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Posts posted by donsie



    OH! And Seer! That was so friggin' divine!!! (I have to be careful though because it has True Confessions, and I'm not about spilling my guts to anyone right now.)


    Seer was one I didn't 'get' at first but all of a sudden I wore it one day (I use it ever so sparingly) and it had gone from meh to great. I wouldn't be sad to see it return!

  2. I've deffo got comments about incense before with a whole range of perfumes, even when I didn't think they particularly smelled like it (e.g. Sexology III). I guess some people just associate certain scents they can't quite place withing the context of what they know, whether that is incense or something else smoky.

  3. Have you tried Black?


    Not yet!


    Rouge reminds me of Red a bit but at least to me Red is way better, hotter, sexier etc. I like Rouge too, but Red ... OMG it's so sexy yet elegant and combined with OCCO Red, there are no words!!!

    I have received the weird comments of hukkah smell etc but i don't care, i love the scent way to much to let them get to me :)

    I'm sure you will like it a lot.


    Sounds great from how you describe it... even strange hookah comments!

  4. I ordered my pheromas trial in December 2014 and I also don't find it smelly... but I don't mind cops so it could just be my sniffer. It would be interesting to know if mine if from the implicated batch, just so I know if I should add a touch of OCCO or something when I wear it. I don't want a refund or exchange or anything and it would be silly with the shipping overseas, but should I still contact customer service for the information? I don't want to take up people's time needlessly.

  5. Nope! I got talked into Pink first and finally got it in my most recent order (that I haven't met yet because it's waiting for me in the USA) so Red will be next on the list. I have tried Rouge and I like it but think Red will be even more up my street. I like the sound of something like Rouge but a bit weightier and spicier rather than the slightly sweeter, lighter tone of Rouge (as reported by folks who've tried both).

  6. Sometimes even with Mega Watt I still struggle with the determination factor. But it's really just the motivation to get started. If I push myself to get started then I find that I keep on going much much longer and on many more projects than I normally would. So it does give me determination but I still have to push myself to get started. I'm a stubborn one though.


    That sounds exactly like my experience of Mega Watt. It's that first step that I am so bad about taking. If I manage to push myself to take the first step then the Mega Watt can help carry my forward. I'm also stubborn!

  7. I have to give Mega Watt a fresh review, as I was very much on the fence previously.


    I have given it a go this morning when I am exhausted and bogged down with work, so I expected to have a great opportunity to see the difference it can make by comparing it to my stupor upon waking. I sprayed five trial sprays right in my face (I told you I was tired). Holy hell, I really could feel it! It's was a sort of brain whoosh, like my face was sticking out a fast-moving car window. You know that rush of air? Added to that was a sort of pinpoint focus right in front of my eyes, so it was like when a camera does a fast zoom and everything in the periphery just flew away behind me. Sorry, I can't think of a better way to describe it.


    The only thing I still don't get is the determination, which (with my terrible procrastination) is something I was really hoping for. Of course I can't expect pheros to fix a defect of work style but it is a bit of a disappointment. I think if the work were something I'm not so absolutely pathological about hating to do I'd not have such an unbreachable barrier and the Mega Watt would indeed offer me more determination.


    So, I'm glad I got a couple of bottles of Determination Potion but I might also want to get unscented Mega Watt in an FB. I can't believe I got selfies -- I almost never do!

  8. Thank you! Makes me think of one of my favourite little media things here in the UK. It started in the 60s in Private Eye, a popular and long-running satirical political/current events magazine. They made a mocking reference to a drunk politician as having been "tired and emotional" (it's not considered appropriate whilst in the House of Commons for one politician to accuse another of being drunk). It caught on and now you can use 'tired and emotional' as a tongue-in-cheek way of saying 'drunk'. I feel that 'sinfully indulgent' is my new euphemism for 'lazy and greedy'.


    Mmmm...it's not a "me" scent. No pressure, though, I just thought I'd mention it.


    Oh, thanks but I'd be happy for you to let it go to Memorare not least because I'm not in the US... and I think she made a definitive claim first!

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