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Posts posted by Ivy715

  1. I do have some leather, but it has cops added & it's in P&D. The overall scent is down right smutty, lol. Dominance tends to amp up the bitch factor of Aunt Flo's visit for me ( sadly ). I could try my Unisexy sample that has B2 in it.. that may be the ticket in dealing with this stressfull assignment & my period. Thanks for the advise sweety.



    You will do great,once its all over your gonna be like that was it

    luv ya

  2. Thank you, everyone!!!!!! HUGS ALL AROUND!!!!! Got thru the deposition yesterday and do not have to go back today, thankfully. One day will tell you all about this HELL, but can't yet.


    John John and Catherine worked their patooties off the past two days without me, keeping up with orders and stuff, so now I am behind THEM - a lot of orders shipped without the thank you notes going out first, so I'm off to catch up on that now.





    So glad for you Mara I will e-mail you towards the end of next week,give you catch up time

    Yeah so happy for you all



  3. It's awesome as a spray! I got one with H&S and for the warmer weather it is fantastic. I love it. Mara did a great job on this one. YUM!


    Cougar is awesome for this one. I think Lace would be too. It sings 'happy, happy, joy to the world!'


    I want at least 2 bottles of this when I first joined I had a sniffee,but there was none to buy it was my favorite

    I gettin one plain and one spray with either h&s or cougar I spent so much on the sale,but I gotta get this :(

  4. Back to bumping up and down -!if the pkg not here on Wednesday - no Legend for my trip. I can live with everything else coming slow post but must have my Legend. Do you think they would ship that by itself to the parents? Hmmmmm..... Desperate times call for desperate measures.


    Your so cute when you fixin to see HF,it makes me all giddy :(

  5. I have a Dirty Sexy that was boosted with SS4W, and it is fab both in oil and in spray.....


    well I just have an empty pre spray,so it would be just straight up scented ss4w,I have an hour left to get my fix on and off for a much much needed getaway from the other half,do you think I should do that or just the oil,do you know of any other potions mixes .With this being said I really am looking for flirting ,everyone hsave a great time with all my guy friends no hubby,I want to put off a sexual vibe

  6. If you make it into a spray, it is the same "strength", but it will diffuse and get farther out away from you. Depending on the temperature and humidity where you are going, you may need to re-apply, because alcohol-based sprays usually start to "burn off" after a while....


    First Dr. then out to dinner with mom then she is gonna drop me off at the local bar,so I shouldbring it with me then,

    Dolly have you tried that mix or anyone?

    thanks for your help

  7. No, but I did it with Mara's Rocket Fuel and it's awesome!! I used a full bottle with a do-it-yourself beta spray.


    Godess,yeah I got 2 bottles of mrf I plan on trying i with that too,I mean you no everything goin on well Im gonna out tonight just gettin dropped off (safe place so you don't worry about me)so do you think I should makess4w scented alcohol too.

    Does it make it like it x1 or just the scent and magic last longer or longer and stronger.I will work on that tonight need it in late afternoon

    thxs for your input

  8. I don't know, Ladyrose. If it were me I would probably keep the next date, give him the best night of his life, then at the end of the date tell him that I am not going to see him anymore. Tell him it's because his ex is in the picture now. Take the decision away from him. Tell him that you wish things were different because you really like him ....(or something to that effect...) and maybe if he is truly single in the future he should contact you again and see if you're available. But not until then.


    That's just my humble advice. I know it's a tough thing to do, but it sounds like (if you leave it up to him) he will see both of you as long as he can get away with it. It's not like you're giving him an ultimatum, you're just becoming unavailable as a result of his recent choices. If he truly likes you he will pursue you again.


    Again, just one girl's opinion. Good luck with everything.


    I really have to agree so sorry,but my thoughts on this has mostly to do with my own problems,but I always have always respected her opinion,But its something you have to deside whats gonna make you happy in the end thats what we got.

    Good luck in my prayers

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