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Posts posted by madamacabre

  1. Welcome to the forum! Glad you're in a better place.


    Those are great suggestions. Alot of a pheromone's success has to do with "selfies" which is the effects the pheromones gives the wearer. Everyone is different so i recommend getting sample vials of scented phero mixes to see what gives you that hip swing.


    Also stick around and read everything! There is so much information here! I've been lurking since January and I am still endlessly entertained and educated on a daily basis.


    Good Luck! ♡

  2. I hear you StacyK and honestly I've been really just trying to use him as a guinea pig to see how this stuff is working for me. Along the lines of, is this liquid sex in a bottle making me irresistible to men? If I got some nookie as a result I wasn't going to be too upset about it.


    Obviously he has made up his mind b/c I have made up mine. I'm okay with it I was just bewildered as to why he wasn't ravaging me lol. I'm not worried about the state of our relationship rather whether or not the pheros are working! Lol I know evil.


    Now that I know what's really going on I will be backing off of the cops and keeping it more happy bonding like you said. If we are meant to be we will be. If not there are plenty of men in the sea. I'm in no hurry. ;)

  3. I actually asked him the other night as to why he hasn't been more frisky as of late. He said he has made a conscious effort to not be, to keep things simple between us.


    Back story: I decided earlier this year to not be romantically involved with anyone for a year so that I can work on myself. Not necessarily abstaining from all sextual interactions but no distracting relationships. Him and i have been best friends for 4 years and romantic on and off throughout that time, so casual sex wouldn't be a big thing between us. But I appreciate him respecting my boundaries and goals. So yeah maybe they ARE working! But he isn't letting himself get worked up. Lol ;)

  4. I have gotten a sample of Honeyed LP with Gotcha for the phero and it was PATCHOULI! on me but this was also before I was aware of travel shock which could of made it off. I gave it to my mom whom likes patch notes w/o giving it a second chance. I also probably didn't shake it up to make sure the contents were mixed so that may have affected it too.


    Oh I would love to sample your tail ends if your willing to part with them! I signed up for trading a while back so I should be good to go on that end. I can send you some bux for shipping and what it's worth to you. *happy dance*


    I think I would much appreciate un pheros for those same reasons and also in case I want to up the phero dose but not the scent.

  5. Lol oh I seriously thought that was you on the label b/c of past posts! I was like wow how did they get such a perfect pic of her in a towel!? :D


    I want to try the LPs but they all have patchouli so I'm afraid they will be too much for my nose. I need to just bite the bullet and get samples of them anyway. I just fear smelling like a hippie which is not very sexy in my book.


    I have yet to try treasured hearts, heart and soul, bang, BI, LFN, leather and lace. I have some of them in scents but don't enjoy them enough to really test the phero. I'm thinking of getting unpheros so I can mix and match too and add more or less of either as the situation calls for. Some scents are really strong on me and have alot of throw where others are so light I want to slather. I do plan on getting a few FB from the permanent collection. MRF, Bosom Bows and Sneaky Clean to start. I think the hard part will be paring virgin scents with each phero. Mara does such a good job of that already!


    Just went and looked at your label yay for pretty blondes with nice smiles! I'm also a member haha ;)

  6. Well so far I have yet to find a scented phero for LFN or BI that I can wear.


    I have Compromising Positions but I really don't care for patchouli. CP is interesting however. It's like the scent changes on me from minute to minute. Like one minute it's creamy vanilla, then suddenly all patchouli, then spiced and eggnog like and all along the way there's whiffs of cops. Lol I don't hate it so I'm going to keep playing with it.


    Hopefully I will be able to decode LFM so that I get approachable admiration but more importantly I just want to embody that elegant/classy/sexy air that I've experienced with Sensual Harmony.


    PS- Eggers is that still you on the label for Sneaky Clean? I'm really loving that scent and I know it's one of your faves too. ;)

  7. Sounds like a good time to me lol. I think both would suit my personality. Often whenever I wear LFM in Sensual Harmony I feel the need to get extra dolled up so I know it's got to be selfies, it's really odd to me. I have yet to find a blend that made me feel overtly sextual. LFM being the closest b/c I feel more attractive in a sense.


    I wish it was November already so I could try them all :(


    I look forward to finding my wow factor potion!

  8. Haven't seen this posted anywhere else so I apologize if it's a repeat...


    I am thinking about purchasing my first FB of unscented pheros! I seem to get the most obvious selfies with LFM in Sensual Harmony and I like the effect I get from it, basically large and in charge with a side of cool calm and collected and twist of elegant glamour.


    Now my question to you all more experienced ladies is, do I go for LFM or LFN?


    I keep going back and forth between the two. I have read the entire threads of both and my hesitation is the cops. I want to get it in spray form and it would be nice if I could fog myself with it if necessary w/o having to be worried about my hair and clothes stinking. I have a feeling that I am a high doser when it comes to pheros as I never really notice selfies with most blends.


    On the other hand is the additional ingredients in LFN worth the extra caution upon application for the added va va voom effect? If I have to apply it only to my body will I greatly affect the throw? Do you think LFN can be worn during the day as a social? I'm not worried about the cops as I wear them most days anyway.


    What are your thoughts? Which is your fave between the two? Is there really that big of a difference? Thanks ♡

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