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Posts posted by AncientGoddess

  1. At the first glance of the displayed prices on the webpage, One could take the opinion that the products may be a little expensive for oil type perfume/fragrances ect.

    But come the day for opening the delivered package and then any sutch opinions will absolutley fade into obscurity at the speed of light, When the discovery is made that the quality and presentation of the LovePotionPerfume products far exceed that which could have been ever expected.

    Yes the quality is far superior to any similar products i have ordered ever.

    My Love Potion Black is Perfect Perfect Perfect, And also extra nice with the choice i made to add the Super Sexy Pheromone Blend for Men to this Potion.


    I was also most greatfull to have received a complimentary vial of Woodland Man ( Pheromone enhanced ) And also a vial of Synchronicity Pheromone Fragrance ( uniSex )


    The check out girl must have read my mind because these were the exact two that i would have chosen to test out, so a heartfelt thank you girls.


    I can understand why the girls in this establishment are so very busy because there is just so much more than mere money goes into the creation and presentation of these remarkable products that are offered here, for our pleasure.


    I had just finished a job and had been up since 3.30 am and arrived home at about 11am

    So i opened the package and just placed a bare cats whisker of a dot of the LP Black on my left thumb, and a flys tongue lick of Woodland Man on my right thumb, Just so as to get a quick nose on smell of each before my anticipated afternoon shower.


    As i was walking up the 4 flights of stairs to my unit i arrived at the front door and all of a sudden i was surrounded by the wonderfull fragrance of my subatomic sized applications, And believe me it was more than a fragrant smell, it was like the fragrance moved me into its own magic cloud, and wow what a feeling.


    It is my honest opinion that these creations have been crafted by the hands of a true master or mistress whatever, Just so good, Maby not of this World. :bo:



    What an amazing description. I couldnt have said it better myself but yes thats how I became an addict of Love Potion Perfume too. First when coming to this site you dont know what to expect and the prices for oil perfume do look a bit pricy but when you get that "Happy Box" in the mail and you actually try it for the first time, thats it, the potions at that point will become you. The price at that point has no value only the potions themselves. Well, of course everything has its boundries but the terms "a bit pricy" have no value at that point. The potions will become your friend, lover, apprentice, etc etc ...all I have to say is iam hooked and have been now for a year so with all this said KEEP THEM COMING LADIES, JUST KEEP THEM COMING. heheheh! :001_302:

  2. Hi AncientGoddess! I don't know if it has been shipped yet, of course, but I usually recieve a confirmation of my order several days before it ships out. I know it can be hard waiting (especially with bundles of delicious goodies headed your way), but two weeks isn't really a bad deal since they never charge for shipping in the US.


    Trust me, the end result is ALWAYS worth the wait! :)



    hehehehhee oh I know. My last order was just some samples but as soon as I saw that little happy box in my mail box I screamed like a crazy women from excitment....heheheheheh! :)

  3. QUESTION?? I just placed my order i believe it was Sep. 12, 2008. No iam not writing to complain I know its still early but I got a response from Mara and in the email she said "My package is on its way" however I didnt recieve a tracking number yet so does it mean its already been sent out or is it getting ready to be sent out soon but hasnt been yet?? Iam just wondering. :angel: hehehhee. Once again not trying to be a pain but this is my big order so iam more excited then usual about it.

  4. Heh...I'm looking for a new storage unit for my babies...I'm almost full in the cool little cigar box I've been using! That's FULL BOTTLES...know I no shame?


    hehehhehehe I put my in a "Crown Royal" bag. :bow: hehehhee. Its like a huge sag bag looks a bit like the bags they put the potions in but its huge. HEHEHEHHEE! I got it when I bought the alcohol a long time ago and was like oh cool this will work. I travel a bit so I like having all my beautiful smellies by my side so thats where I keep it. The problem is the bag is getting full...hehhee so Iam going to have to leave some at my apartment and take the once I use more often. :001_tt2:

  5. Thanks! I totally remember that. I almost feel bad about wanting the two free ones, since M&D put little samples in there anyway. It's like they're feeding the addiction like that crack dealer who stands at the corner and offers the first one for free. :D



    hehehehehe I know. Iam totally addicted to the potions. :) buts its all good its a good addiction.

  6. WELL.....this is an unsolicited opinion.....BUT, your BF may have been picking up the TAL vibe that a lot of men don't like.....some men are intimidated/don't like a "take charge" type of female (thankfully, my man loves it). I had some that I dated who became very cold/aloof when I would wear TAL.


    Anyhoo.....your problem is precisely why I never (until recently) told any man that I was involved with that I was using pheros. They would have thought nothing good about it. However, my current sweetie knows I use them, and I have gotten him to wear Super for men, himself. I won't let him take the bottle out of my house though.....not letting him out of my sight with that one on.....


    To keep things exciting though, unless I specify, my darlin' never knows IF or WHEN I am wearing, or WHAT pheros I am using.....keeps my testing more objective......



    Heh, I absolutley love C.F.M however when i wear it sometimes it makes me kinda bitchy especially if Iam wearing it when I have my monthly enemy....hehehe. I actually don't tell anyone about the potions not even my boyfriend although my boos at work has seen me on this website before but my boyfriend knows I use scented oils instead of actual perfume sprays. I tend to keep this stuff to myself though because around here mostly everyone is in there 20s or early 30s and people are noosy and kinda snoopy. If this gets out everyone is going to jump on it then I wouldnt be the special one smelling differently good...hehehehe no no, but I guess as a loyal and solo wiccan I like to keep some things private. My bestfriend/only real girl friend knows I use potions.

  7. A.G. if you Love Sweet Revenge, then you've gotta have Ashes t Dust. Not just because it helps banish whatever you are tryong to get the good attitudes "revenge" against, but because while it does't smell similar, it is the same kind of green herby smell to me. I use it when I am tired of florals and citrus, and can't deal with resins. It is criisp, and has the same fresh feel of Sweet Revenge! Good luck!


    Oh cool, Ya I dunno why I havent tried that yet. Ill probably grab a sample of it then see how I like it. Maybe I should just order the big one of it instead of "Breaking The Ceiling" AHHHH!!! I can't decide. I always have to think twice when it comes to this stuff. :banana105: I'll deffinatly will be getting C.F.M though ive been wanting to get that since it came out but changed my mind cause the other once I wanted were on Low Stock at the time so had to grab them first. Now iam finaly going to purchase it along with whatever I decide but shit I dunno. I'll have to think about it over night. Knowing my chaotic gemini personality maybe it would be better to get Ashes to Dust and Sweet Revenge. :banana105:

  8. Yes everyone tomorrow is the day!! I' am placing my big order since my last little order of some samples. I will be ordering big size bottles of C.F.M, Either Breaking The Ceiling or Freeyas Flirtation potion but I havent made up my mind on that one yet i'll have to think about it over night. And of course my new love "Sweet Revenge" possibly even a small sample of Aches to Dust! Hehehehe! :banana105: Yes Yes Its going to be a Happy Friday!

  9. As almost 2x your age, IFF...(and AG, too) I can tell you my 20's were NOT easy! Not the most fulfilling relationships, partly due to the fact that I was still growing into my own person. Took me a while. I think 20's are a time of great growth, personal discovery, and growing pains...lots of good times, but for "happiness" and "contentedness"? - that took a bit longer. Besides, I don't think the majority of men in their 20's are at their best either! Some take till their 30's to be a bit less tough to hold a true relationship with. NOT to say that it doesn't /can't happen (or that bad relationships don't happen later on...I think hopefully we become more descriminating over time)! Just on "average"...my humble experience, .02, etc. etc.


    Hang in there ladies, men, relationships...stuff, it does get better!


    :offtopic: .....and now back to our original thread: I picked up the monthly sampler, Communication, Freya's Flirtation and uh...what? Portunus? I guess my package will be a bit of a surprise! :thumbup:



    Ya "Freaya Flirtation" is awsome too. Like ive been saying in my other posts so far the "July potions" are some of my favorite once on here . I haven't gotten all the big bottles yet of my favorite once for that month but i'll get there...lol. To many favorites from "July" hehehee :thumbup: but ya, 20's havent been the best for me so far. Lots of struggles with myself as well as my place in this world. A lot of times I feel out of place and I can't seem to find contentment not only with myself but in relationships and honestly everything but I am sure with time everything will get better.

  10. I am much to emabarassed at the amount I have ordered to write it in here lol, I went all out :)


    Oh and Karmiel, like luna said the vanilla bean is thicker and almost more creamier than the french vanilla. I a, sure if it doesnt work for you there will be others open to trade :lolipop:


    Hehehehe, dont be embaressed. I don't order a lot at once but I order often!! Sometimes to often...lol! :)

    Iam 25 years old now but I wish I would have discovered this site when i was like 18 years old oh boy would I have had a field day. Dunno why but iam a lot more reserved now then i was back then. I was a wild thing as a teenager and deffinatly boy crazy. But now not so much. I guess life! bad relationships especially 3 years of fighting and psychological obuse and living with the guy too. I am just finally now starting to get out off it and reconnect with myself thanks to the potions. I guess things in life come to you when their suppost too. But anyway, I am totally ;) right now. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: Thanks for listening though, I have little close friends especially ladies so its nice to be able to have something now that i do for me that inspires me and communicate with other people too. By the way I tried the "Sweet Revenge" and I absolutley love it. Seriuosly I dont have 1

    negative thought in my mind or worry which for me is a blessing! HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! hehehehehehehe Love ya! :drunk: Guilty!!! HEHEHEHEHEH!

  11. OK, I thought I would do a little "poll"......who's ordering what? What excites you the most?


    I'll start......I HAD TO order "976 Girl", to go with the series (Dirty Sexy, Nasty Habits).....then, I had to get samples of Taxed, Till Death, Bravado, and the "new" PheroGirl.......


    AND, I get a free bottle of "Honeyed Seductions".....I was sooooooo surprised and am soooooooo excited about this!!!




    My next order is most deffinatly going to be C.F.M unfortunatly I have to wait until next Thursday to place the order since its the beginning of the month and thats when I pay all my bills but next Thursday is the day! I'am praying it doesnt go on Low Stock by then but if so Mara hold one for me!!! :)

  12. Thats totally how I choose the potions that I buy from my "must haves" If they go on to the Low stock thread I have to stock up!


    I was also lucky enough to snatch a bottle of something voodoo this way comes, so good!



    I know, When i was doing my Clearance Sale purchase it was hard to pick what I wanted from the "July" selection because all the potions are freaken awsome! I would say most of my favorite potions to date came from the July month and iam thinking like "ok ill get C.F.M" but then i started wearing the others from "Julys" sample pack and was like nah ill wait to get the C.F.M and instead got "Something voodoo this way comes" Iam glad i went with my instict cause I was also able to snatch one of the bigger bottles thats now in Low Stock catergory. hehehehhe! I know i keep saying it but i seriuosly love this site. Iam so glad the spirits directed me here. :woohoonaner2gy: HEHEHEHEHEHE :drunk: Oh ya!!! Iam getting waisted everyone!!! Happy Friday!

  13. Have you tried any TAL based Pheromones? They might give you a lil more take charge Alpha feel, that you have come to enjoy ;) Something like CFM?

    Also take a look at some Dominance Pheros, that could be fun!


    Glad to see you are enjoying all your lovely packages!



    Yep, in fact my next purchase is going to be C.F.M I actually really liked the smell of that potion and it deffinatly made me feel stronger and more take charge without fear however, there is always so many things on here I like to purchase its hard to choose one, so I kinda have to be like well, these are on Low Stock iam going to get them first. :) hehehehe "Something Voodoo this way comes" also makes me feel more aware and in charge and unafraid as well ,so i had to grab that first. Good thing i did cause its in "Low Stock" section already!

  14. How was it AG? Did you LOVE it?What's your favorite...I don't have a package due for a while, gotta live vicariously..please share!



    Heh ya I always love coming home and seeing that little box in the mail. It's like I give myself a present every few weeks...hehehe! But anyway, Um, I think my favorite one is "Vain" I notice ever since I started ordering ive order "Vain" the most in sample sizes Thanks to the Clearance Sale I got a big bottle of it now. I'am by nature a very nice person and iam more giving then taking when it comes to people but sometimes my humbleness can be not good for I feel that people can sometime weather consciously or subconsciously attack me on a spiritual plane . With "Vain" I feel more stronger and when I look into a persons eyes they can't take away from me unless I give myself. I dont know if this makes sense but I truly like "Vain" a lot. Its doesnt make me selfish but just more stronger I think more knowledgable weather I should give myself off to this person or not. Also, "Something voodoo comes this way" is amazing! The smell, and the self confidence it gives me. I love this website! :020105~21:

  15. Thank you, Sweetie. Love you, tooo!

    Sent yesterday, two orders combined, with some extras as per our discussion.




    I got everything in the mail Monday morning and am very happy! Thanks a lot to The Love Potion Crew. You guys Rock and keep them coming monthly! I love this stuff man!!



  16. Damn Guys, This potion went quick. I just looked at the "Low Stock" section and I was suprized to see "Something Voodoo This Way Comes" was on there since it just came out for July. Thank God I grabbed a big bottle of it before it sold out. It is a very good potion and the scent is strong too. :offtopic:

  17. Yes, they are extremely busy. They are trying to work on the August releases, process regular orders, AND they are having this clearance....and, not sure if you know, but they don't have a "staff" like a lot of companies.....it is just the two of them.....


    Oh wow, Ya I can immagine how crazy it must be there right now. :)

    Its ok I understand it gets crazy at my job too. I work for a small Real Estate corporation and iam the only executive assistant here so I can understand. I'll be patient :)

  18. I placed an order last Friday and haven't gotten my tracking number yet. Sorry if I sound impatient but I hope you guys send my order out soon. :)




    Wow they really must me swamped right now. I still haven't recieved my tracking number. Maybe I'am being a little immpatient but I just love getting my orders towards the weekend because i put on my new potion and go out feeling empowered...lol! I usually place my orders on Fridays so they get to me by the following Friday but I guess I wont be getting anything this weekend :)

  19. Well, I thought I would revive this thread since Vain is one of the potions being offered on clearance.


    I am getting a full bottle in trade, so I pulled out one of my samples the other day.....wearing it to work over unscented Dominance was really good......


    That night, after I showered, I applied Blatant Invitation and covered it with Vain, so I could see what my darlin' thought of it. He really enjoyed the Vain.....he described it as very light, but still hot and spicy......he said he is glad I am getting a full bottle......



    Right on!! :offtopic: Vain is one of my favorite potions. I can't wait to get my full bottle of it as well soon!

  20. Heh! I know what you mean. I sometimes like to get my nails done and usually go shopping before every season when I need clothing but I order the potions at least something every 2 weeks sometimes even every weekend depending on this weeks pay check and how big or small my previous order was. LOL! Yes people were obsessed but hey guys whatever! Everyone has there thing that keeps them happy, motivated, inspired, protected and etc...and I suppose thats what the potions do for me. I love this site! I love New Age...lol! Iam wearing "Dragon, Phoenix, Pearl" right now and I feel really strong and good! :offtopic:



    I sound drunk in this posting! Lol! :offtopic: Ok Ok guilty for having a few glasses of wine and typing on here. hehehehe! :offtopic:

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