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Shelly B

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Posts posted by Shelly B

  1. DYG is also having a great effect on my HOT CFO. He couldnt take his eyes off of me at our staff meeting. I think he had a DIHL response because of all the pheromones I was wearing. It was very obvious that he was smitten with me. He also has started lingering in the hall by my door and talking louder in order to get my attention. I'm attributing his responses to the DYG spray though because it's the only new addition to my daily wear. I'm ordering more on Monday. I do not want to run out.


    Yee Haw Countess! You go!


    Edited to ask - 1X or 2X strength?

  2. I've been using DYG alot especially for the self effects.6 sprays total. 1 in my hair 1 in my cleavage and 2 each wrist and 2 on the backs of my hands. Although I'm in a profession where I have to be outspoken (CPA for an IT corp) many times when I'm just in my office working I can become a hermit crab. Mums the word. Well after spritzing myself with DYG I become the whitty social butterfly that was always lurking just beyond the surface. It has also made those around me more sociable. Sometimes in an office environment people can become so involved in their work that they can become down right rude. Not when me and my DYG are around. I've even started spraying my office door and it's getting results too. People are stopping by my office and chatting up a storm. It's almost like they're made of metal and my door is the magnet. Pretty cool. I am already half way through my bottle. You can believe I'll be buying more soon.



    Hey Countess - does this affect your hot CFO differently as well? Since we know he's attracted to you wondered if the switch in phero signature did anything for him?

  3. SHELLY B....you are CRAZY.... :cry: and Im right there with ya....



    I wish we could go out for a girls night out !!! Leaving a trail of men young and old smoking behind us!!!!!! :cry:

    Ok girlfriend?


    What is stopping us?


    Why can't we host an LP mesage board bash? Say LA so we could see store? And party like phero cloud idiots after?


    Or just admit outright we are going to debauch and bead-gather and get together for a ghost tour in New orleans?


    If there is interest I'll start arranging!


    Here's the deal - if Shel's plans the party - NO PHOTOS go online without express permission of everyone in the frame.



    You think I am kidding? Seriously - I am not - thinking 1st Official LP Party in NO slated for mid - to - end of March


    Who's in for a 3 day scentual debauchery?

  4. Well, I love the alcohol blends......especially for the socials like Open Windows and Woozy Floozy.....also, Cougar is rockin' it as a popularity blend......if you want it more sexual, Shelly, add some EoW to it.....I am having fun trying the more sexual sprays when it is just my sweetie and I, just for the hell of it.....OCCO is great in that regard.....


    I just tried out my own Dominance spray (I made it with Sorceress), and I think a pre-made DOM spray is next on my wishlist.....kind of waffling about which cover to choose though.....


    Also, dying to try Leather (it will be in my next order, for sure).....sounds like a "me" blend for sure!


    I should be ashamed to admit that I have Cougar 2X with 2X cops in both Bee-Gasm and Empress. :emot103:


    And H&S 2X plus 2x Cops - which so far - makes me positively lovely to be around. I've not tested around any male TG's - but when I leave for Europe - I'll trot one of them out for my dinner plans with the 6' 8" Matterhorn. :666: OR :angel: One of them is going to win.



    And scented Cougar in a spray bottle with Cougar 2X with 2X cops on it's way. :gasp: So what is that? 2 1/2 X Cougar plus 2X cops? That will be my special bat potion - RESERVED (as is BI) for special times and not for day time use. :)



    And Lace 2X plus 2X cops... 2X woozy plus @ 2X Est plus 2X cops? Yowza! Overkill and WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope. Or just a loopy MILF acting a fool. That's always possible. :devil:


    I believe I have mentioned I have LP issues? Yeah - I do. I really really do.


    Dolly darlin' I'm in perimen - it's unlikely I'm making any cops on my own. Just sayin'. :neutral:

  5. Well I can't wait to hear about this since i ordered it with cops also! I'm waiting for my first order of samples to come-hopefully any day now-so impatient. Can you tell i have a fairly empty life?! lol.



    Cinnamonmel -


    Impatience for your package around here - is totally par for the course! :)



    And Steph - so so excited you got your package! :emot103:


    After Luna's - potential - self effects - the rest of us are dying to know...


    And crossing our fingers that... the stupid horny has a female correlate. Although - wth - Cougar 2X certainly takes me to that place - and how many ways can you want it but not be getting it? :c352-0016:

  6. OMG!


    I wore my alcohol-based, sexed-up Sorceress mix yesterday......DING DING DING DING!!!! This is a winner! I got within range of my man, and he was salivating all over me......he loves a woman with a dominant phero signature....always has! We went to buy two new tires for my car, and as we were standing there, one of the mchanics said, "I smell incense." I said, "It's just my perfume." He says....."Wow. I like that. Smells REALLY good." So I knew that the dominance pheros were getting out there too. No issues with the guys ripping us off, fudging on the price they had quoted me on the phone, or anything. They were all very good little boys. Just like they should have been.


    My man? ALL OVER ME. ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT. I could not keep him off of me....not that I really WANTED to, but at some point during the night, I needed to rest! I need more alcohol-based DOM. Lots and LOTS of it!


    I'll be dying to see your reviews if you choose to get the Leather - wondering how the Dom with Est would work... :10_small16:


    Since you *know* the Dom works - would be curious how the Est would alter his reaction...

  7. Well we can only hope she's off having a naughty time, heh heh heh. If only because everyone should have a naughty time now and again.


    Which reminds me: we'll have to make sure to ask Mara if Garland & Lace had the intended effect on the KSBF. ^_^

    Yeah - ok - fine - as long as I get a turn being naughty. Just sayin'. :lol:


    but by all means - we need to ask Mara about how the ksbf liked Lace. ;-)

  8. Okay so...this is just a comment on the scent. As I said, I already know what Stone Cougar does for me and have reported on it, so barring new hits I have nothing more to add.


    Original Cougar Potion

    I think Mara commented either last year or the year before that the original had a bit of "yellow rind" in terms of the grapefruit notes, and it is tart. I wouldn't say it's a liability but at the time I remember kind of shying away from it for that reason. The grapefruit in Money Honey reminds me a bit of this, it has a yellow quality as well.


    Cougar Potion second brew

    Love at first sniff. Absolutely perfect pink grapefruit musk which led me to coin the whole "sparkly" metaphor which luckily everyone has agreed with and brought into the LPMP lexicon. ^_^ The flagships of the phero line: Phero Girl, PG Dominance and PG Cougar Potion, were all perfect combinations which helped many of us to finally embrace pheromones for good (sometimes bad) and all.


    Cougar Potion third brew

    I would say this is a bit more tangy, the grapefruit is sweet but it's really high and bright. I'm thinking that's the inherent sparkle factor maybe given a little nudge. Still that lovely soft muskiness underneath, sexy skin scent made shiny with citrus, how that's for a tagline? :lol:


    Adrienne's Tangy Ylang

    The grapefruit and the sugar are predominant to me, but there's a layer underneath which gives it a feeling of other while still being sparkly. Maybe the floral aspect, to my nose, is making me think creamy, sort of. That said, this is one of my favorite PEs, a great synergy for Stone Cougar and a lovely feel-good kind of scent.



    See - that's another reason to love Luna! Besides the fact she's hysterical - she writes lyrical and detailed reviews.

  9. Here ya go! Post #77 in this thread --- :D



    Hi Living!


    I know that one. :-) That's the specific reason I ordered it in 2X - so that it could be a life of the party blend.


    What Iz confuzed bout iz Luna sais:


    Well a-nol is a proven happy potion, for sure. I was just surprised that - combined with the EST - it had such a specifically sexual effect on me.


    And Iz confuzed bout thais as I canz NOT find where Luna has sayed nuthin bout this beefore. Shakz me noggin'


    Seriously - LOLCats cracks me up but it takes me time to do it with the stupid spell checker on.

  10. I know that individual reviews of the various Pheroblends are in their various threads.


    But I was thinking - it would be fun to have a thread on the Beta Sprays on their own - what we've liked about them, any thing that surprised us, our faves, or even our favorite cover scents.


    So - here goes:


    I LOVE the Beta Sprays. I think they diffuse better which on the social pheros - makes them a great deal more effective for me.


    A surprise? It probably shouldn't have been - but it was. I get better self effects from the Sprays - because they diffuse up from my neckline more efficiently. And I'm getting a huge kick out of self effects.


    Another unexpected? While I adore Cougar because it's all happy and sparkly - and duh - the much noted self effects of making me want to be bad, bad girl - the one's I'm reaching for most often - surprise me.


    I'm wearing either the Anol, Open Windows or Heart and Soul most often. I adore these for helping break down barriers at work. They have different benes - Anol and Open Windows making everyone cheerful and happy - and Heart and Soul - helps have more honest conversations - but makes me more patient as well - so while I started with Phero's a year ago to try to "Get my Groove" back...here I am using the socials all the time - and the ones that lured me in the first place - get very rarely used.


    Ok - part of that is because I don't have someone to use them on - because if I did have a play mate - I most certainly would be using the BI at home to spice things up. And part of that is Cougar - which was one of my original favorites - I still maintain on it's reformulation - is more social than sexual than it was before. Which is fine - it's much more like Popularity Potion now than before - which since there is not a formal replacement for PP - is a good thing.


    And it certainly makes shopping at the mall more fun - I get much more help with the Cougar Spray- everyone just falls over themselves to be nice. As we've noted before - I get freebies when I shop with Cougar Spray on - what fun. Extra makeup and perfume samples, candles, it's all good.


    I haven't tried any of the spray OCCO's - so I'm curious as to how thats working out for folks. I'm interested in how the spray COPS effects works.


    I have some sprays that don't have cover scent in them - but I don't prefer them. I think using the spray - because of how the droplets land - really needs a spray cover as well. I think the pheros are more noticeable in the spray/unscented with just using a roll on cover. (Note while I don't prefer them - that hasn't stopped me from using them. :-)!!!)


    And lastly - cover scents.


    Given these have only been out a while - and I don't have a ton of things covered in spray - I will say that so far - Empress has been the best cover. The peach and butter cream just hide everything with a warm spicy goodness. I like it enough - that since my OW is going fast - I ordered a new one covered in Empress. I really do like the idea of spreading happiness around the work place. If we have to spend 10 hours a day there - the least it can be is pleasant.

  11. Well a-nol is a proven happy potion, for sure. I was just surprised that - combined with the EST - it had such a specifically sexual effect on me.

    See - I don't know if insomnia is making me miss this or if it's the ever lovin' iPhone browser - but I checkednthe phero reviews to see if there is a Lace (or even a Garland and Lace) thread- an I NO seez it.


    Sos iz cums to this thread and I seez thiiiis note frum Luna an Iz certain Iz missin sumthin.


    I can only do lolcats on the iPhone so long as it autocorrects my words and I get aggravated. (look you blasted thing - I said sais on purporse. get with the program!!!!).


    So I have to ask - is there a Lace thread somewhere I am missing or is there a Lace review buried in some other thread that I overlooked? Because I don't know what the heck self effect in specific she is discussing? Shrugs.

  12. Bump because I'm dying to read scent reviews since I never tried Cougar before. If it's similar to Tangy Ylang I'll be a very happy camper.


    Hey Darlin' SG Girl -


    I'm dying for reviews as well.


    I want some reviews of Scented Cougar 2009 AND Lace.


    Everyone else seems to think they have a life and shouldn't be online this weekend telling us about the shipments they just received - except me



    Witches - bloody witches...


    Just say'in.

  13. :lol: I'd go with the OW in a diffusers and H&S for you. Double whammy especially if you think that homicidal thoughts will arise. You don't want to become the next Lizzy Borden..... :ph34r: It would be too stereotypical--the Thanksgiving massacre, ex's, priests,and turkeys, oh my. You're too unique to go that route. :666:



    Screw that. That's EXACTLY how I want to go. Que the Bon Jovi please - Brought DOWN in a blaze of Glory.


    Oops - there's that damn 80's loop again...




    But I'm not into girls - ok I don't think I am but some people persist in breaking down my barriers on that - regardless - I'm not going to jail because I don't need a husband named Butch. Who is shorter than me, more manly - and has arm pit hair so long I could braid it. EUUUUUUUUUUUUUWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. If you would, please just kill me now.


    I beg you.


    Just sayin.


    So far - no deaths. But the phone has only now just started ringing from both Shelly and Mr. Shelly's home towns - and the post turkey nap has not finished yet - so it's too early to really tell.

  14. There was some discussion about this at some other point, I think.....BUT.....if I'm not mistaken, there are some ladies in their twenties here who DO use Cougar and enjoy it.....I'd say give it a shot....if it doesn't work for you, you WILL be able to get rid of it in a swap......lots of people would be willing to take it off your hands!


    I think I recall the same thing. There were younger females using it for sparkly fun...really - the Stone Cougar version is less overt sex than the original Pharmacom version - so now it's more a social phero to my way of thinking...


    Think continuum.


    OW on one end - cheerful, happy social


    BI and OCCO on the other - do me now Stud!


    Cougar - in it's version from Stone is much much closer to the OW end of the continuum than BI.

  15. Maras Rocket Fuel (with SS4W) has had such great reviews, and Cougar is the HOTT new LP back in town.. whats the difference?


    Are they similiar, which is SEXIER??? to yourself? others? Do you notice a difference? Id be grateful for feedback from someone who has had the luxury of spritzing both.


    Which do you prefer and why? :lol:


    I have had the old Cougar and still have - a small- treasured amount - of Rocket Fuel.


    SS4W - is in Rocket Fuel in WAY MORE than normal amounts. It's packs a wallop. Now - I am a major self responder - and SS4W never did a single solitary thing for me. But it got great reactions from men. Actually - that was part of why I loved it less than some of the other blends - because I wasn't always feeling it - but the boys clearly were. It was kind of like the feedback loop was broken for me.


    I wouldn't wear it to work because I wouldn't want to muddle up peoples reactions to me - and the SS4W in that amount - it might. But I did wear it to dinner parties and social functions - and the boys just followed me around like I was catnip. Note - they are all boys who did it before and I was dressed cute - so it was all congruent. Rocket Fuel is all warm and sweet and Nomable. This is a great one for a sexy dinner date.


    Cougar is bright, cheerful and YOUNG. It really does feel like it takes the years off. In the amounts used in the scented perfumes - it's lower than a full dose of Cougar. It works so well because the fragrance does seem to give you a young, sparkly feel at the same time the Cougar as a phero- is like Popularity Potion but with a sexy little swish of the hips. The grapefruit, sugars and musks - are a better day scent I think. And again - lower dose of the phero.

  16. You both are putting SOOO many thoughts in my head! And I can see Ms. Shelly doing the dying swan for lack of an SP, even though I've not seen Ms. Shelly! And then there's ice cream in the mix....


    Well you should picture it - I was quite dramatic I think. I'll have you know if if I did that my local girlfriends - at least two of them would have been in danger of peeing in their pants laughing. But one of them lived through the Succubus and the other currently living through the Succubus like I am.


    The one who lived through it - divorced her husband and went on quite the human sexuality exploration. Which makes for great tales over adult beverages. Really - there are few things in life better than crying your mascara off because you are giggling with a girlfriend.


    The other one - has been married 22 years - to the hottest darn man - and they are still head over heels in love with each other. The way they look at each other still - good grief. It's like out of a novel.


    The rest of us are just jealous hags about it. We admit it. If we had that waiting for us at home - and still looking at us like that... BOY HOWDY.


    Speaking for myself - I wouldn't be putting in these hours and I surely wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers. Course I'd be sweaty all the time and I'd be walking around with permagrin - but hey - into every life a little rain must fall.


    Ok - must quit kibbutzing - will sneak back and update on how the festivities are going and whether or not I have actually murdered anyone. I'm thinking Open Windows or H&S. Open Windows keeps everybody cheerful and H&S makes me not feel like killing someone. Maybe I can sneak a little OW into some of the fragrance diffusers and just wear the H&S for me?

  17. Thinking this might be a good cover for BI 2x also.....



    I think you are right Steph. This one would work for that...but there's only mid 20's left in the gift shoppe - so it's a total you snooze you lose.


    I'm trying to decide if I want to get in one more order of Lace - in Empress - before it's GGG.


    I love this - in spray.

  18. Yes my darling, but 19 is LEGAL. This boy, he was SO NOT LEGAL. And of course the perverted Limey I have sex with every now and again wants me to put away the brain bleach and tell him everything. :lol:


    YOU'RE NOT HELPING, I tell him. But he insists he is, for obvious reasons. :rolleyes:


    And yes, I'm laughing at you. Because I've been there. :001_tt2:



    PISS off you bloody witch. :001_tt2: Or call me and tell me all about the boy that required brain bleach. :001_tt2:


    Oh crap - there's that outside voice again.


    Slinks off. To get ready for tomorrow. Where the Priest may or may not do an intervention and I may or may not - get arrested for murder. Just sayin'

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