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Posts posted by Amalthea1978

  1. Thanks! I don't think it's the Est, since I don't get that way with CB, but it could have something to do with how they're combined I guess. Anyway, I'm definitely going to keep playing with cougar, probably for the rest of the week (unless I decide to throw in a CB day, but I did that Monday since I knew the guy was going to be grumpy that day - he was out of town and he always stresses when he comes back - CB didn't get crazy hits bc of that I think, but it offset the bad mood for sure). I have a sample of cougar potion coming in too, so I should be well set to play with some cougar! The scent of the Enduring Appeal actually turned out to be pretty good. Not one of my favorites, but definitely wearable. At first it smelled very soapy, which I didn't like, but within an hour or so it changed into something much better. I'm thinking tomorrow I may try a little more than I wore today since I know I can handle the scent.

  2. So today I tried out cougar for the first time, in a sample of Enduring Appeal! I've been looking forward to trying this phero, since I've heard SO much good about it, and also since so many of you here are telling me I need to go with less cops since I'm wearing my pheros to work. I'm not sure what's in cougar (correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the ingredients are listed for this one?) but I can tell by my friend's reaction that there's definitely some Est in there - he responded very favorably, although it wasn't the same crazy good mood happy that he gets from CB or sexology.


    Lol, complete ADD moment side-note here - one of our female co-workers was talking to me about this guy the other day. She has a degree in counseling, and she was concerned that he's having "manic episodes" when he's just super happy and talkative. I'm not telling anybody at work about the pheros, so she doesn't know, but everything she was talking about were from times I was wearing CB! I do have one co-worker who has caught on to the fact that he's happier when I'm around, but now I have her making comments about how we should be getting married, so I'm trying to discourage her a bit as well. Okay, sorry this whole paragraph has nothing to do with the question at hand, I just wanted to share:)


    Anyway, I did notice that about four hours into my day today, I just got super-grumpy and irritable! I'm wondering if certain pheros in the mix had burnt off quicker than others, leaving me with something that didn't agree with me. I find that I rarely feel self-effects from wearing pheromones, which makes it even odder. But really, for about an hour I felt like a complete raging b*tch for no real reason, and I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this experience with cougar?

  3. Thanks MDC! I'm actually seriously considering just buying a bottle of sexology unscented...I'm really only hesitating on it because so many people here have suggested that I lay off the cops at work. And really the whole point is my work guy friend. But I loved the reaction from it, I may just go for it anyway:)


    As for the honeyed lp, I now at least have received a full sample of it, so I can play around with it some more. I've gotten so many samples though, that I'm not sure exactly when I'll try the gotcha again. Next week, I get to test out cougar :cat690:

  4. Hi everyone!


    I'm finding that I'm not crazy about my CB spray bottle that I recently bought. It just seems like I don't get the same effects as from the oil. To be fair, I've only tried it twice so far - the first time I did spray some on my clothes, which everyone said might throw things off because the pheros wouldn't meld with my skin correctly, so I tried it again with none on my clothes...again, really not many reactions from it. Most of the ladies here are advising me not to use so many cops at work, so I've really been going easy on the CB, but I get such a good reaction that I don't want to give it up altogether. So today, to experiment, I tried using my oil sample again, and got my same old AMAZING reaction from my guy friend - even better, I think I might have seen my first DIHL reaction EVER. But now I can't decide if I want to keep playing with the spray, or put it up on the trading post so that I can afford to buy a bottle in oil. Decisions!

  5. Thanks MissHazel! I'm hoping for good things from the lumina...I just have it in All Hallow's Eve, which I think I'm going to like (even if it does smell like a candle!), so I was trying to wait for the weather to turn a bit since it is so "fall-ish". I might not wait though, I may give it a try tomorrow:)


    Also I am waiting for some samples from the trading post, so hopefully I'll have some more social blends to try when those came in. I've looked at so many that I honestly don't remember exactly what's coming, but I do know there's some gotcha and cougar in there:)

  6. Thanks Dolly. I do appreciate the advice. As far as pheros go, I'm just kind of working with what I have right now. I'm really hoping that when I get to try out some Lace it will be a good one for me. Maybe the lumina that I have will be a better choice for now - although I don't know if it has cops, from the reviews it seems to be more of a social, and I know it has Est which works well for me.

  7. Lol Dolly, no worries, you haven't offended me. And I have no idea if he sees me as anything other than a friend - I'm not necessarily assuming that he does. I am just hopeless with guys, and with him I just can't really decide if he's being flirty-friendly or just friendly - again, that's my fault, I'm just no good at figuring guys out. But I do know for sure that there's a pretty deep level of care for each other that I think would translate really well into an actual relationship. That was kind of the whole point of the pheros in the first place, just to see if it gives things the extra push in the right direction. And I don't think either of us are the kind of people to have a one-night-stand, definitely no worries there. I'm really just worried that, because we work so closely together and things could get really awkward, maybe both of us have feelings for each other and neither of us will admit it, and we could be missing out on something really great.

  8. So now I'm waiting to get some new samples I bought from the Trading Post in the mail...I badly want to try my AHE with lumina, but I'm trying to wait for the weather to become a little more "fallish" - I don't think I'm going to make it. I'm playing with my spray CB and now wishing I'd gotten oil instead, as the spray seems to burn off so quickly. But the cops are supposed to stick around longer, right?


    As for my guy friend, I really don't know where we are at the moment. We definitely have a good relationship/friendship. Today at lunch one of our co-workers kept saying we were like an old married couple, because we were finishing each other's sentences. And tomorrow I'm supposed to have the day off, but we're really short staffed so I said I was going to work a half-day anyway. He told me he would be angry at me and not speak to me if I didn't take my day off. So there's stuff like that, but still nothing solid in the relationship department - grr! I hate waiting, I'm not a patient person!

  9. So yesterday I tried my new Cuddle Bunny in spray, and I'm wondering what you ladies would suggest as a starting amount? I was afraid that I was spraying too much, but I felt like it really did burn off way more quickly than my oil sample. By the end of the day I couldn't smell it at all. I did a few sprays (maybe 2 - 3) on my whole body before I got dressed, then one on my wrist (and rubbed arms together) and then one on my clothes. I didn't get my usual CB reaction from my friend, but we also weren't together as much as usual plus I'm sick and feeling pretty crappy so that threw everything off as well. Just to add that this is the scented CB, I haven't gotten brave enough to try the UN pheros yet!

  10. Eggers I am taking my trial of LAM with me, it's what everyone here suggested. It was in my first order but I haven't tried it out much - the one time I did I didn't get much out of it (but it was probably the situation). I really only want to take one though, trying to pack light!


    Yeah, I don't know what's up with the gotcha. It's in honeyed lp, so with the scent I definitely can tell that I'm wearing enough (or maybe it's just me, I like to go light on fragrance anyway, but I usually put on as much as I can handle without feeling like I smell TOO perfumey). I don't think I'm OD'ing, I haven't really noticed any of the "ghosting" that people have mentioned. That was kind of the original point of this thread, honestly, was that I was asking if it could be that it IS having an effect that I'm just not seeing (maybe because I'm at work? But that's where I see "the guy" lol). Maybe I just need to play around with it when I can get my hands on some more.

  11. So after all the urging here to wear a less sexual phero to work, today I wore gotcha again, and again had just kind of a "meh" day with it. I mean, my friend wasn't mean to me or anything, but I just sort of feel like I'm treated like a queen on the days I wear CB or the few days I've worn sexology. I've noticed a few people talk about the cumulative effect of gotcha, so maybe I need to try it several days in a row. I can't do that now however, my little sniffie sample is almost empty:(


    Anyway, I can't wait to try Lace - I'm a bit nervous about that one, because of the description, and since I will be at work I'll need to be able to focus. But Est blends have been so good for me! I wonder, if they're good for me or good for him? Especially the couple of days I wore sexology, I really felt like I was getting good responses from everybody, so maybe it's me. Or maybe it's both of us - he's REALLY in a good mood on CB days:)


    My first order with full bottles came today! It makes me a tiny bit sad that I'm leaving for DragonCon tomorrow - I won't get to really play with them until I get home!

  12. You guys are killing me. Now not only am I really interested in trying Lace and Heart & Soul, but Open Windows too...


    Is it November yet?


    Things like Leather and Dominance hold no appeal for me though...my guy friend (who was the whole point of me trying pheros in the first place) is kind of assertive. I really am not looking for anything to challenge him in that.


    I just hope all this phero experimentation is pushing things in the right direction with him. I feel like maybe it is, I'm just impatient. Also, I feel like we're bonding more and enjoying each others' company, and I definitely feel like we care about each other, but I still don't know that it's anything romantically inclined for him.


    And I am really listening to everything you guys are saying, I promise. I just have a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea that these pheros could be making me come off as "too sexual." Really, if you knew me in real life...idk, "sexy" is probably one of the last words people would use to describe me!

  13. Okay so...I should be saving my money for November!


    I will definitely be looking forward to trying some of the more social pheros then!


    Thanks StacyK, especially about the gotcha comments. That was kind of the whole point of this thread - the question of whether I could be getting results that he's just not letting me see. I don't think I'm OD'ing, I've been pretty careful and conservative, especially because I've only got samples and I want to get as much "mileage" out of them as possible. I've only got a tiny bit of honeyed lp with gotcha, although I am buying another sample size on the trading post (I SO love this fragrance, I wish wish wish I could get a full bottle!). I've been thinking about trying some of the occos too, since everyone seems to like them so much.


    I know I've said this already, either in this thread or elsewhere, but I just like the results I get with Est so much that I want to wear CB every day now, so it makes it hard to give it up on a day to experiment with something else! Maybe I should just buy some straight-up Est and boost everything else with it...so I can still have my Est and try other stuff at the same time. Is there any reason that's a bad idea?

  14. This weekend is DragonCon! For anyone who doesn't know, it's a big sci-fi convention, like ComicCon which is a bit more well-known. Anyway, I was thinking about wearing pheromones...I don't want to take alot with me, probably I'll limit it to one. I definitely don't want my CB, I'm using that one for my guy friend at work who pretty much loves it. I do have a little bit of gotcha left, as well as samples of LAM and BAM that aren't getting me much reaction from my guy at work. I don't know if any of these would be fun for hits at something as huge as DragonCon. What do you ladies think? Would one of those be good to use, or should I just go without? I do definitely have my eye on my friend at work, but I still wouldn't pass up the chance to meet someone new if the opportunity presented itself!

  15. I'd love to try some of these other blends like Lace and H&S...I'll be keeping my eye on the Trading Post for samples with these. I just can't bring myself to invest in a full bottle untested, especially when I already have things on my "wish list" lol!


    I should have some samples coming with cougar and lfm, neither of which I have tried yet. Also some Lumina. So I'll have some new things to play with!

  16. Thanks for the help ladies!


    I'm kind of surprised - honestly, the pheromone reaction I've gotten on days wearing sexology has been overwhelmingly positive. And not in a "sexy" way, just that everyone's been really chatty and friendly - especially guys, of course. Outside of work, I even had random little kids running up and hugging me lol! And "the" guy especially is super-happy and fun when I've worn it. It's just the scent that keeps getting negative comments, even though I like it.


    As far as clashing with the scent of CB, yeah, I'm no good with the scents thing...I keep seeing people talk about "layering" and I know I'd never be good at it:(


    I think I've got something with cougar on the way, so I'll definitely try that. I'd love to try Lace because my friend is responding VERY well to anything with Est, but I'll have to get my hands on a sample before I invest in a full bottle. I just can't afford to, in case I don't like it.


    I've also got a bottle with Lumina on the way, so that will give me something new to play with too. I still would really like a full bottle of UN sexology (or maybe a lighter scent with sexology?) or maybe just straight Est for work.

  17. Thanks everybody! StacyK, I posted about it on pherotruth, and everyone there agreed that it was the scent. When I order next I will definitely get it unscented or added to another scent. I just think it's a shame, since I like the way it smells! Apparently though, I'm in the minority. And the guy I'm interested in doesn't like the smell, and he's pretty much the whole point, so....yeah. No more sexology III for me. At least, I won't buy any more. While I keep getting crazy good reactions from this guy with it, I may be trying to "hide" it sometimes! As far as it being meant for intimacy, I'm not getting a 'turned on' or 'relationship-y' vibe from this guy - it just puts him in a super happy, warm-and-fuzzy mood that I love. Maybe it's affecting him otherwise, but if so he isn't showing it. But oh, how I wish he would!


    Thanks halo. I don't know how I feel about re-applying yet. I don't want to OD (I was super scared to when I first got my samples, but I've gotten much less nervous lately), plus I'm afraid to carry it with me in case of spillage.


    Thanks tyvey. I do sometimes think they've worn off by the end of the day, but I'm never really sure!

  18. Thanks everybody! I guess I should have said that it's the sexology III, not the unscented.


    I really did go very light on the Sexology, just a drop on my stomach, and just because I really love the effect it got the one and only other time I wore it - I wanted to see if I would get a similar reaction again, because I'm pretty sure I want a full bottle in unscented. And then I thought the scent was well-covered with the Cuddle Bunny, but apparently not. And I do think it was me that she smelled, and not actual roach spray. I just don't understand it, because I actually LIKE the smell, but that's four people now to comment negatively on the smell when I wear it.


    Oh, and btw, still GREAT reaction to sexology (I'm sure the CB could have something to do with it too lol, but sexology is like my CB hits on steroids!). My boss was saying what a bad mood my friend was in - she had been trying to kid around with him (he was in our office but I was in hers - they were talking on the phone) and she said he'd left his sense of humor at home - but less than 2 minutes later, when I went to our office, he was quickly happy and goofy. Our other co-workers were amazed, and kept asking him what had gotten into him:)


    My full bottle of CB that should be on the way soon is a spray. I'm starting to wish I'd ordered the roll-on oil, but I guess I'll just have to experiment and see how it goes! Too bad I didn't know about the 60/40 combo when I ordered:( I'd like to carry it with me since it seems like it may not last as long, but I'm afraid it would be inconvenient or I would spill it.

  19. Okay, I have a question...is there a "timeline" of when your pheros are most effective? I read a statement that someone made about how it took 2 hours after applying their pheros for them to start noticing hits. I wouldn't have thought it takes that long...I know with my "target" guy, sometimes it does seem like it takes a while for the pheros to have an effect, and sometimes I see a reaction right away. And along the same lines, how long can you wear pheros before they lose effectiveness? Today, for example, I was wearing a tiny bit of sexology (apparently it smells bad on me, so even though I like the effect I can't wear it or everyone thinks I stink. A lady I work with today kept asking if anyone smelled roach spray while she was standing next to me, lol) and some cuddle bunny, and they seemed to have almost immediate effect. By about 5 hours into the work day, I feel like the effects were much less noticeable. But then sometimes it's the complete opposite - it seems to take a few hours of him being around me before he starts mellowing out. So I'm just kind of wondering what's "normal". Should I take my perfume with me to work and re-apply during the day?



  20. Thanks. I'm not sure why but for some reason I was thinking that LACE wasn't available any more...but if so then I'll try to get my hands on a sample. Anything heavy in Est is a winner for me right now.


    Almost all my co-workers are women - he's actually the only guy in our department, so I haven't been too worried about the phero's affecting anyone else. I do see other guys around, but we usually don't have any prolonged time together, and there aren't even any other men who work in our building. The funny thing is, the only time I've noticed any real reaction from my female co-workers was the day I wore Cuchi Head, which has only cops. Weird.


    ETA: Oops, forgot to add, that I have been trying gotcha. I had high hopes for it, since it does contain Est and also a little bit of everything else, but it's one of those that I'm not seeing much reaction from. I'm seeing such high praise for it from everyone else! That's one of the reasons for this post - I wonder if it is affecting him, but because it's not as blatantly noticeable a reaction like with CB, I'm just assuming it isn't working when maybe it really is.

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