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Posts posted by Neve

  1. I have the popularity potion but it doesn't seem to work for me for some reason. The reactions I've received are pretty weak...I've worn it around groups of women, men and mixed...and suprisingly it just doesn't do much. But one time I was on the train and I sneezed and this girl said bless you but I didn't fully hear her cause I had my ipod playing; so like a couple of minutes later I happened to glance down in her direction and she made sure she said bless you again.she had to repeat it like 3 times cause like I said I had my ipod and was in another world. That was about the only reaction I had with it.

  2. I have used it - and it does exactly what it is supposed to in my case. Men were very attentive and eager to do stuff for me, looks from many others passing by, I went out for drinks with friends and I was wearing it. The guy I was meeting "noticed" when I first walked up to him - (like he had a bit of an animalistic, noticing you type of look) but he then hid it very well the rest of the time (he is in a relationship and we are just friends although there is chemistry). The woman accompanying us (who is a lesbian) was a little combative. Some of the bartenders (both female) I caught looking at me from the bar. Like an open stare, observing, like trying to figure out out my mojo was...


    Once I was wearing cuddle bunny with these two at a restaurant - I think the waitress was a lesbian because after I snuck some on, she started getting really nervous around me. Looking like she didn't want to mess up and be embarrassed in front of me when telling us the specials. I have no idea why theres so many lesbian interactions...as I am not one.


    Hey can anyone tell me if or when more EST is coming??????? I've been strapped financially with a situation I must attend to and could not order for some time.. Someone please enlighten me.

  3. Great - thanks for this Dolly..I've found Est also makes women look favorably on you too. anyone else have this experience?..I've always talked about how bitchy I've experienced other women when wearing pheros but i actually had a decent reaction when wearing est (specifically cuddle bunny)

  4. You may want to take a look at LP autumn, very nice....

    Welcome Seraphine! I love autumn scents too! I'm a New Englander (sort of) and lovve Autumn! Let me tell you LP -Autumn is amazzzing. I just kept unconsciously sniffing my arm like every 2 seconds, i wear it to bed, around the house, I just cannot get enough! Hallowtide, Bonfire & Pumpkin are next on my hit list...


    oh hey - I have s story for you too - i started putting out birdseed on my fire escape so my cats can have some entertainment when i'm away, for weeks no birds came - then one night as I'm closing the drapes I see something huge sitting on the railings, guess what? it was a hawk! he slept there the entire night - when i looked the next morning he was still there but then he saw me and flew away. ever since then i have seen him flying around my building - i guess this is his territory. I live in the northern most tip of manhattan & we have 2 parks here where they say it has not changed much since the indians sold it to the pilgrims..


    Hey CC - how have things being going? How do you like your perfumes so far, what are your favorites?

  5. Isn't is absolutely decadent? And, you can also use it to change the underlying feel of so many other scents by layering it.....it is one if the staples in my LP stash....




    Truly! I have NEVER smelled anything like this before...I'm almost a little afraid to wear it outside because it is so blatantly sexual...what a weapon this is. This will have men on their knees!!!! I'm curious how this will compare with honeyed seductions...

  6. I just got off the phone with Pharmacom and they're going to make us up some new blends that we've been discussing here!


    Our Cuddle Bunny combo that Ail came up with - we did it as Est and Cops, and Mr. Pharmacom said, "Great idea - mind if I jazz it up a little?" YES PLEASE! :lightsaber1:


    I asked for a Popularity Potion - a social blend, so other girls don't hate you when you're getting all the attention. :lol2: Make everyone around you be happy and have a good time, and like you regardless of gender.


    Thanks Mara! Looking forward to both of these... :banana063:

  7. Sugared Honeycomb is fabulous! This is a standout by far..wow it really smells like sex, that's like the first thing I thought of but it smells so so good! I cannot wait to wear this around my man...Nossa! every female should be lucky enough to have this...This is BELEZA!

  8. Thanks, girls, I will definitely give these ideas consideration.


    I keep forgetting, and Neve reminded me, that it's probably stress. I won't go into details and bore all of you but family, home, money (I'm sure this is bad for most of us right now), and work crap over the last year has been hellatious. Unfortunately all that isn't going to be quick and simple to work out, and life seems so complicated these days that I wonder if it ever will all straighten out. :lightsaber1:


    Sending you much positive energy and remember God/Universe/Spirit's peaceful loving energy is always with you beneath the chaos

  9. OK, weeeeeeell, here is something to keep in mind.....


    PheroBoy has Androstenol and AndrosteRONE, both of which are fine for female use. However, Dominance for men is AndrosteRONE and AndrosteNONE. If you try the men's Dom, be careful how much you apply at first, because I am not sure how much AndrosteNONE it has in it. Some women do not tolerate large amounts of male "alpha" pheros. I do ok with them, but some women say they get bitchy with too much......


    Yes - i am one of these women - be careful because you may not realize how bitchy you can get until way afterwards...other women may react badly to you as well (I've experience this several times with friendly female coworkers)...I once wore a None/Nol mix from another company, I practice a martial art seriously so I was coming from this graduation ceremony with a couple of my peers and my instructor. (who is a lesbian female) We never had any beef but she got soooo evil with me..later I when I was sparring we had this guest visiting us from france, her style was very difficult for me to decipher and I became very frustrated and started to go after her...I was like :lightsaber1: I can usually maintain my composure...but Another time I was wearing a None concentrate only (it as a freebie) I was fine and alot of men were acting like I was a queen. I guess the moral of the story is - 1. quality of the company you are dealing with may be a factor - which is a non issue at LP 2. if you use don't OD and be aware of your own reactions.

  10. Yes I am a meanie - but to be honest tho I have told a few of my girlfriends about LP already but they seemed to not be so into it for some reason...but I don't tell anyone about pheros.

  11. I am particular in my scents, but my group of friends is quite diverse AND I have acouple who are quite interested so I am quite happy to share these lovely scents around :blue_dancing_banana:

    you are way more generous than me - this store will be my secret weapon...will i ever tell friends where i buy my pheros or if I do? hell no! hahaha! "hey you smell so good!! what r u wearing? "uhhh, I don't remember" ... maybe i'll loosen up one day.

  12. Hi Therapygirl and welcome to the forum. I am also new and like Neve have made 2 HUGE orders :dancingfruits0nm: and have yet to receive anything yet but am OH SO excited! I look forward to comparing notes with the 2 of you, so what did you end up ordering Neve?

    well lets seeeeee.....1st order was LP Red, LP winter Solstice, sugared honeycomb, scented Cougar, Cuddle Bunny, Summer of Sin and Mermaids..


    my second order - LP-Autumn, Dominance, Allegro, new PheroGirl, Honeyed Seductions, Dark Seductions, scented SuperGirl & Intelligent Woman..I have events coming up and I'm already trying to plan what scent I should wear. lol! I love pheromones and foody scents, fruits and spices as well as some greenery - I'm not too much of a floral person but i hope to be pleasantly surprised with some scents going forward...like Betrothal if it gets rebrewed..how about you CC?

  13. Holy Cow!!! That pic of the white cat is EXACTLY the spitting image of my cat AND she has her own little white wrestling partner just like that except her partner is a lamb..she wrestles him and takes her feet and hits him exactly like that! it's so hysterical..Wow that is spooky! I'll have to take a pic and post!

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