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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. No bother! It only takes a second to get that info. 1,400 Beach Goddess!
  2. I said it before of that kitten, but it's diabolically cute. Diabolical. It knows exactly what it's doing, being all cute like that - the toes curled, looking right into the camera. Ebil. I look at it now and wonder if it grew up to be one of those "rule the world" kinda cats. Nope, not mine, just one I liked from the stock photo sites. And the NRs are UP and so is the SALE! Have fun!
  3. Bath & Body Items are heavy. We pack them into a medium flat rate Priority box for a fee of $15, so it's worth it to make sure your order fills a box. Email us with your wants and we'll send you an invoice. Email us at either CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com or LovePotionPerfume-Store@yahoo.com Thanks!
  4. Everyone should have a nice journal, or twelve. There's a magic that happens, a communion with the well of creativity of the universe, when you hand write things in a book that gives you pleasure. Have you ever noticed, that songwriters and novelists and all sorts of creative and scientific people, when asked about their process, many will say - "I didn't write this, it was presented to me in finished form. I only transcribed it." This is absolutely true. I have experienced this many many many times over my lifetime. JK Rowling said the same thing, and so did Mozart. (I'm not trying to compare myself with giants, I'm just saying if you don't believe me, then maybe you'll believe them.) In my own mind, it's like a cloud layer that circles our planet, and sometimes I have this straw, and I can sip from it. I'm given music and stories and ideas that are finished, I just have to transcribe them and make them happen. I think this is why there are universal ideas, inventions or stories or songs that crop up simultaneously in different parts of the world at the same time. We all tap into that same well. We sip from the clouds together. When you hand write things in a book, in permanent form, you commune with this creative well. Your mind and body are engaged and you channel it. You take from it, you add to it. The more you do this, the more deeply you connect, and all the more is presented to you. Making notes on a computer or phone is absolutely no comparison, it doesn't work the same way. Using a notebook with tear out pages won't work either. I think it has to do with permanence. I guarantee you, that your first draft written in permanent form, will be better than your 5th draft written in a temporary form. Don't be intimidated by the process - so many people say they are afraid to write into such a pretty book, they don't want to "waste" it. Don't think like that. It's likely a $15 book you're talking about. You waste that much at the mall or on an overpriced meal. If you feel like you messed it up, buy another one. I have been using blank books for writing down dreams, songs, spells and my perfume recipes since I was 12 years old. I use them for planning - my move 1,000 miles away to a new town, my new home, my store. Writing in this form....it makes things happen, it makes thoughts into reality. Makes dreams come true. Try it.
  5. Simple wire wrapped stones using plated copper wire in a variety of beautiful colors. Each is strung on an adjustable veggie-leather (waxed linen) black cord. $6.00 for each one, or four of them for $20.00 Our selection of these changes constantly, so please specify the type of crystal you are seeking and specify a color of wire if you like, and we will choose the one that most closely matches what you describe. All are hand crafted one of a kind. Here is a link to our guide of what the stones mean: The Power of Crystals: http://lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/lore/stones_and_crystals We generally carry the following stones in this collection, though our selection changes often: Agate, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Aventurine , Bloodstone , Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, Citrine, Quartz Crystal , Fluorite, Fossilized Shark's Teeth, Goldstone, Hematite, Jade, Jasper, Labradorite, Moss Agate, Onyx, Orange Calcite, Petrified Wood, Pyrite, Rose Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Serpentine, Smokey Quartz, Sodalite, Tiger Eye Here are some examples, there's quite a bit more so please ask! : * * * * * * * * * * These Items are located in our retail store at 703 Main St, Vancouver WA 98660. We are happy to ship these items, please email us with your want list and we will send you an invoice. Thanks! Email: LovePotionPerfume-Store@yahoo.com
  6. I'm getting a few questions as to how close each one is to the original, so I just want to say to everyone, please get the sampler set or trial vials of the ones you are interested in before you decide to hoard anything. Please! I made double the amount of the most popular ones so they are not in danger of selling out overnight. Sample before you hoard. Treat them like a fresh NR set.
  7. By popular demand, a Greatest Hits Collection for 2015! Encore performances of some of our favorite blends - some have new names or new labels, some have had their recipes updated, while many are extremely faithful to the original, but the character of each remains what you loved about the originals. Enjoy! Honeyed Love Potion w/ Gotcha Ambrosia of Eros w/ EoW Copulins (formerly known as Glistening Buttons) Bad Boy Body Paint Kittenish A Lick of Cream Mermaids of Atlantis Pillow Stuffing Soul Food Spirit Bottle Tropical Musk (formerly known as Christine's Tropical Musk and also Velvet & Steel - this is the V&S version as close as I could get it!) Velvet Kisses w/ Cuddle Bunny FYI: Our yearly SALE starts the first weekend of August and continues through part of September. Next New Releases are scheduled for October 2015.
  8. I saved one of each aside for you because you usually order more than one in the end. Just email John for an invoice whenever you are ready. OK, I WILL MAKE MORE MAMA LION!
  9. It's a famous standard, still under copyright. I found the song and thought it described the perfume perfectly. I think this scent is one of John's best efforts!
  10. 'twas just a garden in the rain Close to a little leafy lane A touch of color 'neath skies of gray The raindrops kissed the flower beds The blossoms raised their thirsty heads A perfumed "Thank you" they seemed to say Surely here was charm beyond compare - to view Maybe it was just that I was there - with you 'twas just a garden in the rain But then the sun came out again And sent us happily on our way
  11. Just some background for the curious.... Night Blooming Jasmine is actually an entirely different flower and family than 'regular' jasmine, but the scents have enough in common I suppose to share a name. Real jasmine is in the olive family, while NB Jasmine is in the potato family! When I smelled the Hedione on its own, I thought not of real jasmine, but of NB Jasmine, so I designed the scent using only the NB to support and bolster the faint fragile scent of the Hedione. To my nose, NB Jasmine is airy and watery and does not have the musky indole quality. The descriptions of Hedione talk about the quest to find the scent of jasmine on the air, rather than the concentrated plant smell, which is why I went with Night Blooming rather than a Jasmine absolute. NB Jasmine is extremely hard to find in oils, and some of the ones I used for this date back to the making of Mara's Magick over 10 years ago. I had been hoarding it because I couldn't replace it, and used up every drop I had on hand of multiple varieties to try to do justice to our maiden foray into the use of Hedione.
  12. oK, Got it all updated to here. Sorry for not being on this post for a few days. Seajam, You've got 2 more, for a total of 3. Thank you. Blackcat, sorry about the wait for your package. The guys told me it went out today and took awhile due to the sprays and such. Apologies. Thanks for being so patient. xoxox
  13. Potion Master


    FYI - The witchie bathing salts that I have in the store right now have a simplified version of this scent.
  14. One scent. It's a mixture of fresh fragrant herbs. Lavender, Chamomile, Oakmoss, Peppermint, Patchouli. (There is no scent oil added to them, it's just leaves and flowers)
  15. Just pricey to ship. ($15 at least) Would be smart to order large and/or heavy items together so that postage costs will average out a little better. Order along with B&B items. etc.
  16. Well, there's one left, but I was holding it in case Snoops wanted another. Yes, it's entirely unisex in the same way as Mark's Girl Nip is unisex, and this one is a little more mellow, so yes you could def wear this. And if there's demand for more, I can make another round. It's VERY soft and tame, Rose. This white patch is sheer and light, kind of like a lightly resinous musk. It doesn't really resemble the heavy gooey patchoulis all that closely. And yes, the Iris is most definitely front and center. The other notes compliment but do not compete or cover the flower.
  17. oh wait, Hearts, I just remembered, I already put aside another for you of that one. Ok, just talked to Hearts, LV, you're in!
  18. Lisa, did you still want Six of Cups? That one's not confirmed. Thanks!
  19. ok, got them all to here. Thanks everyone! Will get to the emails in a few mins. It's time to feed my thumbless cats their dinner! Heee!
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