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Posts posted by reincarnated

  1. I still can't get over how *expensive* this smells. People pay $200 for niche perfumes in this genre.


    Seriously, this is crazy, especially once I dropped a squirt of LFN into the sample I had.


    I wore it to shows where a really attractive percussionist guy plays... last night was such a show... he drank some scotch and held the glass in his hand while we were talking.

    He leaned in several times to place his glass on the ledge of the bench we stood next to... even though he didn't need to free his hands for anything. He just leaned in casually to catch a little closeness, way in my personal space. I think the LFN was in action, when he leaned in he stayed close for a second before standing up straight again. I was very aware of it and enjoyed it very much.


    ETA: So you know I had to get a full bottle, yeah?

    I mean... sensual sorcery like this is... beautiful.

  2. As for herbs.. Ferula Hermonis is a really powerful plant. There's a product that contains ferula extract in honey, along with other herbs like ginseng. It's made by a company based in Israel and it WORKS for drive.

    I tried for myself for about a week, just to test it as it was sold at a health food chain store I work at. Potent stuff, I went out to salsa that week, and I really connect with one of the guys there. He just feels so good. I got soooooo turned on it made me literally dizzy, breathless. When I got home to my man I nearly devoured him, poor guy.

    ETA: fixin' them typos....

  3. Welcome to the forum, sunny!


    Based on the scent description alone, maybe Tantalize from the new releases would work.

    I'm waiting for my sample, orchids vanilla smoked sugarcane and myrrh... could be really luscious... I'm not a very girly girl type either, but I do Latin Dance so I can see where I would like to cast some glamour on the guys I dance with...


    Perhaps it would serve to cast a spell in your case. I'd get a sample.

  4. I'm joining the choir of enthusiastic supporters here. SirenSong made a really good point, keeping up with everything on LPMP is the perfume equivalent of keeping up with good music on Mixcloud.

    Too much good stuff over too short a time.

    PE's would be a great way of expanding our horizons. I'm probably going to look into ordering an edition of my own this year, although I'm not sure which idea I would go for. I have a couple of equally intriguing ideas competing for the first spot.

  5. I seriously think, Wolf, that you need to get a medical check-up to find whether there are chemical imbalances causing your mind to act like this.

    You are only 24.


    When I was 24, ten years ago - I didn't know what I wanted from life. I was in full exploration mode of everything: my emotions, my values, my body, my sexuality, everything. What's more - it only started then, and ten years later I can tell you it just gets better.


    I was treated for a while with fluxetin, the generic name for prozac. I was diagnosed with anxiety, and that medication for a few months helped ease a lot of the anxiety that paralyzed my ability to treat myself better.


    Maybe you also need some kind of intervention to get yourself better. It's ok.


    I suggest you get help. It's not too late for a 24 year old kid like you. I said kid purposefully. 24 is way too young to give up, and believe me when I say it only gets better.

  6. Wolf... you do realize that a girlfriend is a girl *friend*?

    Meaning that you need to find a way to make friends.

    I dated a guy a couple of times, must have been 8-9 yeats ago, who reminded me of what you wrote about yourself.


    He too was painfully unconfident. What put me off him was that he gave off an air of real, honest-to-god desperation. He felt entitled to ask me over to his place to start ''building our relationnship'', which of course included sex. What he didn't ask was whether I was even interested in the scenario he built in his mind.


    Then he was very angry when I told him it probably wasn't wise. Second date alone with disparate man in his apartment at night. A girl has to look out for herself these days, you know?


    But he felt entitled enough not to address my thoughts or feelings, just get upset.

    Which only sealed this decision. And I told him his desperation turns people off.


    Wolf, if you need help to acquire certain skills in dealing with people, there are places that can help. Social skills are a fine, tricky business to deal with... I've learned that with my blood. I was also bullied at school, it is traumaric. I can relate.


    What saved me was music, and salsa dancing.

    Find an activity to boost your confidence, then think about getting a girlfriend.

    Get friends first.

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