jump down their throat. If you don't like what they're saying, don't participate in the discussion.




    But "negative" and "toxic" aren't really accurate descriptions of this community


    Negative and toxic are accurate IMPRESSIONS people will get when they see childish name calling like this. Better to just delete this thread and set the women's liberation movement back a few years. Like I said, nobody will ever dare touch this subject again on these forums.



    plural noun: forums


    a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. And people are called dudes for no logical reason.

  2. But when you come in here and ask for feedback on your idea, and refuse to listen to anything we say,


    When have I "not listened"? Example please? We agree on almost everything, when have I disputed anything anyone said?




    Second, but perhaps more importantly, whether intentionally or not, you dissed EOW


    When have I "dissed EoW"? Example please? Saying maybe it would be nice to have variations is hardly "dissing it".


    And as for not posting a 'introduction' thread/building my reputation first... what does that have to do with ANYTHING? This topic isn't about me (or anyone), it's about a severely under discussed topic, and somehow it got turned into a personal hazing. If you felt the barely 8 posts I made were "going in circles" (don't see how that's possible, but ok), then let me go in circles.


    Look, the personal attacks don't bother me (this is the interwebs, it's what people do). What bothers me is that this thread will soon be locked, and nobody will DARE mention this topic again. Also, people will think twice about joining the community period, when they see how negative and toxic it can be.


    Pro tip for new users - Repeatedly brag about having sex in clubs, and/or use a picture of a dude for your profile. Then people will DEFINITELY think you're a legit lady.


    *watches thread get locked* Settle in for another 15 years of silence, floral scents, and vaginal shaming.

  3. I don't expect anyone to rush to my defense, there's the 1000+post clique, and then there's me, I get it. But before bedtime, I invite everyone to go back and reread all the replies starting with eggers on page 1 (I just did). There was no negativity, just a calm, rational discussion. Then, around mid way down page two, the unprovoked attacks started.


    I guess maybe somebody got offended when I said "stuck with EoW" (which I quickly clarified, saying I meant it's a problem of options, not quality). If anyone was upset by that then I apologize. I shouldn't have used the word "stuck", I'm sorry.


    But nowhere do I see a "circular argument". Christ, as some of you keep pointing out, I've barely made any posts at all (and the recent ones are just me being forced to defend myself).


    Alas, it wouldn't be fair to hold any of this against LP (I still plan on placing an order), but you women should really consider treating new members with more respect.


    We may have been a bit harsh, but this was because, as Hearts said.....it started to get old.....VERY OLD....


    You're joking right? This is probably one of the least discussed topics ever. If you feel the barely one page of discussion was already getting old, this is clearly not the subject for you.



    TO ME PERSONALLY, to be questions that were being asked with a bit of an ulterior motive (like trying to sell something), not by a woman trying to find an effective product.


    Debate is, in essence, selling an idea. But to jump to the conclusion that I have some hidden agenda, or I am trying to take your money, that's insane. I even flat out said I am not a perfumer/business.



    Most other "cop blends" over the past 15 yrs or so have SUCKED.


    Yet you continue to insist there is no need to have this discussion. You are making my point for me. There simply has not been much (successful) exploration in this space.


    I think the problem here is - You are assuming a lot of things.


    You are assuming that just because EoW is a fine product (which it is), there is no need for anything else ever. This is wrong.


    You are assuming that just because Mara can make a custom scent, that it has something to do with what were talking about. This is wrong. (unless there are some unmentioned options besides Aja/EoW, maybe there are?).


    You are assuming that this thread is some kind of attack on the people at LP. This is wrong.


    And perhaps worst of all, you are assuming that I have some “ulterior motive”. When I link to my vagina perfume kickstarter, then you may have a point.


    *And at all the OMGZ YOURE A DUDE posts – lol. Why would this being my first post have anything to do with me being a dude? It's a topic that interests me as a bisexual woman (and clearly it interests all of you too). If this is how you treat all new members I wouldn't expect this community to grow very large.

  5. @Dolly/hearts - Whoa, where did all that come from? First of all, the personal attacks are unnecessary. Questioning my sexual orientation is insulting. I am NOT a lesbian, but yes I have been with women in the past. If your goal was to shame me into admitting that, congratulations.


    Have I ever smelled EoW before? I've been talking about it this whole time, of course I have, when have I ever said anything negative about it? Why not just use my own scent? Again, this has already been addressed on page 1. And you can't keep saying "EoW is all you need", while also acknowledging that "all women smell different".


    The goal of this thread was to have a serious discussion on the power of scent, and talk about a subject most women are too embarrassed to even mention. It started out with intelligent posts (like the ones from eggers and luna). If you're upset because the thought of 'that smell' grosses you out, that's fine, but there is no need to belittle other people who feel otherwise.

  6. Most sniffers are wired such that they can pick it up underneath a well-designed scent. They may not CONSCIOUSLY register what it is, but their NETHER REGIONS KNOW.


    You are 100% right, I agree.


    The point is, the "straight-up cooch scent" can amplify the effect greatly. I would argue that the "straight-up cooch scent" can work on its own, even if no pheromones are present.


    And glad to hear you've had so much success with EoW lol! I can relate to your story, you are making my point exactly! But wouldn't it be nice to have a few other options, maybe even ones that work better?

  7. I guess the thing that's most baffling is - if there was a cologne for men that instantly forced women to think about sex, it would fly off the shelves. Women have always had such a tool at our disposal, but for some reason it hasn't been talked about much (and that is why we're here).


    Why has nobody really explored this idea? I think luna65 hit the nail on the head when she talked about society making women feel ashamed of their natural scent. But maybe it's wrong to care if society approves.


    And just to be clear, I am not advocating that women should smell like walking vaginas. But for example - Imagine you go out to a club, and apply a drop of EoW to your left wrist. You're still in control, you can still use a nice smelling floral perfume. When you're ready to send a clear unmistakable signal, just go in for a playful touch on his face, and let him take a whiff.


    I do not think most women appreciate how powerful this smell is. Pheromones or not, when the male brain senses 'that smell', it will trigger memories (instinctive and/or personal), and become aroused. If you're the nearest female, he will likely anchor that arousal to you.


    Mark my words, the first company to recognize this will be billionaires. *and I don't mean to imply that LP doesn't, I'm just stating the fact that there aren't many products targeting this specific niche.

  8. Well first of all we are not stuck with EoW.


    I didn't mean stuck with EoW as in it's a bad product, I meant stuck with EoW as in it's the ONLY product. As has been mentioned here several times, no two women smell alike, so only have one option is limiting.


    Never heard anyone mention Aja or SLF before... but do they really attempt to capture this particular smell? How do they compare to the dirty/cheesy smell of EoW?

  9. Well it kinda looks like the OP is asking for a recipe for synthetic vagine scent to use for commercial purposes.


    Well not exactly. We got side tracked after halo mentioned the whole used panties thing (never really thought about it before). But the original intention of the thread was to discuss the idea that scent alone (with or without pheromones) could be used as a perfume/male attention grabber. If it mimicked 'that part' of the female anatomy.


    I am not a perfumer myself, so I have no way of making any money off this idea. I posted here on the forums because I was hoping to get the opinion of others who understood the power of scent/pheromones. I also posted here hoping to hear from someone at LP saying that they were aware of all this, and had some more EoW style scents in the works.


    So back on topic - If you have any ideas, or knowledge of companies who are in this 'space', please share. As we have already discussed, the potential applications are huge, and the power is undeniable. So why are we stuck with just one product (EoW)? If we can split the atom, surely we can synthesize 'vagina scent', right?

  10. I talked to one of my stripper friends and mentioned the whole 'synthetic used panties' idea. Apparently she knows some women who have made a killing selling their panties online. Assuming you could mass produce the 'perfume', it seems like there could be a lot of money here...

    This may not be the best place to ask, but has anyone ever heard of women doing this before? I suppose there is an ethical argument to be made, but the whole porn/sex industry is based on fantasy anyway, so I don't think it's wrong to sell people 'fake' panties, IF the aroma is convincing.

  11. @Rose - I have heard of that perfume, never smelled it though...


    There wouldn't be women selling their dirty panties if there wasn't a demand for it.


    An excellent point. Add this to the list of possible applications. A woman could make a FORTUNE selling panties that could be 'mass produced' (chuckling as I write this). But seriously, imagine if you didn't have to wear them all day. I would be tempted to try this with EoW, but I think you'd need to use quite a bit in order for the scent to linger long enough on fabric...


    And you're right, each woman does smell different, based on many factors (like the ones mentioned in this thread: diet, ph, etc...). So there would need to be many subtle variations. One EoW/Vulva Original just won't cut it.

  12. @Rose - It's interesting you mention civet. It reminded me of American Hustle, where Jennifer Lawrence says her perfume has almost a foul scent to it (flowers and garbage or something). There is something sexual about dirty/musky almost foul scents, perhaps a throwback to our primal days before we washed so often. Is it a coincidence that vaginas smell dirty/musky almost foul?


    There have been many perfumes and scented products in the last century who have tried to duplicate the smell. It's definitely not a new thing.



    This is news to me. Other than the products mentioned in this thread, I am not aware of any that aren't maksed by strong floral scents. (I will have to check out Cats Eye, thanks StacyK).


    As far as breaking down the actual fragrance I think that's probably going to vary a lot woman to woman. A lot of people say stinky cheese or vinegar.



    After a quick google search some other things that came up...


    Valerian root (kinda has a dirty socks smell)

    Elmer's Glue (that one made me laugh, but I can kinda see it)

    Vinegar (came up a lot)

    Cheese/bread (could have something to do with yeast/bacteria?)


    However, one missconception that needs to be put to rest is - FISH. If your vagina has a fishy smell to it, you likely have some kind of infection.

  13. It's nice to find other women who 'get it'. Scent alone is such a powerful evoker of emotion/desire.


    For example, I love the smell of cinnamon, because it is deeply anchored to childhood memories of Christmas time. To my knowledge, there are no pheromones in cinnamon, but it still has a very powerful effect on my mood. I think for men (and lesbian/bisexual women), the raw pungent smell of a vagina works the same way.


    So although the science behind copulins/pheromones is still in its infancy, if we could merely replicate the odor portion of the equation, I think that may be enough. I've looked at the ingredients of EoW, and there are a lot of 'acid' elements, I wonder which are most responsible for the aroma?


    There must be enough off the shelf components for an amateur perfumer to come close? I mentioned vinegar before, anyone have any other thoughts/ideas?

  14. Why more commercial perfumers wouldn't try to take advantage of something that would clearly make their perfume fly of the shelves is beyond me.



    I agree. It's shocking that this concept has been around since ancient Egypt, and nobody has capitalized on it. When a company can accurately synthesis the smell of a healthy fertile vagina, women (AND men, for different reasons) will line up to hand over their wallets.


    And before anyone asks 'why not just use your own scent', there are a few problems with that. First, as many women know, as we age, our scent changes. Also, different times of the month can result in different scents. And, if you're on the pill, you may not have much of a scent at all. Thus, a synthetic alternative would be invaluable.

  15. I have several male friends who talk pretty openly about sex. One thing I have noticed is how often they rave about the smell (particularly the smell on their fingers) after they have been with a woman.

    I also have a few friends who are strippers, and they have told me that they use their own vaginal secretions as perfume. They also claim to make more money when they're ovulating, which makes sense.

    So all this begs the question, why is Essence of Woman the only product trying to mimic the smell of a womans vagina? Most products either rely on odorless pheromones (which can feel snake oily), or floral scents (which are a dime a dozen).

    I do believe in pheromones, and I know they can be odorless, but that is missing the point. There is an undeniable MENTAL association between smell and arousal. If it simply reminds the brain of 'that' region of the body, no pheromones are needed (although they can amplify the effect).

    The question - Has anyone tried to identify the components in your own scent, maybe even brew your own 'vagina perfume'? I have always found my scent to be something like vinegar/hot sauce. Another term I have heard tossed around these forums is 'butt cheese', which is somewhat accurate. Remember, vaginas aren't supposed to smell like flowers.

    *I should mention one other product - Vulva Original, which seemed to acknowledge the power of 'this smell'. I did get a chance to smell it years ago, but found it to be nothing more than cheap perfume (typical) with slight hints of musk/urine. It's a shame the company seems to have given up after just one attempt.

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