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Posts posted by Cougarrific

  1. I wore two spritzes of this today -- my first spritz was higher on my neck than i wanted it to be, so I spritzed lower down on my cleavage -- and went to meet some men (work mates) for a going-away lunch at Old Chicago. I held my breath while sprtizing, bc I was trying to avoid getting that first spray sniffed all the way into my sinuses. I'm not sure that helped much, as I could still feel it tingling my nasal passages when I finally took a breath. ANYway... all through lunch I was a happy giggly girl. I could not stop laughing at stuff -- and I could not stop chat-chat-chatting! (until the food arrived, at least!) OMG, this was more than a little bit outside my norm, but i felt great -- if a little manic. I love Lace!!! And next time I am stopping at ONE spritz and testing out that doseage -- hopefully I will still be Marilyn-esque, but without that manic edge to it.


    Also, I did not notice any particular male reactions, but no matter. I definitely wear Lace for me. :)

  2. I converted 5 fbs to sprays utilizing Everclear and some atomizers I bought online, and really, I wish I had stuck with the roller balls.


    The problem is not the Everclear, that works just fine and dissipates within a few seconds. The problem is that I have since discovered I am a phero lightweight and now, when I spray my Cuddle Bunny boosted Atomic Mandarin (which I love love love!!!! it's hard to not wear it every day!) or spritz myself with my Lace (also a triple love with this one!) or any of the others -- I get a full blast of scent-and-phero right in my nose which hits my sinuses and then gives me self effects that i don't really like. With Lace, my eyes become bloodshot and glassy -- yes, I live in Colorado and no I have not been smoking anything! lol!-- and I feel spacey and grouchy instead of perky and feminine.


    I try not to blast too close to my face, but I love wearing perfume on my shoulders and my cleavage. I've even tried spritzing and then immediately walking, in order to get on the other side of the perfume cloud.


    Also, it does not help the situation that i love the scent of AtMan, and now, due to the phero addition, I can't wear as much of it as I would like to. Argh, I really wish I had known to have this boosted with only half a shot -- although, the 1/3 strength of both Cuddle Bunny and Lace (that i trialed in scented Cuddle Bunny and White Gypsum), was really more than enough phero. Awesome self effects with that doseage.


    For me, from now on, if I do convert to spray it will be of unboosted scents only -- all pheros will remain in oil and sport a roller ball delivery system. :)

  3. It's interesting that you experience specific anosmia with that scent, are there any others which you've noticed as well?


    i haven't noticed it with any other scents, and i discovered it with this one quite by accident when my cubicle mates were fanning the air after our supervisor left and complaining about his patchouli cologne and I asked, "what cologne? I didn't smell anything!"


    I do have one very odd memory about scent: as a child (7-ish, 8-ish?) I went to a friend's birthday party hosted over at her grandparent's house. There was some smell in that house, so strong and awful, that I got my first ever scent-triggered headache right between my eyes and at the back of my skull -- but I was the only one who could smell it. (!!) I caught up with my friend to ask her about that smell, and she did not know what I was talking about. I tried to see if anyone else was having a reaction to it and no one was. It was not garbage-y or bathroom-y, more old-people chemical-y but not like cleaning products. Like.. formaldehyde or plastic that had not been aired ... something like that.


    Totally bizarre.

  4. I want this and am afraid of it at the same time. lol! I wore Heart and Soul for a new employee's first day, bc I wanted to feel relaxed and connected and help her to feel the same way. The next day, I was so mortified at all the 'connecting' I had done -- spilled so many beans about office relationships and commented on cuties ... as if we were best friends! (I still die inside when I think of it!) I can only imagine what might come out of my mouth if I were to wear this!! lol! I just wish I could wear it aroud my BF without necessarily having it affect me, as well. But my experience with H&S has me very leery about wearing TMI or True Confessions.

  5. It does have patchouli in it, like all LP variants.


    i read this and realized that I just ordered a full sampler package of NRs which all contain patchouli -- which I can't smell. Not kidding. Unless I stick a cone of patch incense into my nostril and deeply sniff, I do NOT smell this stuff! And even then, it is a mere whisper of scent. I learned the other day that a woman at work has been wearing patch-heavy perfume and scent-ifying (some say "polluting") the hallways with it -- I had no idea, none, totally clueless. And I go into or past her office on a daily basis.


    I own a fb of LP Red, which is my most favorite scent -- I love this stuff! I decided to not care what other people are smelling when I wear it, bc I love it so much, even though I recognize that I am not smelling true on it. I don't know why it didn't occur to me that I wouldn't be smelling true on any of the NRs this month. I guess they all just sounded so wonderful, I didn't think past, "Oh god, yes!" lol!


    I'm most looking forward to LP Rouge -- but now I feel kind of sad and bummed out, too.

  6. "Feet " Lol.

    Wet,, I think it smells like all three (vinegar, fruit and a touch of "cheese"). Very strong.


    To me, wet and dry, EoW smells like vomit -- wet, it smells like fresh vomit and dry, it smells like last night's vomit. I bought a bottle of the straight stuff thinking that I would just add cops as I wanted them and not have to choose my scents based on whether or not they had cops, but I am still experimenting trying to figure out that sweet spot between stenchy and sexy. :)


    I read in one of the forum posts (somewhere! lol) to wear just a dot on your throat at your pulse points and a dot in your cleavage, so I tried that. I blotted it before it dried down completely bc i just could not stand that smell of vomit.


    BF responds instantly to cops in my CB boosted Atomic Mandarin and totally huffs my neck when I wear Phero Girl (and omg let the play time begin! lol!), so I know this stuff is definitely effective.

  7. It's really hard to judge something until it's on your skin. I have a couple that I got as freebies from trades that I would have NEVER picked on my own... and I end up loving them (just bought a FB of Unbridled for that very reason). Solving the mystery of whether or not something will work on YOUR skin is part of the buzz I get from all this.


    So true! -- I rec'd Trianon-esque as a little sniffie in my first order and I fell in love with it, though I would never have thought it would be "me" based on the description. Also, before I discovered LP, I was never a foodie perfume kind of gal, but O.M.G. (!!) Now I love them -- Atomic Mandarin, Abby Normal's Dessicated Brains (which came as a freebie in one of my orders and now I LOVE it!) Moon Sugar Candy (when the lemon behaves and doesn't amp to high heaven!), Heart Strings, Petit Four Your Thoughts. All are wonderful! I love smelling delicious! haha!


    As for selling out right before I discovered I loved it --- that would be the Pirate and the Maiden for me. I have my trial and when it's empty ... *sigh*

  8. I see a BIG order in my very near future!!! These June NRs look lovely! I'm definitely getting a full set of trial vials and i want to try Beth's Blushing Milkmaid. I think I will also be ordering fbs of Mississippi Moon and scented Cougar Potion -- and I don't know what else! I was going to hold off ordering anything for a while but these June NRs cracked the seal on the vault and now it's swinging wide open! My shopping cart is chock full of goodies that I'm trying to sort and prune. I must try Gotcha! and Blatant Invitation! and Open Windows! and I need Trianon-esqu before it's gone for good!

  9. I love the idea of this one, but after many times trying it out on my wrist, I am admitting defeat. in the bottle it smells so lovely and complex and mysterious, and on my skin it smells like bourbon and smoke -- like I was sitting around a campfire with friends, passing around a bottle of booze... good and expensive booze, sure, but booze nonetheless. No brown sugar, no vanilla, no pecan, just smoke and bourbon.



  10. Or switch to Balm Bomb :) During t.o.m. it's a real mood booster for me.


    I hadn't thought to try Levitation though. Look forward to your next report - for science and for the betterment (and sometimes safety) of mankind during the red tide..


    Hi Nutrix -- just to clarify, I wasn't wearing it to try to uplift me during TOM, just to uplift the outing and help us all laugh and be chatty with each other. I did not even think that it might have been my TOM affecting the phero response until I was writing the review. But thank you for suggesting the Balm Bomb -- after yesterday, i definitely want to try this! :)

  11. There is hug potential of phero and related blends for healing,


    I agree! I am very interested in the self-effects of these phero blends and in some cases, I am interested in them as healing aids. Pheros that can affect my mood are also affecting my thoughts -- when i feel happy, I have happy thoughts. Which means that I am helping myself to break out of some 'thought ruts' -- thought ruts can be very difficult to change. And with my use of Heart and Soul, I was able to feel connected to people instead of distancing myself with my usual self-conscious, me-thinking BS. I believe that pheros can help with breaking old and forming new "habits of thought". Just getting some relief from harmful thought-habits would be extremely beneficial especially to someone like my son, who deals with an extremely well-established pain-body. Pheros that could calm him and allow him to feel normal (and possibly even happy) without pharmas or recreationals (drugs) could help him to develop a different baseline of "normal" -- by giving him some relief from negative and anxious thoughts/feelings and allowing him some space to think and feel calm, relaxed, and accepting.


    The more you feel something, the more accustomed you become to feeling that way and the more real it feels to feel it.

  12. Can it be? I put on Levitation a few times now and the results for me are: meh. I got nothing, no uplifting feeling, no sweet mood. Was in a funk and brooding all day. Everybody got on my nerves, I was very impatient and no one could do right by me. Strange thing though: even tho I was the number one grump, everybody smiled at me. Strangers on the metro line, in the restaurant walking by: looking at me, meeting my eyes, smiling right away. You know when you sit down opposite someone and they just glance up for half a second? It was look up, double take, stare, pleasant smile, each time, men and women alike. I cant believe pheros work that fast. Maybe it was just my funky hair. Really strange day.


    Wow, I am here reading this review thread specifically to see if anyone else had had this reaction! I actually feel relieved that I'm not the only one! haha!

    I spritzed on my Gamboge w/Levitation yesterday before going out to lunch and movie with my sons (who are grown and so I hardly ever see them and this was a special treat for me to spend the day with both of them) and I was in a total blah type of mood -- bordering on pissy, actually, and though every once in a while I found a little "lift" to my thoughts, it never really spread to my mood. My younger son seemed to be affected in a positive way while my older son seemed to be affected negatively (that could have been just him having his own issues, though).


    I love wearing pheros for self effects, but this one was one the down side of blah for me. I was so unimpressed and little put off of it. Very disappointing. I worried that I may have overdone it (4 sprays total, most of it on the back or sides of my neck), but the Gamboge is already 1/3 strength.


    However, I will give it another go after my TOM is over -- very possible that had something to do with my very blah-to-downer selfie.


    Now that I'm thinking about it, in the interest of science ( :) ) I will give it another go today, while still on my period, but dial down the doseage to just one spray. Maybe, this week, I just need to use much much less.

  13. Thanks everyone -- I hate that I'm having the weeping effect from my CB. lol! good grief! Atomic Mandarin is just so damned yummy smelling, I do wish i had gotten it unboosted so i could wear it like a big orange cloud around me! When I put it on it is straight up a GOURMET orange cupcake -- the kind you pay $4.50 each for down at the cupcakery and then eat one tiny tiny bite at a time with little tiny licks of fhe delicious creamy frosting. The one you savor the savoring of. :) ...mmmmm... Okay, I'm back. lol! but this is what this perfume is for me, which explains why I keep wearing it even while the CB is turning me teary. :)

  14. I had the perfect opportunity to try out H&S for the first time yesterday -- my son brought his girlfriend by to meet me. I had just enough time to spritz one spray to my chest before they were at the door.


    I definitely felt the effects as I relaxed and started asking better, more intimate questions in order to help get to know her. Instead of feeling like, 'oh, she'll think I'm prying!" or "that's none of my business!", I actually started to feel as if it would be perfectly okay for me to ask her questions. I also seemed to be truly less "judgy', if you know what i mean. I wasn't just sitting here, talking to be polite, i actually felt comfortable and cool with her.


    I also think that having been less judgy about her in that moment, I am more compassionate towards her now. (she is a homeless girl -- before I wore the H&S, I couldn't help but wonder if she's using my son to provide for her. Now, I see her as someone who is truly lost in the world and just trying her best to figure out how to make a life for herself and her daughter.) That impression I formed of her while stoned on Heart and Soul (lol!) is being carried with me. I failed to form a harsh opinion of her. And I'm so glad for that, actually.


    I wore it again today when I went out to lunch with my other son. I wore a spritz to my chest and one spritz shared on the backs of my hands. The effects are subtle -- I felt more into him, more interested in his life. Not that we're estranged or anything like that, but he's grown with his own agenda and we don't always connect as closely as we used to.


    I'm going to amp up the spritzing on my next test of this stuff and try three spritzes -chest, hands, and the back of my neck- to see if I notice effects on others. But even if I never get a hit, I love this for the self effects. I'm totally sold on it. :) I wish i could describe the peaceful feeling I had. I felt zero self-consciousness and "into" the people I was with. It was lovely. Wonderful. Seriously, you have no idea what that is like for me, to not be worried what other people are thinking about me and to just relax and let the conversation happen whichever way it's going to happen and not be all control-freakish about it. I felt ..relaxed and accepting, and I don't think I thought about myself at all, other than what I might think about what someone just said.


    Sorry for rambling so much, but I think I just found another favorite phero blend! :)

  15. When I first discovered this site, this scent was the one i wanted the most -- and when I got it, I was so excited to try it out ... and then, it turned into the most awful baby powdery thing on my wrists. I was sooooo disappointed!! Seriously. Let. Down.

    I put it away, then tried it again a few days later. Same baby powder crap after a few minutes on the skin. Nooooo!

    Now, about two months later, I pulled it out of the "I'm never going to use these perfumes" pile and dabbed some on the back of my wrist --- and now it stays all jasmine-y on me! no baby powder action!

    It is exactly how i imagined it would be when I read the description all those weeks ago.


    Now, I'm all ready to buy a fb -- but can this metamorphosis be trusted? what if I cough up the lunch money for a fb and then the baby powder dry down returns?


    I think I'm going to risk it -- I just love this perfume so much!!



    edit: Actually, I think I'm going to wear out my sample bottle before ordering a full, just to be sure this fabulous metamorphosis holds. :)

  16. I've been wearing this for the past four days (boosted with Cuddle bunny) -- and though I love love love the scent, I'm phero bombing the hell out of myself! I started crying Monday at work - one of the foremen told a touching story, which I know would not normally have made me cry. So ... I feel happy and cute while also crying at the drop of a hat. Very emotional – it definitely reminds me of being pregnant, that emotional rollercoaster thing.


    My hits from everyone else are amazing -- I live in a world filled with CB responders! haha! I would say that people are genuinely enjoying being around me and I am genuinely enjoying being around them. But this crying thing ... argh. Throws me off balance.


    This is an awesome scent partner with the phero, but I kind of wish that I had not gotten it boosted bc I would love to wear just a smidgen more scent – today I backed off to less than half of what I have been wearing and I missed smelling the perfume as I move around. One of the foremen told me that it smells delicious (I waved the bottle under his nose and his eyes just about rolled back in his head!) and I totally agree!

    One thing I’ve noticed, too, and I’m chalking it up to phero effect – I’ve been seeking out the company of men (and getting nothing done at work!), just to hang out and chat and laugh and, well, be around men!

    I may have to get an unboosted bottle of this to wear at work – or to mix with my boosted bottle to bring the concentration of CB down to half per bottle.

  17. On the advice of NuTrix, I revisited this one -- and the lemon behaved itself! wow! I was left huffing my wrist all evening, inhaling the dreamy maple sweetness. Now, I'm going to have to go back and try a few others I had put away bc they just didn't quite work for me (Mississippi Moon comes to mind!)

  18. I would like to read some reviews from men of this phero -- I'm thinking of buying this or B2 for my son to help him calm down when he's emotionally overloaded. He tends towards self violence when he gets overwhelmed -- i really think something like this could help him smooth out and think clearly. Guys, what do you think? Does this phero effect you in a calming way? Or is it different for men? If not this one, then which would you recommend?


    Or maybe it should go the other way -- a feminine blend like Mother's Little Helper would be better at calming a man?

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