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Posts posted by vladmyra

  1. Wore this blend to work today in Bonded, which is beautiful, elegant and clean.


    In the morning I put on the equivalent of three and a half UN sprays. Went to eat breakfast at a café, and later went to work for the day. People were very accommodating, kind, and seemed to really want to hang around near me and talk to me. I felt calm, but sort of emotionally detached from my surroundings (this may or may not be a self-effect). I was perfectly happy to talk to people, or more so have them talk to me, but it was like watching things on a movie screen. I didn't feel directly involved with anything. This is not a bad thing in my opinion, just interesting.


    Hours later, at lunch, I re-sprayed with the equivalent of 2 UN sprays, as the weather is hot and gross here. People loved me. I noticed the most intense effects with strangers. Customers I don't know went out of their way to speak to me, and all of them gave me lovely compliments about my appearance. They all looked on me with a sense of familiarity and affection. Even people wandering through the store, not needing any assistance, would come and say something nice to me just because they seemed drawn to.


    On the downside, by the end of the day I felt utterly drained of energy and life, as I often do with pheros. It seems strange to me that someone who doesn't usually experience self-effects can be so strongly affected this way.

  2. Yep, It's amazing how different the spray and oil forms can smell. I have quite a few things in both oil and spray, and often the spray will lighten the deeper aspects of a scent. LP Pink spray, for example, smells less deeply pink, more of a pastel pink with a hint of citrus and sparkly zing, like a glamour potion scent. And LP Original seems to present the full spectrum of its "scentual" body more quickly, rather than revealing itself over time. I usually don't convert really deep and heavy scents though, because they smell smoother and better in oil form.


    I've always used the 1/3 perfume oil to 2/3 perfumer's alcohol ratio, but have noticed that some of the stronger scents could successfully be lightened a bit more if desired by making the oil maybe 1/4 of the final blend. This is because the spray form increases scent projection, so a strong scent can actually seem stronger sometimes than in oil form.


    As for pheros (particularly the UNs), I have many in spray form, and really prefer all the non-cops or minimal cops blends this way. But on the downside, when I wear the sprays they often exhaust me after a few hours. I don't notice many self-effects, just this overwhelming tiredness later on, whether they're a-nol heavy or not. DHEAS seems to be particularly good at making me crash. Just to warn you.


    ETA: For the final chapter in my novel, lol, I'll just warn you that after converting to spray some perfumes and scented phero blends don't smell "right" for at least a week. At first with some of them the scent seems largely dead or overly subtle, even after a couple of days and some good shaking. But leave them longer, and the ingredients meld properly and they come back to life.

  3. I love this! It's a soft subtle chocolate, smoothed and warmed by a whisper of cinnamon. It's not deep or dark or overly foody to me. It's more of an elegant warm dry chocolate scent. If chocolate came in different seasons, this would be autumn chocolate. It wafted from my wrists for hours before fading. This is what I want all chocolate scents to smell like on me, but it's the first one to actually behave this way.

  4. Hmm, the scent I'm smelling with this one doesn't even seem to come from the same planet as the rest of these descriptions. I get no fizziness. No champagne. No fruit, or pinkness. :( My mind translates this as extremely strong lemon bleach squirted right up into each nostril. My nose must be broken, or severely disturbed. And I've tested it 3 times, so it's not due to a bad nose day. This is both sad and weird... I really wanted to smell the pink champagne.

  5. I felt so nervous when I first started converting things to spray form. But if you're using proper perfumer's alcohol, and using the correct ratios for everything then it should all be fine and dandy. I always use glass bottles as well, because some of the plastic ones will leak, and I don't trust them as much to keep the goodies fresh.


    It's really a lot of fun to make your own sprays when you get the hang of it. I've converted around 20 things so far. Have fun with it!

  6. I largely agree with you there H.G.S. I find that frame of mind is the biggest challenge for me- at times my frame of mind just does not and will not match that of the phero signature I'm trying to project, and I end up feeling like the lack of congruence creates an experience that is worse than if I wasn't wearing any pheros at all. Also, I notice stronger hits with people outside of my own family, whether they're strangers or people I know very well.

  7. Sorry it didn't work for you Banshee, I've always adored Sexology. I would have said maybe he doesn't like the EST, but you said Lace was good, so... :arf:


    I'd definitely take Rose's advice and try again after some time- maybe in a different type of situation though. Like say you're going out for the evening, see how it fares then. Have you ever tried it around other people to see how they react to you wearing it? Cause it's a great social blend for me, with some sexy thrown in.

  8. While rearranging my huge LP collection today I came across this little gem, and promptly slathered. God I love this. I cannot get enough of scents that are elegantly clean and gorgeously feminine. I don't get any "swamp" note in this, it's all luxurious creamy cleanness, soft jasmine and whispers of moonlight. It feels like it would be wonderful to wear on a hot humid night, while swanning about in a pretty white cotton dress, drinking homemade iced tea, like a proper lady. I'm going to convert it to spray though, because my skin is eating it.


    Androstenol, you're so right about pairing SS4W with this. I've always seen it as Sneaky Clean's nocturnal twin.

  9. WnG, when you say you haven't found your sweet spot do you mean with other people, or is "the sweet spot" always the point where you get the best self effects?


    I would never be able to properly gauge how well pheros are working for me (on other people) through self effects, as I rarely get many selfies from them. Although I do find if I've been wearing them in amounts that are likely higher than necessary that I feel totally worn out by the end of the day.


    Case in point: Today I wore the equivalent of 3 UN sprays of Treasured Hearts, plus 2 DHEAS and 2 EST. I did not feel any different than before I had them on, but other people responded very well to them. Now I feel extra tired, so I'm thinking I should have worn less.

  10. Phergineer, there is absolutely no dirtiness to this on me at all. There isn't even a noticeable honey tone to it in the slightest.


    On the other hand, I haven't reviewed this one yet because I find it perplexing. I've been letting it age to see if I can connect with it better than I did the two times I've tried it so far.


    I generally like florals, except the ones that have an ingredient that comes across as heavy and medicinal to me (not sure what that is yet).

    This is not heavy, or medicinal. It's clean, but it has a strange texture. It's got a weird sharpish fuzziness to it, and an oddly transparent, icy grey-green colour. It doesn't actually register as floral to my nose, so I think the non-floral ingredients are most dominant for me. Possibly the lemongrass, lemon verbena and bamboo are creating this effect for me. I intend to try it again in a couple of months, because I really want to like it.

  11. I really LOVE this fragrance! It's soft, warm, musky, slightly sweet, and very peaceful. I slept well after putting a good slather on. Did notice very vivid dreams, like someone else stated.


    Platypuss, as to your bitchiness dilemma, I've noticed a similar thing when I wear Balm Bomb sometimes. If I'm not already feeling calm and balanced, it can make me feel more irritated, like it's making me more sensitive or something. Weird.

  12. Weirdly, I wore some Balm Bomb (in Beautiful Dreamer) a couple of times last month when I felt really PMS-y and it seemed to make me even more irritable. What the hell is up with that? I've noticed if I wear this one when I already feel quite calm, or to soothe anxiety rather than irritability, then I have good results, but if I'm PMSing or just feeling like I hate everything for some reason, it makes me worse. It still works on others around me though, even if I'm like this:




  13. Wow, up to 9 sprays! I do need see what a dousing might do in that case. Cougar is another I'm also still figuring out, so I'll spray both like the world is ending and see what happens. I really want this one to work for me so you've given me some hope Nutrix.


    I never gauge a blend by how it effects me, as I often find self-effects are minimal. I'm all about the covert influence on others. B)

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