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Sinister Girl

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Posts posted by Sinister Girl

  1. I have been wearing *much* Hallowtide, but I vary often,

    My *top* five for this week anyway are:

    *no order*

    Sandman Snoozeth


    Love Potion # 3


    *Christmas Clove Cookies~ Not yet released


    mmmmmm, Christmas.

  2. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

    I am so happy to have all of you here!


    He hope you will enjoy our little community-we have games, and chat, and review things!

    THANK YOU for being here!


    Sinister Girl!



  3. Welcome EVERYONE! We are so stoked to have you here!

    We Love our happy (abiet sometimes creepy when I'm modding) community! LOL

    Please pull up a chair, couch, or barstool and enjoy!




    Sinister Grrl

  4. Love Potion®: Autumnal Equinox 2007 - 1/3 fl.oz.


    Our powerfully seductive Love Potion® Perfume, this time with a distinct aroma of Autumn blended into the brew! Limited Edition!


    Click here for more info.




    Oidhche Shamhna - 1/3 fl.oz.


    The early Trick-or-Treaters of Scotland and Ireland went round to farmer's houses for treats of coin or fresh buttered bread. The tradition continues and crosses the pond in this more modern American treat - the fragrance of fresh buttered popcorn balls, drizzled with milk chocolate and caramel!


    Click here for more info.





    Sweet Revenge Potion - for Women & Men - 1/3 fl.oz.


    Truly, success is the best revenge - and this is one doozy of a success potion. Not only does it contain leafy greens and woods famed throughout folklore for their ability to draw luck, wealth, popularity and boost personal power, but we've also added ingredients fabled to ward off negativity and to calm anger, frustration and irritability in the wearer - so you can get over it in a healthy way, and take the world by storm. So there. That'll show 'em! May be worn by both Women and Men.


    Click here for more info.






    Hecate's Night Potion - 1/3 fl.oz.


    An ode to Hecate - mother goddess, sorceress and guardian of crossroads, a ward against danger - has been known to act as an avenginging spirit for injured women. This is a ritual perfume potion for calling upon her favors and thanking her for her gifts. A creamy, woodsy, incensey blend of ingredients sacred to her.


    Click here for more info.





    Hallowtide - 1/3 fl.oz.


    Based on a traditional Samhain ritual blend to thank the universe during the change of seasons, and usher in good fortune and plenty for the winter. Apples and Soul Cake, Pumpkins and Oak, Redwood, Fall Leaves, Frankincense and Patchouli.


    Original artwork by Lucia Starkey.


    Click here for more info.





    Dead Man's Float - 1/3 fl.oz.


    A festive sweet ~ a frothy old fashioned Root Beer and Ice Cream treat!


    Click here for more info.






    Bubblegum Robot™ - 1/3 fl.oz


    Suzi is just a typical fun-loving, teenage techie, until one day a robot appears and needs her help!


    We are having tons of fun with our newly acquired Manga-Anime addiction, inspired by our appearance at the MikomiCon in September for which we created this marvelous fragrance ~ a darling youthful blend of bubblegummy berries, Japanese florals, green tea, and a tiny drop of Robot Oil!


    Keep a lookout here for Suzi’s adventures with Robot - we’ll keep you posted!


    Original Artwork by MUARW.


    Click here for more info.





    Sugared Pomegranate - A Layerable Scent - 1/3 fl.oz.


    Ah, poor Persephone. Tricked into spending half the year in the underworld by her husband Hades, who fed her six deliciously sweet pomegranate arils. A sad story, but a delightful fragrance! Magickal properties: fidelity and fertility.


    Click here for more info.



    Sugared Bonfire - 1/3 fl.oz.


    A traditional Halloween Bonfire ~ smokey woods and hot, sugary, toasting marshmallows!


    Click here for more info.



    Sugared Pumpkins - A Layerable Scent - 1/3 fl.oz.


    Ripe Pumpkins, warm and fresh from the oven, smothered in sugary sweetness! Magickal properties: fertility and plenty.


    Pumpkin artwork by Dawn Bentley.


    Click here for more info.





  5. August:


    Plaisirs de la Nuit ~ Pleasures of the Night ~ This sexy, spicy and intense perfume evolved from two very strong Voodoo recipes for sexual conquest, and evokes wild Carnivale nights filled with abandon joyeux!


    Portunus: Opportunity Potion ~ Portunus, the Roman God of Keys, Gates, Doors, Ports and Harbors. We've created a potion in his honor - (his day of celebration is August 17th, Portunalia) - a potion to be worn when you want to open doors yourself, a potion for opportunity of all kinds!


    Hathor: Creation Potion ~ A loving ode to the Egyptian Goddess, Hathor - Mistress of Life, Celestial Mother, and Goddess of love, music, dance and fertility. For her, we made this potion of Creation - for fertility and for artistic creativity - using ingredients sacred to her and fabled to encourage your own powers of creation.


    BFF: Friendship Potion ~ For strengthening the bonds of friendship, and attracting new friends your way!


    Justice Potion ~ Aids the righteous and innocent in achieving justice.


    New Sugared Scents

    Sugared Gardenia

    Sugared Lillies

    Sugared Lavender

    Sugared Cherries

    Sugared Hazelnut

  6. Hi everyone! :D

    I found Mara's love potions at a convention like 10 years ago and have been a devotee ever since, My favorites are the Love Potion varieties and I also like watery, woody, and resinous scents. Some of my current favorites are Spider Silk, Bonnie, Secret Admirer, Suagr Rose, Mummy Stuffing, Messalina's Passion, and Betrothal. I'm really looking forward to White, and the Linnea Quigley scents!


    About me---I am a vegan, and artist, and my boyfriend and I live in a lovely little rustic house in the hills above Los Angeles with 2 dogs, 2 cats, and a tank of fish. :) Well, that's enough for now I think. I wish everyone a Blessed Day!



    Welcome Feather!

    Was it Chiller?

  7. Hi...could someone please help me unsubscribe? I keep getting emails from this forum and I don't want to.


    I am so sorry about that! Some of the settings are a bit confusing for me in the admin area!


    If you want to subscribe to new topics/posts, you may do so in Your Email notification settings. They are controlled from your control panel under the Options heading 'Email Settings'.


    Thanks again!


  8. I love Santa Carla, actually, that is version # 2

    The Original SC is more berryish. I am actually thinking of doing version # 1 later this year-I'll just have to see.


    I think the leather in this is SO important, and I went through varying amounts of clove, some people can't handle clove at all, but I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE it!.


    I will let everyone here know first if I do version # 1- you all can test it before I release it!



  9. Hello all!


    I, too, found my way over here via the Androtics site (where I am pherobeliever) and am so-o-o-o happy to have discovered the wonderful potions and fragrances to be found here. I have been transformed from someone who rarely wore perfume to an honest-to-goodness fragrance junkie because it's so much fun to smell so good!


    I'm 49, a Scorpio, and currently support myself as a factory worker doing small parts assembly that, most of the time, seems more like play than work. My work environment allows me to interact with a wide variety of people, which has been both fascinating and enriching. I enjoy watching people.


    Home is my sanctuary, and I share it with two cats and an abundance of books on all types of subjects. I'm currently reading and absorbing Law of Attraction-related material, particularly the Abraham-Hicks books, things on personal development, the mind, dreams, synchronicities.


    I enjoy long walks, biking, travel, going to movies, watching the sky. And, as I said earlier, smelling good!






    Yeah! A Fellow Scorp.

    Welcome! So happy to have you here. Make yourself at home and have a great time.

  10. Hiya Everyone!


    Hrmmm, my name is Kaity.

    I just graduated Montserrat College of Art

    I am a designer and crafter

    I make faery wands and wreaths

    I love dogs

    I love pretty smells

    I design websites

    I believe in Astrology.



    Haha, and Im never too good at these things :blink:




    Please post some pics of your wands and wreaths!

  11. Hi, all!

    I am giving BPAL a rest a branching out.


    Looking for the perfect beach scent, I bought some Mermaids of Atlantis on eBay (yesterday.)

    Right now, I smell like I Hate Perfume: At the Beach 1966.


    Anyway, I love almond, sugar cane, honeysuckle, cherry-chocolate, heliotrope, and pine. There are so many scents I want to try here, and I look forward to reading and writing reviews ;)



    I hope you enjoy Mermaids- It is just the most awesome beachy scent!

    I really look forward to your reviews- I just love that!




  12. Hey everyone, I wanted to say HELLOOOOOO and thank you to everyone coming here, hanging out, and introducing themselves!


    I will try to spend a bit more time later- but please know that I am so glad you are all here with us!



  13. Ahhh, the dreaded introduction.


    I'm Danna-AKA Sinister Girl. Obviously I am a proud Lefty, a quad latte junkie, and I hope that when the zombie horde attacks I will be in a (easily defendable) Borders or Barnes and Noble.


    I write-and therefore I read.


    I am the Horror geek; I started writing early, it was so early that I can't remember beginning. I have two novels, numerous short stories, songs, a rock opera, and a few screenplays under my leather belt. I have worked in the music industry for over two decades, and have been perfuming since I mixed a bottle of Joy and Chanel #19 when I was about 5. (By the way, that's a bad idea.)


    I have three furkids, two ulcers, and one badassed, hard rockin', bass playing, working musician long-term boyfriend. Six years this month!


    My great- grandmother was a documented hands on healer, and I have Shamanic ancestry (Native American) on my Mother's side.


    I keep my nails long, feel that the only color is black, was a singer in a Rock and Roll band, and will own a 1971 Hemi-Cuda one of these days.


    I have a past conviction for exhibition of speed, laugh way to loudly, owned a foul tempered Bashkir Curly/Thoroughbred cross that could jump the moon when she wasn't kicking the farrier, and am proud to be a raging Scorpio.


    Any Questions?

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