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Posts posted by donsie

  1. Ha, my fella's a neat freak and I'm a slob by comparison except that I hate things to be dirty while he hates them to be untidy. So yep, we are an example of people who interpret clean differently. Sometimes I look at this 'clean' dishes and while he has stacked them in an orderly way they are *not* spotlessly clean. My haphazard crap piles may populate some corners of the house but I know how to disinfect a bathroom! I think it's because I grew up with animals so I have a horror of germs/contamination in an otherwise ramshackle house (think the Weasley's Burrow in Harry Potter) while he grew up with the intensely tidy and picky parents and 0 animals.


    Aaaanyway, I think someone should start a thread where we can dream up disclaimers for different LPs! Like Balm Bomb and Teddy BB: 'Do not operate heavy machinery while using this product'.

  2. I have taken to combine BI and Topper for sexy time. Walls come tumbling down with the two of them. Makes me feel like a sex goddess, makes the Mister get very creative. Leaves us both sweat-drenched, panting, completely exhausted. My kind of workout ...



    Ah, interesting. Topper isn't one I'd thought of using in that context, but it's an intriguing idea that I'm keen to try out.

  3. Ayyyy, matey. Where be the descriptions? :D



    I look forward to meeting you, too! I AM going to make it up there in the next few months. :)


    ARRRRrrrrr, QG, me hearty! Ye will observe that our lady Luna has nae shown her pretty face since this mornin'. Me heart tells me that this bodes WELL! Thar be treasure afoot here!





    ARRRrrrrrgggg, methinks yer be probably right. In the meantimes, while I be waiting, I needs to be convincing Mrs. QG its time to give up the booty. AARRRrrrgggg.




    Have you folks caught too much sun today or something or is it International Talk Like A Pirate Day and I forgot?

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