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Posts posted by livinlavidacabo

  1. Eggers you almost made me spit out my coffee! I figured it was a bit of a silly question but I wasn't due until Sunday ... and then I thought back to how over a week ago I had broken out more a lot more than my usual 1 on the chin ... and really wished I kept better track of which phero blends I am using on which days even if just to see which ones really are better for me.


    Side Note with possibly no relevance: Mr C himself becomes an azz of great proportions and always seems to be the most stressed himself just before I start (a day or two) and HE reminding me of the husband in Sleeping with the Enemy Saturday. Refolding towels, rearranging book shelves, opening cupboards looking for something to organize and pissed that nothing is ... its a once a month just before I start thing. His behavior along with many others things is actually what prompted me to look into mones in addition to aromatherapy.


    I tend to question everything on "odd" years and for me, it's not that it 13 but that I'm 37.


    Going off my own topic sorry. A few days isn't a big deal. I was just curious if I can blame something other than the number 37 ;-)

  2. Maybe this has been covered adnauseam (funny because nausea is one if my initial symptoms) but how likely is it that use of phero's would alter menstral cycles? I'm four days early! I know many things can alter it this is just really weird.


    Again, sorry if there have been millions of threads covering this I just do not feel well enough to search. Give me three days ;-) oh crap ... I hope it doesn't get lengthened!!!! That sounded dirty haha

  3. For sure a FB of something with PP and PM


    A handful a tarts w/TH and BB for the home because the phero's hit Mr C the moment he walks in the door. So besides the smell of dinner coming from the kitchen that makes it smell like home (he used to comment every night - there's a story there I just dot know where to share it) plus they smell so yummyyyyyyyyyyyy


    Considering Winter Woody tart for our retail store that is 99.99% men ... and often smells like it and often not in a good way. :-)


    Super duper and I mean really mad at Mr C and I'm having a hard time deciding if I want to be the kind of woman that goes on a shopping spree and gets samplers of both months as its not in the budget. Funny, he knows girls need girly things so he wouldn't flinch but I'm frugal LOL I'm really confused ... I need them both.

  4. I Wanted to love this but the phero didn't suit me I don't think. I need to retest though in case I was just moody, weepy and angry anyway. Totally not what I expected to happen. I know heightened emotion is an effect, I just didn't expect total mood change or reduced tolerance!


    Same for me last night. It also softened MrC towards me a little where he was speaking calmly and sweetly even but he wouldn't/couldn't listen to our 16 year old and was condescending towards him which then made me angry and weepy and THEN Mr C would listen to our youngest. Weird. I had hoped this would make him chill all the way around. I'll try it again another time when PMS isn't a factor.

  5. I generally like to stay in a vanilla world but I couldn't help but try this one a few nights ago.


    It started off really strong and I mostly got cloves. The cinnamon was a little warm for my skin but I use it in EO sparingly for infection so I didn't mind. Mr C commented twice that I smelled REALLY good; the second time I though he might put the laptop down by the slight change in his voice but we aren't there yet.


    It mellowed quickly on me to the smell of butter cookies lightly dusted with spice and lots of things nice.


    I will for sure be wearing this one again on cold nights!

  6. Oh trust me, as soon as we actually "make out", you'll be hearing about it! (giggle)


    The distance, at least in my mind, is such a great one that it might be a while but inside ... I'm feeling like I have been suddenly shifted to another dimension. Thank you for the encouragement!

  7. The initial sensation that I have with this scent I imagine to be very similar to me plunging my hand into a bowl of frosting because it takes everything I have in me not to lick my arm and hours later, I am still smelling pretty tasty!


    I had originally picked something else for work but I've been told how UN-popular I am there - and for my own sanity thought to try this first. After my morning turned sour in the office today I grabbed my purse, went to the bathroom like I was sneaking a drug (its how I felt with Mr C watching me), and put some on the back of my hands so that I could smell yummy and get the instant happy feeling this gives me. Mr C's mood had also taken a turn or so I feared (he had been exposed to me earlier in the morning when I was wearing a blend with OW so I will never know what kept him from going ballistic) and while he was never quite the same he did perk up considerably. I even walked up to one of our staff and sweetly insisted he tell me if the new perfume smells like a cupcake so he'd get phero'd. My bad I know but he resents me (and the reason I have SWS) and this w/PP makes him smile at me (even from a distance). He perked up after having been in a bit of trouble which was important to get through the day.


    This potion makes me love me. It makes me happy. I could care less what other people think of me when I wear this and that is sooooo not me. We are somewhat well known where we live and well, Mr C (congeniality) is hard to stand next to most days without both being invisible and/or feeling invisible and ending up with a grumpy look on my face ... anxiety disorder (stress more than social) aside!


    At the end of the day yesterday I excused myself before sitting for a late lunch at a place filled with people we knew and put a little on before making the rounds to say hello to everyone before finding our table and for the first time in almost forever, it felt like people really were happy to see me and if they weren't, I was so happy I didn't care! This is significant because I am NOT a happy person and my face shows my emotions. I had SUCH a good day yesterday!! I never have good days and while it has been getting me through work days I hadn't worn this in a true social environment yet. WINNER because it makes me feel like one!


    It's going to be hard not to buy this in a full bottle when I order a full bottle of Unisexy w/PM ... plus I don't know how I will live without the wax melts ...


    Edited because I can't spell.

  8. This was the first blend I tried probably because I really wanted Mr C and I to feel like we really are a Perfect Match for each other after all these years. Mr C knows I was "picking up" some perfume samples but I failed to mentioned some (all) might be enhanced ...


    I think I said it in the Intro/Welcome section but it was weird, my nose picked up baby powder. Where did that come from? LOL I thought possibly because I had been sick, but it was a tummy virus w/vertigo so yes my senses were off but then later that afternoon when Mr C came to lay next to me I made sure my elbow passed by his head and he grabbed my arm, took a deep breath, twice, then declared I smelled of Raspberries. I've since worn it and the most prominent scent on me is maple.


    I cannot begin to describe how happy just the smell makes me. It is very calming but of course, there's also the PM ...


    For the last several years, Mr C has been very good at making it a point to tell me he loves me all throughout the day every day. His body language and lack of affections tells me otherwise but of course, there is a tremendous amount of stress ...


    Wearing Perfect Match has Mr C walking up to me and kissing me sweetly or pulling me into a hug as I walk by, insisting I need my shoulders rubbed, that I sit near him - I am finding him sleeping on MY pillow in the middle of the night. We seemed to have gone from roommates to a sexless couple which is in itself amazing progress. Self effects? Absolutely. Making my man sweet on me again. Oh hell yeah. What is really amazing though is seeing Mr C relaxed and dare I say, happy! I haven't gone heavy with this yet because I am just trying phero's for the first time. Hmmmm ....


    This will most assuredly be my first full bottle purchase. I refuse to live without this one for the scent and the way I feel, the way I see it make my husband feel, which makes for a happier family life. I might even get this w/out phero's as well because I know we will both associate the happy feeling with the scent on some level over time without the possible risk of becoming (can't think of the right words) desensitized to the PM blend.


    LOVE - LOVE - LOVE this!!


    Edited to add: Mr C grabbing my arm like that and taking two strong deep inhalations was more than out of character; this stirred something in him. `I got a real kick out of it and that is when I knew this was going to be a winner. :-) After-thought #2: I am also shocked at how loving I felt towards him wearing this as I've been starting to resent him. I might have more later. LOL

  9. I tried to wear Stealing Heaven both yesterday and today and it is not agreeing with me :-(


    First it's a light citrus with a note that is pleasant but unfamiliar to me but then about two hours later I'm smelling stale cigarettes which I am really hoping is hormone related. I will try again once a week for the next month because I really like the idea of this blend.


    Self effects YAY!! We zip lined yesterday with an acquaintance and the socially awkward me had a great time as did my youngest (16) who inherited my hermit gene (poor guy). It was great to be able to just go with the day and have fun where usually at some point I would have become annoyed or offended.


    Tried it again today for a test run at work. OMG - twice as much used hoping the initial scent might last longer resulted in a very chatty me!! Happy and chatty. Of course someone managed to ruin it but I'm positive I would've handled the bad of my morning so much worse had I not, been wearing OW! Working with Mr C (my SO) I can't help but wonder if his part of dealing with the bad would have been worse if I was not wearing OW.


    Even if the scent never agrees with me, there is a place in my life for OW as I felt like a million dollars. Maybe half as much next time. I'm the only woman in the workplace - the chatty part is not a good thing LOL but I was seriously happy!!

  10. Welcome! Most of the time when I'm sick I just don't want to wear perfume at all (that's actually one of the telltale signs I'm sick to begin with :lol: ) but when I do it's usually something that's fresh, calming or both. Heart's Ease and With Every Breath are great for that, anything with lavender, really. You'll find Mara's lavenders aren't the sharp kind but the soft, soothing kind. Certain florals like Xuehua Xing are great for that too.


    Funny you mentioned Xuehua Xing as Mara gifted me with that in those cute micro sample bottles and I was drawn to that scent while sick in bed with a nasty stomach flu complete with a weeks worth of vertigo and I know I shouldn't have phero'd, but I couldn't help myself!


    Reviews will be hard as I jumped in with the PM on me and used the wax melts with TH and BB on the entire family (Mr C plus teen boys) to chill everyone out while I rested all at the same time (I didn't combine the wax melts)


    I do know one thing for sure ... it's only been a short time, but I will be posting in the thread asking if our lives have changed soon!



  11. The thought of having to go through so many LP's to find one that works on Mr.C is daunting but if they work on everyone in our social circle I'm good with that. Especially considering that I just got my order! Thank you for the gifties Mara and John!! I'd do a happy dance but I'm in bed with the flu :-(


    Interesting thing that happened ... went to my acupuncturist to insta-fix me (works every time) but when I got there I realized he was still on holiday. Boo. Figured since I was out and in the area I could pick up my order and as soon as I opened the box and started sniffing the wax melts the dizziness went away. Self effects? LOL


    Couldn't decide what to wear being sick in bed but decided upon Perfect Match. My sniffer must be broken (its not a head cold I have) as on me, it smells a little floral and baby powder like with a touch of vanilla. It's nice and light and if it didn't have phero's in it, I probably would have slathered on a lot but being a pheromone virgin, I'm taking it slow. ;-)



  12. You all just made me cry and I've done that enough today. LOL


    Thank you for warm reception.


    My first order is a measly 10 minute drive from me and the office was closed so I will have to wait till Wednsday :-(


    Sad, as tomorrow is my birthday and this is my gift to myself.


    I already feel so at home here.



  13. Thank you for the welcome's!


    Tyvey, that is a good question. I'm the petitie girl in the corner that everyone talks over and forgets is there until I clearly look unhappy, and then I'm the girl that makes everyone uncomfortable because I'm not being friendly enough - so I'm told (the latter part). I feel alpha but tend to attract ... narcisists.


    Eggers, I was thinking of SWS and then I think I read someone else suggested PP towards the middle or end of the day. I like the suggestion of anything with Open Windows and I thank you.


    I have a feeling I am going to become a hoarder! I am already working on my 2nd order without having received the first. I may not have a bath tub but some of the scrubs are calling my name and I am already regretting not getting a kit. :)

  14. I've been working on an intro post for about 30 minutes now and decided I am such a nerd and wow do I have issues! Delete and start over.


    I am waiting on my first order of samples and not only can I not wait for them to get here I wish I already knew what to order full size and what else I might fancy! After today anything with SWS and/or PP sounds like something I'd like to drown myself in the hot-tub with.


    Starting off with:


    Empathy & Harmony

    Darling Catalina w/Popularity Potion

    Unisexy Perfect Match

    Stealing Heaven

    Lap of Luxury w/ SWS

    Message in a Bottle

    Balm Bomb

    Phero Girl

    ... and a few Wax melts to neutralize the men in this house.


    While I was orignally looking for something to help the husband (I think I'll refer to him as Mr. C, for "congeniality" as almost all seem to love/like him) remember I exist as the sex goddess he used to think I am/was (not sure anymore), I realized that LP has so many things my head started to spin. I could wear something when my introvert youngest son (late teens) needs a boost and I am too down on myself that day, or like today when I left our retail store for the day and told my staff if they needed anything to call me and got a smuggy laugh that probably meant "as if" (I am a white woman running a business full of latino men -hubby isn't latino- and I don't think they realize or care, that I also, own the store; it's so 50 years ago where I live sometimes) ... yeah, thats the icing of my life; zero respect.


    Starting to feel cursed ... whole other topic. Or not.


    Funny. The thing I came for and Mara suggested, Phero Girl, might be the last one I try. Mr. C hasn't been interested in years. Like most, we have stress. Like many, he can only focus on the big picture and while yes the future has me right by his side it sure feels lonely ... it'd be nice if only a time or two a week I could get him to remember there is an "us" that needs to be nurtured.


    I've read so many posts here I wish I could remember which of you unknowingly helped me to look for scents/phero's that will aid in rebuilding as there is hope. He still holds my hand often while watching TV and/or falling alseep, but he has certainly lost his desire. I don't think he's even looking at porn anymore. YAY and uh-oh all at the same time! LOL


    Since work always manages to come home with "us" and image is more than it should be, if I have not already picked it, what would you suggest I try for work? I am surrounded by (employees and customers) super macho king of the world men all day who literally, each thinks of himself as the Senior Commander of the Isle of Narcisism?

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