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Potion Master

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Posts posted by Potion Master

  1. When we commission Pharmacom to make the phero blends for us, I consider them "professional" blends, because the alternative is that we are blending the different pheros together here ourselves, and we have little experience with that. When Pharmacom does them, they use more varied phero ingredients and in a more precise manner than we are capable of, they are not necessarily stonger, but more precise.


    The Cougar formula was devised by them originally. We can continue to get that unscented phero blend no problem. We are building a permanent library of unscented phero blends that we can offer indefinitely, and may be added to any perfume in our library of your choice.


    The scented varities will continue to come and go.


    Cuddle Bunny was a phero blend that we mixed here ourselves that was conceived by our friend, Ail. Pharmacom has now crafted the blend for us so that we do not have to mix it from scratch here ourselves any more.


    The same goes with the phero blend we used in PG Dominance. Ail came up with the recipe, and now Pharmacom is going to provide us with a professionally blended version that we can continue to offer.

  2. Bright pink! I bet it's my kooky skin chemistry that's confusing things.


    Well, it appears so, and I'm so sorry to hear that. You shouldn't have to layer it with anything, it's a finshed perfume and should stand on its own.


    Sorry that it doesn't work for you, perhaps there is someone about who would like to swap with you for something that might suit you better. Sheesh, on me, it smells like raw gooey cake batter!

  3. Welcome, Stutefish! Thanks for joining us here! :rolleyes:


    Did you receive the scented version of SUPER for Women? (Blue S logo label?)

    Or the UNscented version containing just the SUPER SEXY Pheromone Blend? (Plain white label.)


    To me, the UNscented pheros smell like what you described, but I cannot imagine the scented versions ever being described as such, as they are constructed of concentrated perfume oils, the scent of which is impossible to miss.


    If it's not obvious by the labelling which product you received, it would be much appreciated if you would scan the product in your possession and either post here or email it to me, and perhaps we can better assess what you have in hand.


    Again - welcome and thanks for joining us! ~ Mara


    Our email address: TimesSquareProductions@yahoo.com

  4. Hey Michael, so glad to have you here, welcome! I will have Merlin's Blend back in stock in about a week. I am awaiting delivery of a few ingredients and then it will be available again. Sorry to make you wait!


    Thanks for the kind words, all! I too, think this blend is ultra dreamy. I was just working on a non-phero variant, with a touch of lavender EO, making it a tad brisker and somewhat classic-barbershop-like - mixes beautifully with the pipe tobacco notes. Very manly. Of course, one can always order additional pheros for it, but I was thinking to share this treat with our non-phero users too.

  5. I am so aggravated at myself that I didn't save any of the perfume aside before I added the pheros, because I would LOVE to wear this scent myself. I adore it beyond words, but the SS4M phero formula makes me ultra-mega-crabby. Do you think I could spray it on my pillow and sleep with it without having crabby dreams?

  6. Ok, for those of you who understand these things...here's the ingredients for the newly arrived custom phero blends we commissioned from Pharmacom. They'll be posted in the store as UNscented or as phero additives to any of our perfumes with the next releases at mid-month.



    estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, beta-androstenol, androstanone, DHEA sodium sulfate, copulins.



    alpha-androstenol, androstanone, estratetraenol, THDOC, 17-phenyl-androstenol, epiandrosterone sulfate, sodium equillin sulfate.

  7. I'm popping this question in as I'm not sure where else to do so...and I don't want a whole new topic...I guess I'm a dummyhaid and didn't realize there was no PGDom UN-scented bottle available under the Phero page...just as an add-in?


    Is there another PGDom blend on the way - should I wait? Or just do an add-in to "something" else...


    We put together that blend ourselves, and we have enough of the pheromones used to do this one more time mixed into a perfume.


    I haven't asked Pharmacom for a professionally blended combo like this...should I? I know they think they have this covered with the Super Sexy unscented as that too is a very aggressive blend, but I could talk them into it.


  8. We have a Popularity Blend that we commissioned from Pharmacom that just arrived in the mail on Saturday. This might be what you are looking for. I may have asked him for an androgenous blend, but I definitely asked for that movie star charisma thing. Will post ingredients and everything with the new releases this month and you can tell me if this fits the bill or no.

  9. Is it wrong that I wish it smelled a little more like dirt and pond water on me?


    I so totally knew that you would feel exactly that way, Scourger. I have an alternate version for you that you shall have when next I see you.


  10. LOL! Well, luckily, the recipe is rather simple*, so I think we can make this a permanent part of our collection. I just have to go hunt down some more organic bee pollen, and hope that it smells the same this season.


    *(Not so with Phero Boy though - that one will have to retire when it's sold out.)

  11. Last year I got a little bottle of the gold Nile Temple incense, for $10.00. Much more pricey than what Dolly found on that website, but also a prettier presentation. I'm planning to go to Ren Faire maybe next weekend, and I think the same vendor will be there again, so does anyone want me to pick them up a bottle if I can find it?

  12. I think that the reason why this version is less 'bright', is the same reason that the EoW is getting more covered, even though there is 3x the amount...

    I took out the "space" between the notes this time. I had kind of suspended each layer of ingredients so they could be perceived separately, but this time I compressed them, made it thicker and more concentrated. If anyone wanted to experiment with diluting theirs (in DPG, alcohol or D5), I think it might just smell closer to the original - if that is what you are going for.


    Oh yeah, also the EoW is not in the same base. Creator Phil Stone made this version for me special, in an oil base rather than an alcohol base like is sold commercially.


    I'm stunned how fast this is selling. We might have to go on to III by the end of the month!

  13. I have one of those little bottles of Nile Temple blend, and the grains are all covered in gold dust. It's DIVINE. (Note to self: get more at Ren Faire this year.)


    I didn't realize we'd done something similar to that. Now I'm going to have to go burn some and see! :A002:

  14. There's a couple of notes in common with black, namely patchouli and brown sugar, but actually, it's closer in ingredients to Spider Silk - I was thinking it would smell like *Spider Silk: DARK* when done, and that's what it's like on me.


    I just put one on each hand too, and they smell really different to/on me. Bravado is more woody/powdery, and LP Black is like foody incense, but yeah, the deep resins are dominant in each.

  15. I don;t understand it - the two packages we sent international global priority are taking longer than the ones we sent regular airmail. I wonder if sending them global priority caught the attention of the customs agents?


    Some of the orders were slow in getting sent because we ran out of a few things this month (bottles, super sexy additive, and now we're waiting on an ingredient for Dark Seductions). Profuse apologies for the wait, ladies! We're getting things out as fast as we can, truly! Thanks for your patience!

  16. I'm not a huge Ylang fan, it sometimes hits me the wrong way but this is well-blended with Vanilla and was quite comforting. Thanks Mara!


    Danna crafted this one, and I agree, I think she did a marvelous job. I fell in love with it the instant I smelled it, and I normally do not like Ylang Ylang very much either, but the way she blended this, it really works. Plus, the ylang she used is a very high quality essential oil. I think I may have to revise my thinking about ylang ylang to note that the cheaper ones or artificial ones I don't like, but the finer ones are actually quite nice.

  17. I'll want to be one of the first in line for the jazzed up version! Will this jazzing up be of the scented version or will this be an unscented blend?


    It's just the unscented I was talking about. We're planning on keeping the phero library constant, so people can add them to any scent they want - but the perfumes will sell out and cycle through like usual.

  18. I just got off the phone with Pharmacom and they're going to make us up some new blends that we've been discussing here!


    Our Cuddle Bunny combo that Ail came up with - we did it as Est and Cops, and Mr. Pharmacom said, "Great idea - mind if I jazz it up a little?" YES PLEASE! :lightsaber1:


    I asked for a Popularity Potion - a social blend, so other girls don't hate you when you're getting all the attention. :lol2: Make everyone around you be happy and have a good time, and like you regardless of gender.


    And he's also sending us a supply of straight Est, his commercial blend, ready to ship, because several of you have mentioned not being able to get it lately. (So that will be in the regular alcohol dilution rather than D5).


    Also, for those of you waiting for packages because we ran out of Super Sexy for Women, we're getting that new supply tomorrow and your package will be shipped as soon as it gets here.

  19. Does the rebrewed Pherogirl still have bee pollen so you have to shake it up? That was my favorite part, more than the honey itself. Very heady, gives me a buzz!


    There's still bee pollen in it, (even moreso), but this time I strained out the particles that didn't dissolve. I added it, let it soak in there for a week, then strained and pressed it. So the particles in this case are smaller and more free floating than the last batch.

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