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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I may be remembering wrong, but I think Selenite is a bad candidate to wrap because it's so soft and crumbly. I was just offered some last weekend and turned it down. I will keep an eye out though if you want me to find some for you. The same vendor will be back again. Let me know.
  2. I've got one on each hand tonight, and after drydown, they are identical on my skin. My version is more concentrated, so it takes a few mins to even out between the two.
  3. Many natural musks really do have a floral quality about them, so it doesn't surprise me if they advertised it as having a floral note even if one wasn't directly added. Dolly also reminded me that if probably had sandalwood too, and one of the musks I used is in fact a sandalwood steeped musk.
  4. No, that makes 4, right? How many do you want total? I reserved 4 for you cuz you said 3 plus maybe one more. Right?
  5. Now that the notes are posted, reservations or changes to the above?
  6. I'll be back later to add descripts! Harrison's Private Edition Harrison asked for a raisin-tobacco scent, and I think I hit this one spot on. A base of non-foody vanilla blended with cured tobacco and roasted tea leaves, layered with a thick raisin note and a few drops of bourbon. I think this will be fabulously sexy on a man. I'd wear it too. 5 bottles available (Luna, Spoonki, QuietGuy, Katz, Invi) Tyvey's Eternal Summer A base of sun-tanny black coconut oil and a soft white skin musk, lightly sweetened with smoked sugar cane and powdered sugar, and a hint of sea salt. It smells just like skin after you've been on the beach all day! 7 bottles available (Birkeys x2, Invi, JLisa, Maililyahn, SeaJam, Blackcat) Tyvey Lovestruck's Honeyed Blackberry This one is based upon a body butter that Lovestruck adores and wanted something similar in a PE. It's very simple, just notes of lightly spiced blackberry and 2 kinds of sweet light honey - Spring and Orange Blossom - and a few drops of sweet amber in the base. No bottles left of the original brew, but if people want, I can make more to share. 0 bottles available (Invi, Maililyahn Invidiana's October Laundry Label by Invidiana! This one came out exactly as Invi envisioned. Here's her notes: "October Laundry was actually inspired by biking outside around mid-late October. I always smelled fresh linens from the neighbors' (the detergent they used had some sort of nonfoody vanilla-ish thing going on) mingling with the woodsmoke from their chimneys and dry leaves piled up at the curb. So the notes are actually linen, nonfoody vanilla, dry leaves, woodsmoke and--of course I had to ask Mara to add just a drop of pumpkin to it." ^^What she said^^. A base of non-foody vanilla, layered with the scent of dry leaves, linen, woodsmoke and a dash of fleshy (not spicy) pumpkin. 7 bottles available (Blackcat x2, Seajam, Maililyahn, Baroness Invidiana's Frost on the Pumpkin Label by Invidiana! As Invi describes...."Sweet pumpkin flesh with a frosty note and the barest hint of spice, with drops of medium sweet amber and nonfoody vanilla to ground. I wanted it to evoke the spirit of post-Halloween pumpkins glittering with the first crystals of frost." A base of non-foody vanilla, and a fleshy (barely spicy) pumpkin, a drop of sweet amber in the base, and for the frosty note, I combined 1 drop each of mistletoe, mint and pine. 7 bottles available Lina's I Autumn Lina says: "My vision was a cool Autumn day, walking under maple trees, smelling bonfire smoke with a hint of marshmallows- and a touch of fall pumpkin in the air. I asked for more atmospheric than foodie for that one. Maple, leaves, toasted marshmallow and pumpkin." Ingredients: Dry leaves and woods, combined with hints of maple, marshmallow, pumpkin and woodsmoke. 2 bottles available (Invi, Blackcat) Lina's I Halloween Get it? Hearts? Lina asked for: "Totally foodie- pumpkin cupcake style. Pumpkin, cream cheese frosting, walnut and brown sugar " I started with buttery pumpkin notes as Lina suggested in her email to me, blended with a few diff kinds of cream cheese and buttercream frosting oils, brown sugar, and drops of walnut and pecan. Super sweet and buttery, like fresh out of the oven! 6 bottles available (Invi, Blackcat, Baroness Out of this World Musk Hello, Dolly? Dolly sent me a precious sample of an old favorite of hers, and many other people's as well. I have made variants of this perfume 4 or 5 times over the years per request, always a slightly different recipe, but always extremely close to the original. It goes very fast every time I make this, so this time I made a bunch to share. The ingredients are simply layers of musks and a hint of vanilla. A timeless classic. 20 bottles available (StacyK, Birkeys x2, Phergineer, Luna, SeaJam, Robert, Invi, Halo, Blackcat
  7. This is the biggest complaint they've been getting. Hours and hours of lag time between the payment being made and the payment showing up on the other end. They're working on it.
  8. There's a serious mess going on at PayPal right now. They have been doing, ahem, "upgrades" these past weeks and all the bugs have exploded all over them the past 24 hours. We are working as fast as we can to get through the invoices and orders, but we are seriously hampered by the wait times, log outs and malfunctions, so please be patient with us. They claim they should be able to fix things over the next day. We shall see. Thanks.
  9. DolphinDolls and any other interested parties, it turns out we have a few bottles of Pirouette left and they are now back in the cart. DDolls. I am holding one aside for you (not in cart), so email if you are interested.
  10. We had this tub of caramel from the market that we got last October for dipping apples and we never used it. One recent day, EBIL! struck, and I put a dollop on top of my orange sherbet. OMG, DO IT!!!! It's awesome! And it spawned this yummiosity...
  11. Loading more things on Etsy throughout the evening, so check back! Wendy, the readers were great. It was mostly a meet and greet for them, and one of the ladies, Laura Clarson, she is so charismatic she could have her own TV show. She's wonderful. Everyone LOVED them. One of the guests somehow wheedled both of them into giving her free consultations, and she ended up in emotional tears and needing to be driven home. She might have had a little too much of my Witches Brew tho, as well. Oh yeah, the Witches Brew went over fantastic, people were actually asking for the recipe, and Jessica and I were cracking up and pretending it had been so much effort to concoct, when we really just improvised it on the spot. No one even drank the champagne we had out! Here's our recipe.... Big punchbowl filled with Apple Cider, lemons, apple chunks, a gallon of Dark Rum, a litre of Spiced Rum, and a bottle of Triple Sec. Weee!
  12. I really loved the one for Blue Smoke, Luna. That's the scent I wore to the party, btw, and what an awesome party it was! Our best yet! One of the Readers marveled, "People just do not want to leave this shop!" Oh and another note to all....I am in the process of loading up Etsy with a bunch of GGGs and all the Autumnals on there are being listed on SALE for $16.95. We've also got a great grab bag of 'Weenie trials, 12 of them for $24.00 and packaged in the glass Halloween lantern we bought for last year. Only a dozen available, so grab quick!
  13. yay! You went in today! I didn't expect that! Hope you feel better soon!
  14. Potion Master

    A Wake

    Thank you for sharing, Wendy!
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