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Posts posted by ephoebe23

  1. Nothing exciting for me either. No thanksgiving of course in Greece. Christmas with the family.


    Can I just say how fast did 2014 go??? There's one and a half months left. So many things happened this year, so many things came to an end, a few new started but OMG I feel everything went by in a blink...


    Oh, are you outside of the USA, too? All of us who have to wait for international shipping should start a little support group on here!



    Hahaha! Great idea!


    I live in Greece, i swear it takes forever for my order to arrive (it's not LPMP's fault of course)


    Just imagine this:


    We started reading this thread back in October, then November came and we are all so excited about Pheromas and now I'm waiting for the invoice, then the goodies will be shipped and BAM! maybe on the second week of December i might be able to write a review for the samples ... I seriously just can't wait! And then if like something new (of i will!) and decide to order again ... fast forward to maybe the middle of January...


    I suggested teleporting but i have nothing new on the subject yet :say19:

  3. I had a wax appointment this morning. I was wearing three sprays of Un Cougar, LP Red and OCCO Red.


    So go in the salon and the girl who owns the place can't stop commenting on how beautiful I look today. Of course my face is a lot better since I started my can treatment. Then five minutes into the session the conversation turns to men and she asks me something about my boyfriend, so I tell her I'm single and she is like "you can't be single!" Oh but I am...

    Then she goes on, "well, there's no need to stress about it anyway, after all you are way to young, what are? 22 right"


    Me: "you are kidding me right? I'm 29 going to 30..."

    Her: "no way! You can't be 29, anyway I never would have guessed it!"


    Then the other co-owner comes inside (again a woman) she sees me "hi! Wow you look so beautiful today! There's something different about you but I can't tell what!"


    Now I'm sure that my acne treatment has played a big part in this, but if think Cougar had a lot to do with it too :)


    ... now I need to find a man...

  4. I have Red and White so far. I'm expecting a sample of OCCO Gold with my next order.


    I love both so far! The red one i use it together with LP Red and the white one with BBM. Love these two combos!


    Lately i mix and match though, LP Red + White and BBM + Red just to tone down the intensity of the perfumes. At least this is how it works on me :)


    I think the idea behind OCCOs is brilliant!!!

  5. Thank you guys :)


    In Greek Mythology Phoebe ("radiant, bright, prophetic" - Φοίβη) was one of the original Titans. She was traditionally associated with the moon. Her consort was her brother Coeus, with whom she had two daughters, Leto and Asteria. Given the meaning of her name and her association with the Delphic Oracle, Phoebe was seen as the Titan goddess of prophecy and oracular intellect.

    Through her daughter Leto, Phoebe was the grandmother of Apollo and Artemis. The names Phoebe and Phoebus (masculine) came to be applied as synonyms for Artemis and Apollo respectively. Artemis has been associated with the moon while Apollo with the Sun.

    ... can you tell i like my name too? :)

    The funny thing is that it's not so common in Greek.

  6. You have a great array already! I guess the difference is that BI is a more cops-heavy than Gotcha! (and, I think, BANG! but feel free to correct me). Gotcha! isn't just sexy; it is also disinhibiting and leads to conversation. I find it also works on women and influences them to be open and conversant. In other words it works in more than just a date-type situation. A small mix group of friends is also a good place for Gotcha! if your intended target is there. It's appropriate to wear in that situation where as BI might not always feel appropriate in such a group.


    I'm impressed by your collection already, though! I only have two UNs (Perfect Match and LFM). I'm totally clueless as to what samples sizes to try myself. I hope you get some that really knock your socks off!



    Thank you donsie! I think i found out about LPMP at the time when i needed it the most! Besides the perfumes an d the pheros, i also enjoy the forum :) I just love it here! I get so many ideas, and i love reading about everyone's experiences. I get very intrigued when i hear that a sexual blend acts as a nice social for some.

    What makes me thuink twice about Gotcha! is the fact that it is disinhibiting, i guess it affects the wearer too, right? That's what i don't want, and since i've read that when you mix it with alcohol secrets might starrt flying all over the place from both sides, i think i might not be able to control it ... or myself actually.


    How do you like LFM? Have you found your sweet spot yet? It hasn't done anything for me yet, but i know i need to test it more.

  7. Eh, I'd really wait & get a Pheromas sampler. Then you will *know* before you go full or even un-pheromone sample size (the LE ones). Personally, I haven't given Gotcha much testing time yet, but Bang! & BI both do the job, but I feel more comfortable wearing Bang! in public.



    Beccah thank you for replying! May i ask what does LE stands for? Sorry if this is a stupid question :) I just can't figure out what it means

  8. Oh and Ephoebe....I don't know if you've tried LP Rouge but it's a honeyed LP Red. It's so damn good! It's enhanced with LFM and I got mine with added cops. I have been getting great results wearing that and an extra spritz of UN LFM. I get selfies from UN LFM but I get definite smitten hits with the Rouge/cops/extra spritz combo.


    No i haven't tried it, maybe i need to get a sample of this too. FUnny thing is that the second or third bottle of LP Red i bought (yes i think i've already gone through 4 FB!!!) had a hint of honey. I know this can't be but i swear there was something to it that smelled like honey. It sure was different from the previous bottle of LP Red.

  9. LP Red makes me feel sexxxxxy ;) ;)



    LP Red makes me feel sexy too and combined with OCCO Red it's amazing, but lately for some reason whenever i wear it people say things like "it smells like incense in here" or hookah etc, which makes me feel very self consious :(


    I think i will mix and match though LP Red+OCCO White and BBM+OCCO Red and get the best of both worlds...


    Hi ephoebe, so I have the least experience w/ pheros vs. all others that have posted, soooo new to it all. Only posting bc we've had similar ideas on other threads and we're both geminis, and it seems geminis are often known to 'be in our heads' a lot which may come acoss as less 'open' or whatever. So... with that preface here are my recommends but I have sooo many more to try!


    You have AWESOME haul right now, BTW. I echo others as far as getting sampler, for sure - that way there's so much to try!


    I have SS4W in oil, see it's in your current arsenal, have you tested much? I honestly didn't think was doing too much for me the first 2x - 3x testing. But after testing more, it def gives a subtle sexy vibe - yet strong enough it's still VERY sexy, which you can feel within yourself and it radiates. If you are getting good results from SS4W - then BANG would be the 'sluttier' sister (paraphrasing LP descrip) - and in a good way. Side note - not a fan of the connotations of term 'slut', and I def don't mean in neg way. I tried BANG w/ limited testing in scented version, went for pheroma for most recent order. If you're not getting what you want from SS4W, I rec testing more for your own sweet spot, you may be surprised like I was as far as how well it works to make you feel / act sexier.


    Anything with cops makes me feel sexier and act sexier. I think I've read that from others in threads as well. LAM is also good for feeling sexier, I've worn LAM a fair amt to date and it's one of my staple go-tos and I feel like I haven't had to do too much testing to find my sweet spot. I haven't tried BAM, but hear it's somewhat similar-and that some people BLAM (LAM + BAM). If cops make you feel sexier, you may want to think @ LAM/BAM or the major cops - OCCOs. Cougar makes me flirtier (in right amt and right setting - wore out to bar one night and I was miss social flirty girl).


    Have you checked out review thread on Lumina? That could also be what you're looking for but idk - tried small amount (scented sample) so I don't have much exp. From descrip and reviews, seems it was made to ehance feminine traits. I went ahead and ordered pheroma based on reviews and bc I've been wanting to try 'full strength' for months. Heard reviews of being glowy and fawned over - I'm so IN for that. :Emoticons0804:


    So not sure if this info from my experience helps, but thought I'd respond w/ some thoughts. I have been reading so much since joining the forum (literally going thru as many threads as possible to absorb as much info as I can), and that's been helping me narrow things down to "reasonable" orders. I also want them all eventually too!


    And we have Nov and Dec for phero month(s) - so the awesomeness of trying more UNs has just started. :hulahoop: So work it, girl! :)



    Hey BeachGodess :)


    Thank you for all your suggestions! Of course they help, everything helps ;)


    SS4W on its own doesn't seem to do much for me. I only have 1/4 of the bottle left. But lately I'm combining with just a bit of sexpionage (i know it's not generally recommended) and I thuink i might be getting something. I feel more sensual and luminous. I'm smiling more and (now this is weird for me) whenever i catcha glimpse of myself in the mirror i kinda like what i see. Believe me this is not typical behaviour for me.


    As for OCCOs i already have Red and White and i'm thinking about getting a sample of Gold (i've been craving honey scents lately for some reason and i have non in my arsenal).


    I aslo have LAM Brown Sugar, but the scent doesn't really agree with me. I don't seem to get much from it though.


    So far Cougar + OCCOs and recently the SS4W + Sexpionage combo are my favourite. The weird thing is that even before the pgeros, cops etc, men seem to think of me (my aura ... i don't know) as sensual, a combo of sweet and sexy, which i defininetly don't get, because i don't feel like way at all about myself (without pheros/cops)


    I like LFN too, depending on the occasion.


    I need to test LFM more, cause i didn't think i see any results from it, at least so far.


    I think I'll place my order this weekend (November samples!!!).


    By the way i spend hours every night reading the review threads of all pheros and scents, i think i smell smoke coming out of my brain :D

    That's why i get so sonfused in the end and can't decide, lol!


    It seems like your arsenal would benefit from a social like that, so far I only see sexy socials. Just my thoughts. :)


    I guess subconsciously I'm trying to feel sexier in my own skin and maybe that's why i've been choosing sexual pheros. I have a few issues that let's say make me feel less feminine, and i find the these pheros so far have helped quite a bit :)


    Of course a couple of social pheros would definitely benefit my arsenal too ;)

  12. Hello all!


    i'm trying to plan my next order (good luck with that!) and can't decide on which phero i should get next.


    So far i have:


    UN Cougar (spray 60% - 40%)

    SS4W (spray 60% - 40%)

    LFN (spray 60% - 40%)

    LFM (spray 60% - 40%)

    LP Red boosted with Sexpionage in oil

    I'm torn between Bang!, Gotcha, Blatant Invitation but i just can't decide... I keep adding one to my cart only to remove it again to add the second one, then think about it go over the reviews again and again, add the third one and then close the cart all together because i just can't decide, grrr!!!

    I hope that eventually i''l get them all, but which one should be next?

    If you feel like recommending something else that you feel is missing, please share :)

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