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Posts posted by Patchjulie



    I have one that I boosted myself. I covers them fully, completely, with NO bleedthrough.


    Awesome! :PolarChristmas: Thanks, Dolly. I really like this one a lot.


    Due to the resurrection of this thread, I wore this to bed last night. The scent seems to have gotten more complex over time. I ADORE the majmua/vanilla combo. The honey and berry stay in the background for me. This was still going strong on me 7 hours later - well actually, now that I'm sniffing my wrist, I can still detect it 20 hours later. Think I'll break out one of my Phermas bottles (maybe Sexpionage or Bang!) and add a little of that. With something so long lasting and sexy, I don't think I can go wrong.


    :yeahthat: It's very long-lasting and smooth.


    This is at the top of my next order list. I'll add my review once I've got a FB in my hands; don't want to jinx myself ;)

  2. I was thinking about getting a bottle of this boosted with cops. Before I do, does anyone know if this blend covers cops adequately? Also, have you had any issues with bleedthrough after drydown?


    Thanks! :)

  3. Argh! Why do I read these review threads when I need to pare down my order, not expand it?!? This sounds like such a happy scent, and mouth-wateringly delicious. So far all of LP's citrus notes have worked really well for me, so even though I've never had an orange (mandarin)-based perfume before, this is sooo tempting...

  4. While my moniker implies otherwise, sandalwood edges out patchouli in my hierarchy of favorite scents. This skews a bit masculine on me compared to the sandalwood essential oils I have stashed for safe keeping, which are a little sweeter and "woodier" to my nose. Still, I like it a lot.


    When I first got this I was disappointed. It was almost pure sugar, with just a hint of sandalwood. I set is aside for a week and thankfully the sandalwood took over center stage. As time passes the scent only deepens (which is exactly what I was hoping for). This one really illustrated for me the impact travel shock and settling time can have on a fragrance. Now I understand why so many people say if something isn't working for you to set it aside for a few days/weeks/months before trying it again. As is the case with Sugared Sandalwood, it can make a huge difference.

  5. This is classic vanilla. Sometimes when I huff my arm to get a whiff of this there's a plasticky undertone to it, though. It's become less pronounced than it was a few weeks ago when I first got it, so I'm hopeful this is one of those things where it just needs a little more time to settle for the fragrance to fully bloom (as was the case with Sugared Sandalwood). I've noticed layering Sugared Vanilla reduces the "plastic effect", and like how it smooths and adds warmth to other blends. For example, I like to layer this with LP Black. For some reason I don't get vanilla from LP Black at all--it's either brown sugar/honey or resins on me, depending on the time of the month--so a bit of Sugared Vanilla rounds it out very nicely.

  6. Great review!!


    Thanks Halo. I really wanted to give this one a fair shake before I wrote a review, but was kind of dragging my feet because it wasn't totally working for me. I felt badly about that, especially since it was a gift. It's strange how it's almost a completely different fragrance from what I experienced before. I mean, all the same notes are there, but now they've melded together rather harmoniously and the end result is surprisingly subtle. I am just tickled that I can wear it and fully enjoy it.

  7. Much to my surprise, I received a bottle of this as a free gift with my last order! Or maybe the order before that one. I've made so many in the past few months I'm not sure. LOL ;) Thank you so much, Mara. :hearts18::thank-you::you-rock:


    The opening line from the description captures its essence perfectly:


    There's something about a full moon that makes the senses just a little sharper, the hairs stand up on our necks, and our inner beast yearns to come out and play...


    The blackberry anchors the scent. It reminds me of being in the woods at dusk in late September, after a light but steady rain, leaves weighed down with heavy drops of water. In the spaces between the silhouetted trees a purple and pink sunset fills the sky, quickly fading into twilight.


    The wild blackberry is true to the fruit, deep, black and ripe, far more substantial than its rather diminutive size would suggest. They actually smell just like those native to western Washington. It lends sweetness to the body of the scent, unobtrusive but always present. Both sheer and substantial.


    When I give my forearm a good huff, a cool ribbon of citrus sage fills my sinuses, like when you feel that first nip in the air as all too quickly the day slips into darkness, and the hair on your neck stands a bit on end because there's still a mile to go before you reach the trailhead. You thought you heard something behind you, the sound of leaves crunching underfoot. But it could've been the wind. Or a raccoon. Or some other nocturnal animal...


    Maybe you just imagined it. There's still just enough light to see, and, grabbing the flashlight from your pack, you do one last thorough sweep of the immediate area. Even though part of you still wishes you were at the car right now, you've satisfied yourself enough--just--that there's nothing lurking in the shadows, so you turn around and continue making your way down the hill.


    In time the path through the trees opens up into a clearing. The air is crisp and a little sharp, and even though you have to keep moving, you can't help but linger a moment, watching as a gentle breeze ripples the grass, glistening with the silver light of the full moon. You take a deep breath, lungs filled with the gentle powder of small blue flowers, growing in clusters on either side of your path, mingled with something familiar and delicious. Another flower? Yes, but something else too. What is it? Your smile widens into a grin. Wild blackberry! You can't see them, but know they're growing nearby.


    A tendril of cool night air tickling your nose reminds you it's late, and time to go. Besides, you're getting hungry, and dinner awaits at the campsite. Not to mention those shrooms you've been saving since last winter for a night just like this one... Ahem.


    When you wake the next morning, the night before seems like a dream. But when you close your eyes and inhale slowly, a faint hint of wild blackberry caresses your sweet warm skin, and you know without question it was all real. You grab your clothes, laying in a heap at the foot of your sleeping bag. Fresh berries in your morning oatmeal is sounding really good right about now.




    Granted, a bit of herbal enhancement played a role in spurring the scent memory :sleazy: , but [rolls a bit more oil on forearm] even this morning I am transported back to that place. The last time I experienced such a powerful trigger was years ago when I used a honeysuckle conditioner for the first time and bam! I am a child again, standing along a dirt road with thick stands of honeysuckle bushes lining either side, pulling blossoms apart and sucking the tiny drops of nectar.


    To be honest, the first few times I wore this I had to wash it off at various points. While the overall bouquet was lovely (the wild blackberry and tea provides a sturdy base for the scent, while the sage and citrus give it an almost minty lift), something powdery kept poking my sinuses and giving me a bit of a headache. After a little toke last night I decided to try it again, and god DAMN I get it now. I was feeling rather guilty at the prospect of trading such a gift, but also felt like it deserved to go to a home where it could be fully enjoyed and appreciated for its artistry, especially given its status as an endangered species. But after last night's experience, there's no way I'm letting go of this bottle. LOL!


    I just put it on again a little bit ago, and while the powdery aspect is indeed still present, it's no longer pointy or causing me any kind of discomfort. It's just beautiful. Maybe it needed some time to settle. I am so glad I decided to give it another chance. Even though its poetic description is right up my alley, from its list of notes this is not a fragrance I would've chosen for myself. Unknown florals mixed with berries, citrus, tea, herbs and musk? There's a lot going on there, a lot that can go wrong. Way too risky. I'm so happy to have been proven wrong.


    It's not in my usual wheelhouse, but I absolutely love this fragrance. :hearts0425: It's a privilege to experience it, and I will savor it to the last drop. Thank you again, Mara. :hearts09780:

  8. Well, yay, me! I got invited to travel to an on-campus interview!!


    The people seem really nice...but the stakes are kind of high for them, and I think there's a fair amount of angst about choosing the right person.


    The schedule is like this: I fly in at 5 pm, someone picks me up at the airport and takes me to the hotel, I probably have dinner with the committee, and the next day someone takes me to the campus and I have 5 or 6 hours worth of meetings and interviews with various types of people (hiring committee, upper administrators, faculty, students, future colleagues in related departments).


    I love SWS, so was plannig on using that. I was thinking maybe with Topper for the first evening's dinner?


    Any other, better ideas?


    I have SWS in Spanish Gold, Lap of Luxury, and the wonderful new Mean Business. Is it better to use the same scent the whole time, or different ones on the 2 days in case someone doesn't like one of them? I know that there are some perfumes (hello, Giorgio Beverly Hills!) that give me an instant dislike for the person wearing them. All 3 scents are fresh and office-friendly, however.

    I'm too new to pheros to make any suggestions beyond wear what makes you feel calm, friendly and confident, but I did want to say congrats on landing the interview!! I remember you mentioning on another thread you were applying for jobs. Good luck; I'm sure you'll do great! :)

  9. I think I like the phrase,"clairesence" best, although it does sound a bit like a shampoo brand! LOL! As for the psychic sense of smell thing, it is definitely real. My mom had it. I have known others who had/have it, and remember in the Stephen King book, "The Shining," where Mr. Halloran had the gift. He said he and his grandmother both had it. He would smell the scent of oranges. it really *is* fascinating!




    Shampoo brand or not ;) , clairesence really is the prettiest of the three words. :)


    I totally forgot about Mr. Halloran! I guess I have heard of clairesence before after all, just didn't realize there was a term for it. How did it work for your mom?


    I wonder where the line crosses from a very sensitive sense of smell to a psychic one?

  10. I only notice it with the pheros. I will have to pay attention the next time I have a heavier scented regular perfume to see if I notice it in the same fashion but so far, no.


    The whole clairofactance thing sounds like it would be an amusing trait to give the main character in a dectective novel. It would be very unique and potentially cause entertaining problems. The main character wakes up smelling a fire, freaks out and frantically gets family and pets out of the house. They stand outside awkwardly for a bit before heading back inside to bed because there is NO fire. The next morning there is news of a huge fire that happened in the city somewhere the previous night...and it was suspected arson...dun dun dun! ;)


    Hm, since you're only noticing it when you're wearing pheros, sounds like you might be experiencing something similar to me. Maybe we are both crazy, but I feel better having a sample size of two at least. LOL


    :smiley-laughing024: at your psychic smelling detective. I have a feeling the it would translate best in a novel. When I think of such a character starring in a TV show, I imagine closeups of a nose twitching with dramatic music playing in the background. Then the detective rips off his sunglasses a la David Caruso. "You reek of Krispy Kreme donuts, gasoline and guilt. You're under arrest." ;)


    Hmmmm, yesterday when I was wearing Mega Watt, after few hours, I can't say I felt pheros come off, but I felt like my battery was empty, like I have to reapply MW. It wasn't a crush, but I felt like there's no more MW on me ;%29.gif

    :lol: I suppose "feeling pheromones coming off you" can be interpreted in more than one way. ;)


    Speaking of MW, I read your review and am so glad you liked it, especially since you inspired its creation!. :) I love it too, and have a full bottle coming my way soon. :banana058:

  11. Dag Nabbit! I'm getting used to using a tablet and keep accidentally changing screens so I lose my replies mid-composition. :blink:


    Let's try this again.



    Wearing Dom Noire made my chest feel sort of fluttery, if that makes sense. It was the same with SS4W but slightly different. I will have to try both again. It is almost like my heart rate has sped up but not quite. I think it is sort of like Rose mentioned about the sensation of being attracted to someone (only without the someone :() At least for me. Sort of energizing and uplifting. I would say it was centered around where I had applied it, and my chest was one of those areas. I do kind of sense my perfume as an aura if it hasn't faded to the point that I can't smell it any longer. That is why cheap body sprays just seem like a waste of time, they barely seem to come off the skin.


    Of course we could just be crazy. ;)


    :banana011: Maybe we're crazy, maybe we're crazy...probably... :Emoticons04287::moodswings::faint: (I :heart: the emoticons here! LOL)


    I've gotten the heart flutter/racing-type feeling from topper and Cougar Potion before. In my case it seems to happen when I get a little heavy handed, which is easy to do because Topper gives me such a mood lift and Cougar smells so good I go into a trance when I slather apply it. Must have more Cougar... :frankensmiley:


    I'm curious, do you notice the fragrance aura with both the phero-free and enhanced perfumes, and does it happen with both the oil and spray forms?


    LOL Patchjulie! Too funny! Maililyahn, some of the pheros can definitely do that. For instance, if you look up the description for Perfect Match, it says it brings that butterflies in the tummy feeling that is reminiscent of when a couple first met. That little rush of excitement. Now if I think about it that way, I definitely understand the concept of feeling the phero effects physically.


    So far I've only noticed the "touch-smell" when I'm wearing an UN phero in oil or in a phero-enhanced fragrance, also in oil (I haven't tried any of the latter in spray form, though) after the scent of the perfume has faded. It's so subtle I don't think it can compete with the luscious headiness of the fragrance. :heart:


    Anyway, it got me thinking that maybe my brain is picking up on the subtle scent of the pheros (I know some are stinky--UN Balm Bomb for me has a bit of a urine smell :gagging: --but most I've tried so far either have no discernible odor or are vaguely pleasant), and once I've (subconsciously?) honed in on it, my brain also registers the evaporation of the oil. That might be why it feels like both at the same time.


    Hey Guys,


    try a Google search on "smell psychic". There are various words for the psychic ability to smell energy. And several different stories and uses for it. Fascinating.


    Interesting the different names for it--clairolfactance, clairalience, clairescence,... Thanks for confirming it's an actual thing. It is intriguing; I've got a bunch of tabs open now reading about how it manifests itself in different people.

  12. I'm not very familiar with the psychic end of things--first time I've ever heard of the words clairaudient and clairsensient in fact (learn something new every day! :) )--but who knows, maybe it is a kind of 6th sense-type thing.


    I have to admit when I thought about what the term would be for "psychic smelling" :Emoticons04280: "I smell dead people" popped into my head. :Emoticons04263: Then I was like ewwwwww! :beingsick: Maybe I should just stick with the evaporation angle. :lol:

  13. After 12+ hours I'm starting to smell the amber; about halfway through the day the honeycomb shifted to brown sugar. I haven't gotten vanilla from this at all so far, and the patchouli is so well blended I haven't noticed it as an individual note, though I think it's part of what adds depth to the fragrance.


    Interesting questions about perception of scents; if I smell, say, honeycomb, when I'm wearing it, would Rose say I smell like vanilla, Bella's boyfriend say I smell like incense and NuTrix's friend say I stink of patchouli (my poor beloved patchouli ;) )? I've not noticed this variation much with commercial perfumes--maybe it's the fixatives they use? I love the way these fragrances bloom and morph, though. It makes each one as personal and unique as the individual wearing it. :)

  14. Hi Rose,


    Sorry for the late response; forgot to check my own thread. :blush:


    I'm not sure if what I'm sensing is akin to feeling chemistry toward/with another person. When I'm attracted or into someone, the physical responses are more pronounced; this sensation is very subtle, so much so that if I'm going about my day, I don't notice it. I sense it more when I'm sitting quietly reading, laying in bed, that sort of thing. If I were to describe it in terms of our senses, I would consider it a touch-smell. It's not an unpleasant sensation, just something I've not experienced before. I have a very sensitive nervous system and a pretty strong sense of intuition; maybe the combination of those qualities has something to do with this perception. :question-mark:

  15. I'm new to LP but have tried quite a few samples. Of those, on me LP Black is by far the most variable from day to day, though in all cases it's very long-wearing; sometimes I can still smell it even after showering! Today I'm wearing it and mostly getting yummy honey (the first time I've gotten a foody vibe from this), another day it was "incensey" (heavy on the resins?) and on another day...I don't know how to describe it in terms of notes, but I smelled like sex on a stick (and it made me insanely aroused, which is awesome as far as I'm concerned :666: ).


    Then I had a couple of times where the scent was completely overwhelming and I had to wash it off (one of those times was the very next day after I got the super horny effect, which was a real bummer). I've used about the same amount in each case. I do know the two times I really disliked it it was a week or two before my period. I may have to track when that tipping point happens because when I love it I realllllllllllly love it. I'll probably get a full bottle of this at some point (so many :perfume: , so little :moneyfairy13: , though that hasn't stopped me from spending an embarrassing amount of money since I stumbled upon LPMP like...a month ago :blink: ); is it possible to order perfume (roller ball) in a silicone base, or is that reserved for pheromone blends/enhanced fragrances (and only when ordering sprays?)?

  16. I use lavender essential oil often for relaxation or to help me sleep, but it's not something I'd wear as perfume. While I find the scent of many florals lovely, they usually don't play well with my skin chemistry, so I was mostly looking to use this blend in a sachet or on my pillow.


    After a few swipes from the tester on my wrist and neck, my senses were swimming in a heady cloud of lavender. While it was the only note I could detect (and a powerful one at that), there was a roundedness to it, fuller than any of the essential oils I've used. As others have noted, pillowy is a perfect descriptor for it. I look forward to wearing this as I drift off to sleep.


    Over time the headiness of the lavender softened; after an hour it shifted to share some of the spotlight with the vanilla, and I realized that was the note adding the fullness I initially noticed. After about three hours the scent is equal parts vanilla and lavender. While I'd hadn't intended on using this as a perfume, I might be changing my mind. The olfactory effect is so powerful I really can't report on its pheromonal qualities at this time (apart from noticing a warmth in my chest), but on scent alone this will be perfect for stressful days.

  17. Me too...


    Maybe you should change the base you have them in.


    I'm definitely going to play around with bases to see what works best. I actually don't mind whatever it is I'm picking up on, it's like a "super self-effect" and kind of neat, albeit strange. That first time, though, it was so "in my face" I couldn't ignore it. It was kind of freaky at first, almost overwhelming even. But once I acknowledged its presence and proverbially looked it over, I could set it more in the background and go about my day. Now it's acting like a kind of barometer to my phero cloud. Or something like that. LOL

  18. Well, that sucks. I lost my reply, so now I get to start over. D'OH!


    Just speaking for myself, nope. Quite honestly, I often forget that I'm even wearing them.



    You know, I asked a similar question about copulins once and it turns out that cops, at least, will hang out on the skin for a looong time if not washed off. I was really surprised by that, because I usually can't smell them on myself at all the day after applying them. So I do make sure to wash application points if I no longer want to be wearing them or if I want to change blends, even if I can't smell anything there anymore.


    Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in on how long the various pheros will last but if I had to guess, I would say it is a YMMV kind of thing. I do know that I can smell Balm Bomb on myself for quite a while after the cover scent wears off, there's SOMETHING in there that my nose picks up on. I don't know what. I always make sure to do a good scrub after wearing it because I don't want it to build up on my skin if whatever it is I'm smelling is also in a different blend.


    Oh, okay. I guess I just assumed that once I couldn't feel them working they 'wore off". I thought I read somewhere that they'll come off if you go swimming, so I figured it would come off with sweat, handwashing, etc. Is that what "sticky molecule" means?


    So it sounds like washcloth washing is the way to go after using them. Well, seeing as I wasn't doing that, I guess by the end of the second day I probably confused a person or two with all the layers of pheromones. Oops. LOL


    What base do you have them in? Maybe you feel them evaporate...?

    Sometimes my pheros/scents can even survive a soaping! So I'd suggest at least putting soap and water to the application points at the bare minimum.


    I was using them in oil. I wonder if I am sensing their evaporation? It feels warm, and radiates out only so far kind of like a forcefield. I can't tell if I'm detecting it olfactorily or tactilely, or neither, or both.


    Hi patchjulie! I never have felt them coming off of me... Maybe it's feeling them evaporate like BB mentioned.
    I like to wash the application points off too before using another blend. A bit of soap and water with a wash cloth should work if you're not showering that day:) I think the oil blends last a bit longer than the sprays...


    Hi hearts! You know, I'm starting to feel like I'm kind of a freak here. I'm 0-3. LOL


    So far I've been using oils, mostly because I'm going sample crazy right now. :D I lean toward oils because they seem more economical and I like the whole slow burn/smoldering effect, but the instant gratification part of me really loves the sprays. Now I see how one ends up down that rabbit hole of, "Well, I really should have this one in spray and roll-on, for different situations." LOL


    Hi patchjulie! Wow, this is honestly something I had never considered or thought to notice. I know I do feel the energy they emit ( or maybe that is MY energy from the self effects?), but I can't say that I have ever noticed pheros emitting from me on a physical level. Now that you have mentioned this, I will pay attention and try to get a sense of whether or not I feel this is something that is actually happening with me. Interesting to consider.

    Hi Rose :) Maybe the energy you're describing is what I'm feeling too, but we're perceiving it in slightly different ways? However I'm detecting it, it's a very heightened sense of something. It's hard to describe, but definitely there. How do you feel the energy? Maybe it is emanating from us, like our lifeforce or conciousness or something, and the pheromones heighten our senses so we can actually feel it.




    Perhaps you are sensing them in a more subtle way. I can tell if a potion has pheromones in it because it seems more alive to me, like it's...living,, and I can feel the intent off it sometimes. Recently, my husband commented that I had an energetic 'spiderweb' around me, when I first wore a Mad Scientist Mixture that I've been planning and thinking on for many weeks. Which was actually a pretty apt description for what I wanted the mix to do.


    I recall another time when I felt my own pheromone cloud extend about 4 feet around me in all directions, much like a layer of my aura. It shimmered, it was warm and alive, a part of me but with it's own intent. I've learned to modulate how far my cloud extends by changing the ratio of oil to alcohol. Sometimes I will only get a sensation around my jaw and chest (where I applied the pheros) and that will usually extend about a foot. Sometimes it's warm, sometimes it feels flowy like water, sometimes it has a color.


    My hubby is only just starting to wear pheros, so I'm not that good yet at detecting the change in his auric field, But I would imagine in time, I would be able to perceive him from a distance and sense that he was wearing pheros. Not like there are mentors for that :) This teacher has to teach herself !!!


    Is this more in the direction of what you meant ?


    Hi androstenol, yes, whatever it is, it is active. To me it's warm, forcefield-like. Maybe that's the feeling the evaporation part. That's interesting about your mad scientist blend, and that your husband could not only feel it, but perceived it in the way you intended. How did he see/sense it, did he say?


    That's cool you're so in tune with it that you can adjust the size of your cloud with the oil/alcohol ratios. But yes, the blends with pheromones definitely give off some kind of active signature, like the vibration from a hum, but much subtler, like you said. Like you wouldn't notice if you weren't looking for it and even then it's not easy to pick up. But once you have, it's much easier to hone in on.

  19. This is the first of the Sugared line I purchased. I chose it because I love the grapefruit note in Cougar Potion so much. If I close my eyes and inhale, it smells just like a perfectly ripe ruby red grapefruit. Absolute heaven, and gives me such a lift.


    The scent actually lasts longer than I expected, too, a couple hours at least. When it does fade the sugar leaves my skin smelling warm and sweet, like sitting in the summer sun with a light breeze caressing my skin.

  20. Yesterday I was wearing SS4W (unscented) and at one point, hours after I applied it, I swear I could feel the pheros actually radiating off my chest. I'd applied it to my wrists and the inside of my elbows as well as the front of my neck and behind it under my hair, but I only noticed the sensation, for lack of a better word, coming off the neck/chest area (which makes sense since it was the application area closest to my head). I'm not exactly smelling it, but it feels like my sense of smell does have something to do with it.


    Has anyone else experienced this? Can you feel your own phero cloud? If you've been around someone else who was wearing pheromones, could you perceive theirs?


    On a somewhat unrelated note, if I want to wear a different blend from the one I wore the day before, but shower every other day, do I have to wash off the application points with soap and water first, or does it fade away enough overnight (say 12 hours or more later) that it's not necessary, or is this one of those YMMV kind of things?

  21. Yep, after testing for several hours, it is mood lifter for me. I am ok with working but I get the overly perfectionist attitude.....almost like, Hey I have time to do this at my leisure......


    I don't get the perfectionistic thing with this, but I can see how you could. I have to give the initial push, but once I'm going, I fall into a groove and I'm processing things faster, more alert. It was very helpful for me at work. At the same time, later on when I took a break, I had the same "I have time to do this at my leisure" effect. And I was totally okay with it. Maybe a little too okay. ;)


    will be trying this tomorrow for work

    details soon

    Good luck! Looking forward to reading your review. I'm being such a nerd. I just realized this blend has given me my first big phero hit (apart from cops which work very well in ways I had hoped ;))! And the fragrances themselves, and the two together! I just can't help myself! LOL! Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?



    Wore it to work today and the mood lifter was there for sure. Not the giddy that Lev can give me but that even keel...roll with it, no stress attitude. It does make me able to focus on tasks and the heightened awareness of things around me was present again. Even when the day was not going well, when my co workers and I were trying to sort through it all I found myself saying out loud " we can do this" and even the normally bitchy co-workers buckled down and we handled a rough day without listening to griping.


    I think it went well and even at the end of the day they were saying things like " we rocked that". It was actually a very good day for teamwork instead of the normal day of the week I dread because of those that work it ( even when things go well) So maybe there is some spill over effects. Either way this is a great work blend. Maybe they all felt "in the zone" as well.




    ETA: I had very vivid dreams last night. Nothing crazy but again I seemed very aware of everything around me. There were several light beings in at least three of the dreams and the fact I can remember those dreams in detail is very different for me.


    That's very similar to the way it was for me. It was a kind of detachment, but not in a unplugging emotionally way. I feel the emotion, but it passes through me and I keep going along contentedly. But since my brain is processing things faster, I can easily pick up speed, but it's always my choice. It's that "observer" effect.


    I could see how it could make people get along at work. It's like being fully in tune with your capabilities. And if other people are gettng a similar vibe, with a little encouragement, everybody else jumped on board with you. That is so awesome.


    RE: dreaming, that's so cool the observer effect continues on into your dreams. Was your interaction with the light beings positive?


    What Patchjulie said...that's what I meant when I said that the white noise went up, like when I meditate (I am the world's worst meditator, because I've got mental chatter commenting on the mental chatter...). The feeling of being more directly plugged into an energy field without so much being filtered through all the commentary and self-talk.


    Which is a good thing. Relaxed focus, more open to possibilities.


    That zen thing.


    Yes. Capable and focused, but relaxed. One with the wave. ~~~


    Yes. It's a little invigorating and uplifts my mood. I was hoping for more of a focus/ambition energy thing.

    Yeah, it would be really nice for it to provide the actual motivation. As I mentioned before, I have to provide the initial push, but once I get going, easy as pie.


    When I used it yesterday I'd only had maybe 4-1/2 hours sleep, but I decided not to have any caffeine as part of the experiment. I would have needed it normally. But I stayed completely alert and focused, but not jittery like caffeine. There's almost a psychedelic component to it for me. Not functionally; my mind is completely clear and am in complete control of my body. It's the seeing the whole tapestry before you and being able to manipulate it kind of effect. Even though it provides energy it's not a "loud" pheromone. It's kind of a paradox. I dig it.


    This is going to be such a great tool for me. You truly have a gift, Mara. Thank you. :nice04271:

  22. The calm centering aura is there again, I get sort of the same effect from Intellectual Woman, but this lacks the emotional aspect of that one. I feel "dialed in" like someone has aligned my lenses and I'm in focus, that's the best way I can describe it.


    The way you describe it reminds me of this book i've been reading called The Untethered Soul. For those who aren't familiar, my takeaway from it is we are not the voice in our heads, but the observer, and by learning to get out of our own way and simply experience life without filtering it through the endless mental chatter, we can find true happiness and inner peace. I've been trying for months to finish it, but the whole idea of being a dispassionate observer is a foreign concept for me, and I've struggled to wrap my head around exactly what that means.


    I used this blend yesterday and at one point it just clicked. I felt completely in tune with my senses, but without the emotional commentary that usually goes along with it. In that moment I simply was the observer, no more, no less. It was pretty mindblowing.


    Got mine this morning. I forgot I ordered it in oil so will make half into a spray. I applied a one inch dab on the inside of each wrist and a two inch stripe on my chest. I know this is more than two sprays worth but I do need to use more of an Un if it is in oil. The effect was not as fast ( to be expected since oils are different) Then about an hour later, I started to feel a tingle at the back of my knees and bottom of my feet. My fingertips were pulsing as well. I get this way when I sit by the river and meditate to clear any negative energy I accumulated. It really does feel like earth energy flowing through me. It has been five hours now and there has been no giddy, anxious, butterfly feelings. I have been able to focus and I did experience the vision effect. It is hard to explain I don't know about intensified colors,but things seemed sharp and I was very much more aware of things around me.


    While I was at home today so I didn't test at work, I did seem to get things done in a way I usually don't. Starting something and getting through that before moving to the next thing. When I clean I can get sidetracked easy and found this was not the case today. I also sat down for lunch and grabbed a notebook and started to scribble out long term life plans...as in where I want to be in life in 10 years. I have done this at times in the past but this time started to fill in the blanks with how I can start t actually accomplish this. It seemed easy to figure out the steps I need to take in the order I need to take them. Like mentioned above, I was surprised at how much I accomplished and feel very capable. Not in a real kick ass take names way, but I am very centered right now and feel sure of myself. Only about 4pm here so I will have more time to see how this continues.


    I work early in the morning so will test it gain then as well.


    Michael Singer, the author of The Untethered Soul, talks about feeling energy/lifeforce flowing through us. That's pretty amazing you can experience the physical manifestations of it. When I used it yesterday I felt a bit of that vibrational sensation people have been describing. It only lasted a moment, but the sensation originated on the right side of my brain above my forehead. It was kind of weird, but in a good way.


    I too get distracted easily when I'm cleaning, so I'm excited to hear this helped you stay on track. And visualizing the steps leading toward long-term goals so clearly to put it down on paper? Hee! This stuff is like a zen potion as much as an energy one. I'd talked myself into buying this as a 100% alcohol spray, but after reading your review I'm wondering if I should just go with my original idea of getting it in oil and making part of it into a spray. Or maybe getting the 60/40 (40/60?) spray for the best of both worlds in one? Regardless, this blend is at the very top of my must-buy list. I actually don't know if I want Mara to tinker with one any more. As is it's pretty much a slam dunk for me. :hi5:

  23. Sounds like jobs I've had that needed moving on from!!


    To those who harp on productivity, I always think, "of course you're "productive"...you haven't got a bitchy, annoying co-worker to deal with".


    Hang in there...but only until you ditch the place for something better!!


    Got a whole slew of job applications done, yay, me!


    Remember...you only need ONE job, if it's the right one.


    I am thinking about a Private Edition scent intended to lend a little get-up-and-go...or if anyone has a recommendation?


    Like cutie.pie said, a Spell Potion would be fab!


    Goddess, I'm not sure how to quote several sections from your post, so pardon the formatting


    "of course you're "productive"...you haven't got a bitchy, annoying co-worker to deal with".


    Congrats on getting those applications in; yay for you!! It does feel wonderful, having that feeling of accomplishment, especially when it's something which doesn't come easily. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that something great will come up for you soon!


    I found the Sugared Grapefruit to be a great match for me personally, and suspect that citrus in general would be refreshing and perk things up a bit. Or perhaps peppermint, or something with a prominant coffee note?


    These are great reviews. The effects of being more focused, feeling as if a fog has lifted, sharper vision...All I can say is wow. Not to mention it seems to last all day. My box got held up a day but is out for delivery. I can only think this is one I will always need to have around. I have the sugared Grapefruit as well and in that thread it was mentioned to be a mood lifter so those may be perfect for each other.


    New questions will be if it is as effective as an oil and if others will feel some of the effects. I will be getting more I am sure so will make sure to test oil and spray as well as try and find the maximum effectiveness dose.....as in if there are effects for a spray or two, I would also test 3 or 4 to see if that is a wasted amount or if the effect intensifies.I will also try and keep good records of which effect last longest. I also wonder since all blends seem to have an OD effect at some point, what the effect would be. Lots of testing to be done on this one. I am grateful we have a chance to help test this one out since different people respond differently.


    I feel for you both. If you cannot change jobs or move, try and create a better home. Someplace where you can feel recharged, relaxed and not think about all the work stuff. You can explore Feng shui, aroma therapy, meditation, color therapy, or whatever else you want especially finding a hobby you love. I think for many it becomes a mix of many different things but all help.


    irish eyes,


    I definitely think the Sugared Grapefruit worked in concert with the phero. It'd be interesting to compare notes, so if you try the same pairing I'd love to hear how it turns out.


    You raise a lot of good questions. I have perfumer's alcohol here at home, so for economic reasons I'll probably buy it in oil and convert part of it into a spray so I can make the same comparison. My gut instinct tells me this one will probably work best as a spray, but it will be interesting to find out.


    I'm too tired to check, but I think this blend might have a-nol (I don't know my molecules so I could be mistaken). A couple times when I used too much phero, both blends had a-nol in them, and from reading other review/recommendation threads, think that might be the ingredient that has given me the "stabbing sensation"/brief headache.


    I agree keeping track of the different variables could be very helpful in maximizing this one's effects. I hope you get your package today so the experiments can begin!


    Thank you for kind words and suggestions. I do need to be mindful of creating a positive space at home. I used to be a lot better about doing that but let myself get sucked down the rabbit hole. It's been exhausting, an anchor dragging me down, so thank you for reminding me of some things I can start doing today.


    I have to go to work now, but sometime tonight I'll go through and edit my post so it's less Dear Abby and more review! :D I think I just needed to unload, so hopefully folks will forgive my rambling in the meantime. lol

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