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Posts posted by ComingUpRoses

  1. May I please reserve a bottle of Mark's Tonka Tabacum :D


    A special shout out to Luna, Just Ducky and Olderbutwiser for your input! You girls sold me on it, can't wait to try out my first male blend!


    I have a bottle and I really like it; Mark always has good ideas for PEs (his Girl Nip is also a great scent). There's a review thread in the Men's PEs subforum. It's funny because I got it for Quince and I love it on him, but he says it's too sweet for him so I kept it for myself.

    I'll keep an eye out for Girl Nip as well, thank you...I've made a note to check out the review thread for Tonka Tobacum. I'm sorry it didn't work out for your Quince but glad your chemistry liked it well enough. I hope I can get some sweetness out of it like Q...that would be heavenly :^^:



    CuR -- I LOVE wearing this one when I'm in the mood for something totally different. Have you ever tried the commercial unisex fragrance, Chergui? It's a bit on the masculine side, too, and Mark's Tonka Tobacum lends that same kind of vibe for me. Except I like Mark's Tonka Tobacum better than the Chergui.

    Thanks JD, xoxo :D I like to have some comparisons as a point of reference. I've never heard of Chergui but will keep it in mind. If I ever run across it, it'd be interesting to see if my nose can group Tonka Tobacum in the same category. I'm not making any progress detecting notes overall but there's hope yet :)


    CuRoses: I got my bottle of Tonka Tobaccum from Just Ducky who mentions liking it too, that's why she had an extra bottle I bet. I agree it can certainly be worn by a woman...it reminds me of my beloved Maine woods, and I like anything with the fragrance of Tonka beans.


    OBW, that's great you scored a bottle of MTT for your stash. Are you wearing it or did you buy it for Mr. OBW?

  2. Our chemistry is wonderful for the most part but at times can be frustrating :nope02716: . Sorry to hear that you're experiencing frustration when it comes to this blend Vladmyra. I know you said you've tried Apparition several times...have you tried it different times of the month? Our hormones can do a number on us as you know... Your nose is not insane :D


    I'll have to keep an eye out for a sample of this blend. Sounds lovely ^_^ I could see why you'd want to experience all the notes!



    The scrumptious smokiness of toasting marshmallows is captured with a blend of marshmallow flavor oils and woodsmoke accords, further flavored with white and caramel sugars, layered upon ghostly white amber and white musk, and finished with a smoky Arabian wood blend and a dusting of powdered sugar.

  3. I almost feel guilty posting but....I was given a handsome gift recently and the practical thing would be to spend on existing bills.....but naw......I went full bottle set for June. :cat690:

    Guilty?! What for pray tell?!. LOL!!! Good stuff in getting the full bottle set. Excited for you :018A1D~14:


    Well, under those circumstances, I think it would have been wrong not to!! The bills you will always have with you. These are LIMITED VARIANTS!

    Wow -- ok, LOVE that rationale. Way to go BC :lol2:

  4. Thank you CUR, I have no business making this order coming off the heels of my vacation and in two weeks going to the esthetician convention but I felt as if I had no choice. I am in love with this set. Oh by the way "atm" means "at the moment." :)


    :love: MDC, not to worry, the fabulous-ness of these potions will more than make up for going over budget. This is such a special occasion! Of course you have to make concessions :) . We're of the same mindset, head over heels in love with this set. That's a great idea to print out the stories and descriptions, I think I'll do that too. Will read them when I get anxious while waiting for my order to arrive, lol. Thanks very much for defining "atm." Now I know :P

  5. It sounds like oil is going to be the popular consensus for LP Rouge :) . I too believe the oils are stronger and overall provide more bang for your buck. I love sprays tho :heart708: I don't know if that will ever change. I'll be ordering my June NRs in oil. Of the 11, for my number one, IF I'm able to pick just one # 1 :say19: I might splurge and also get # 1 in spray as well. That way I can 'swim' in it on special occasions :wub:

  6. I had to school myself and look up the word "resin." It's one of those that you've heard of -of course. But may not necessarily know. Basically I had a 50/50 chance of getting it right if multiple choice was an option. The definition surprised me. It applies to fragrances more than I thought.


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resin

    Cedar of Lebanon cone showing flecks of resin as used in the mummification of Egyptian Pharaohs.


    Resin in the most specific use of the term is a hydrocarbon secretion of many plants, particularly coniferous trees. Resins are valued for their chemical properties and associated uses, such as the production of varnishes, adhesives and food glazing agents. They are also prized as an important source of raw materials for organic synthesis, and as constituents of incense and perfume. Plant resins have a very long history that was documented in ancient Greece by Theophrastus, in ancient Rome by Pliny the Elder, and especially in the resins known as frankincense and myrrh, prized in ancient Egypt.[1] These were highly prized substances, and required as incense in some religious rites. Amber is a hard fossilized resin from ancient trees.


  7. Well it is safe to say I went over budget.

    I haven't made an unsniffed FB order like this in like...never. I have (IMO) an excessive collection so I am pretty picky about what I allow in these days.


    THAT SAID...THIS IS AN AMAZING COLLECTION. LUNAS STORIES HAVE DRIVEN ME OUT OF MY MIND...I AM PRINTING THEM ALL OUT TO KEEP...I JUST ABSOLUTELY DROOLED OVER ECHO'S ART WEBSITE!!!! I really really really want the print of the artwork for Rouge. But I went ahead and went this crazy...FB's of Rouge (added cops!), Blue, Exotica and Frais C. Oh and samps of Tropique and Latte. I am super excited. AND COMPLETELY CUT MYSELF OFF FOR JULY. AND I AM SERIOUS. I ONLY DID THIS BECAUSE IT IS AN EXTRA SPECIAL COLLECTION. (yes I am lecturing myself...pay no mind please.)


    :Emoticons04263: a girl's gotta' do what a girl's gotta do MDC. I completely understand. Really and truly :rolleyes: . You have a great order there...

  8. It will not happen anytime soon, I can promise you that, LOL. I'm already "at budget" for June and haven't factored in my June NR LP Variants. And we are still in June single digits (the 5th!) I keep thinking of the phrase "So many men; so little time" but it's "So many LPs; so little cash reserve..." I keep telling myself, it's ok... I'll be broke, happy and smellin' fine!"


    It IS ok, you're in good company. There's an army of us out here :lol2:

    ...better yet, broke but don't care because we'll be riding high on the feel good pheros :P

  9. I spent way too much last month...so today I only ordered the June Sampler (after reading the descriptions, I wanted to try them all!) and a bottle of Flying Potion. They are holding UN Lunima (love it in the All Hallows Eve I got) and the last of the New samples for me..so all of that will be coming together. I was hoping to find at least one of the new LPs that I would love, but after looking at all of them...there are going to be several favs I think! My hoarding days are over...lol...only will be able to afford maybe 2 bottles from the June NRs...unless I win the lottery!! (in which I will share my fortune with all the forum members ;))...it could happen!! :D


    It could happen Birkey! And thank you in advance for sharing :say09752:

  10. CuR - I can name those that I have in spray - Topper, DHEAS, PP, PM, Stone Cougar, OW, Jubilee (which has Teddy BB) and FP (w/Levitation). I consider all of these "socials". I also have all but Levitation in oil too. Literally EVERYTHING else I have ordered as oils and very few I have made into sprays (little 5ml from LP or 1/2 oz from amazon.com) for myself, Papal Purple (with H&S) being one of them. I prefer oils for 2 reasons:

    1. I wear EVERTHING to work - everything. Work IS my testing ground. I can't have things like BI and Sexpionage (in Compromising Positions - gads that smells delish!) just winging out any ol' where!

    2. When I wear most of my stash, selfishly, I wouldn't want anyone to mistake the signature I'm projecting to belong to someone else, I like my closely clinging oils :)

    My sprays are different because I wear them when I want to effect the most people and don't concern myself if they confuse my signature with those around me....I wear those just to spread happiness where ever the phero cloud goes ^_^ So, for me, it depends on the goal :heart:


    CuR & OBWiser - Weeell, I haven't got any Totem: Goat on my current order list... atm.... :lol:

    Ok, I know you have a ginormous collection so the fact you're able to name all your sprays says a lot! Good for you for having strong convictions on how you use your potions and blends! I wanna be like you when I grow up xoxo ^_^. I'm familiar with the reasoning you outlined...it's good to hear it reiterated from different folks so thanks for that :) . I'm in the same boat as you, work IS my testing ground. However I'm a victim of timing :( . If I would've started using pheros before I started at my current job, I could have gone in swathed in whatever I wanted and things would've been good. Sadly, they met me as a demure, sweet-n-quiet, somewhat shy, cute girl. To go from that to resident bombshell is disconcerting. The 'mens' can't handle it. Therefore, I have to move painstakingly slow in changing views of self. Sigh. :frown:


    What does atm mean?

  11. My dear, you are swift of foot with your orders. What a great trait to have - woman of action you :magicstick: . Thanks for igniting a well needed fire under my tush. I'm hot on your trail...just been biting my nails trying to whittle away at my list. Impossible this month. Impossible as there are so many potions I need :D


    To me, wet and dry, EoW smells like vomit -- wet, it smells like fresh vomit and dry, it smells like last night's vomit. I bought a bottle of the straight stuff thinking that I would just add cops as I wanted them and not have to choose my scents based on whether or not they had cops, but I am still experimenting trying to figure out that sweet spot between stenchy and sexy. :)


    I read in one of the forum posts (somewhere! lol) to wear just a dot on your throat at your pulse points and a dot in your cleavage, so I tried that. I blotted it before it dried down completely bc i just could not stand that smell of vomit.


    BF responds instantly to cops in my CB boosted Atomic Mandarin and totally huffs my neck when I wear Phero Girl (and omg let the play time begin! lol!), so I know this stuff is definitely effective.

    Vomit! Oh dear, ummm yeah, not good Cougarrific :lol2: . Good luck in finding the sweet spot between stenchy and sexy. The fact that you know your BF is so responsive is a great incentive to keep trying to find that balance...



    I personally don't wear EOW on my neck/throat at all. #1, I would smell it to much and that's to close to my face for my comfort zone. My cleavage is a favorite spot! I doesn't irritate my skin so .. great. And while I do get a good dose of the aroma after dry down it does not bother me, it become a ripe fruit'ish smell. So with the straight stuff it's just a dab in the cleavage or in addition to that I'll add a small 3-4 inch stripe in my torso. Then a scent with it.

    So far I've had LP do my cops boosting but I did get some droppers so I have the option at home now.

    Having LP do the boosting seems like popular consensus :)

  13. I love the Occo scents and will probably not need EoW anytime soon. If I want a scent copped, I let Mara do it. LOL She knows better than I how much a scent can handle. For me LP was a dream come true because they take the guess work out of it for me. I don't have to worry about each molecule...just trial and error with a blend to find my sweet spot. As mentioned up thread, mixing the blends may not get you anything but wasted money. While blend A and blend B may each get you fabulous results, blend A+B may get you nothing. I have been buying LP since last Nov and I have learned to just let the blend work as intended. Everyone experiments at some point. That is human nature....I have accepted that those who make these blends are experts at mixing and now that my collection is growing, I am plenty satisfied with using them alone or with the addition of Cops. I have added LAM to MRF with great success but since it is a sex oriented blend, I don't use it much. MRF on it's own is great and it does exactly what is intended.

    Well put Irish Eyes, thank you :rolleyes:. You have a great approach and for the most part I'd follow it to the letter. I'm battling the experimentation / honeymoon phase where my head and heart aren't in agreement, lol. You said it...human nature dictates that everyone experiments at some point. I haven't quite pegged myself yet as to what type of LP-er I'll ultimately be. Too soon to tell. I've never liked putting things together around the house tho. I'll probably dabble with cops here and there. For the most part I'm thinking I'll be buying a lot of pre-copped blends...

  14. "Feet " Lol.

    Wet,, I think it smells like all three (vinegar, fruit and a touch of "cheese"). Very strong.

    I find scents usually need a good deep base to work with it safely. Any rich base, it can be dark resinous, dark chocolate, rich vanilla or cream, the EOW adds this sexy touch of sweetness to the scent. Of course it's great in thick fruity scents, and good with honey too.

    There was a great fruity scent. " Dolly's and Sticky". amazing with cops. But I think that was the point! :)

    :lol2: It's something else how our sense of smell can vary so much!


    I'll have to sniff EoW again to see if I can get anything other than cheese. I might detect a little vinegar but fruit...no. Not there yet. I like the thought of using a thick fruity scent as a base. How long did it take you to develop a good footing with covering EoW Stacy?

  15. Straight EoW can be very difficult to cover.....if you have never smelled it straight, you will not know what I am talking about. Straight and not dried down, it smells.....I have heard people say it smells like vinegar, cheese, rotting fruit, and/or dirty feet. On some people it dries down to something akin to slightly over-ripe fruit, but there are some who say that they have a hard time getting it to dry down so it can be covered effectively. A lot of how it smells when it dries down will depend on skin chemistry. There is nothing that will clear a room quicker than someone who has the EoW stank bleeding through a perfume that is too light. And, if you try boosting your own perfumes with it, you can easily add too much and ruin a whole bottle of perfume. Most newbies don't deal with it for those reasons. EoW in a perfume will bloom.....You have to add a bit, let it sit for a day or so, smell it, add more....or not. It takes some practice.


    I have been using straight EoW for a little over 10 years, so I know how to work with it to its max effectiveness. I know which scents can handle it, which ones can't, and how much to try.


    Thanks for the info Dolly! You have a considerable amount of experience with EoW having used it 10+ years :lol: . Wow! I do have a bottle of LP EoW and to me it smells like cheese. I didn't find it to be unpleasant but wouldn't want that bleeding thru. I've used it once in two months...didn't leave the house that day :Blusher: . I hadn't intended to so I thought it would be a safe day to experiment. It dried down ok that I could remember. I don't recall what cover scent I used but I think that worked out alright as well. You're right in use of it taking some practice. I understand now what you meant about it being tricky with different variables to take under consideration. People who are able to boost their perfumes with it are well beyond my level of experience. I'm not ready to pry a roller ball from a bottle let alone that :o . The bottle of EoW I have is in my hope chest right now. I thought I'd be safer with OCCOs and pre-copped blends until such time.

  16. Yes I am LOVING these stories. They are really getting me amped up to smell these perfumes. Between Mara, Luna and Echo this collection is a triple threat. I have decided I am going to go over budget and not worry about it...I want what I want!!!!


    :yeahthat:My sentiments exactly :magicstick:

  17. http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/LPBlue/

    In the tradition of our other colorful Love Potion® variants, we've created a hue of Blue which allows our beloved LPMP addicts to enjoy wearing a deliciously sweetened version of boysmell! A velvety base of thick amber EO, Indian patchouli and vanilla musk with masculine accents of ambergris, cedar, sweet pipe tobacco and leather, seasoned with tonka bean, dark honey and Arabian spice, then topped with a lacy swirl of blue spun sugar. This scent is perfect for layering with our OCCO Blue fragrance for a delectably boyish aura.


    LP Blue seemed to be one of the most anticipated. I saw a few thread posts where people mentioned it as a leading contender :) . I'm ready to try it. And I have a bottle of OCCO Blue at the ready to do just that ^_^

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