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Posts posted by SWBookworm

  1. My hubby has THE most sensitive nose in the world (arson investigator)....he HATES most perfume. :) They all smell "old lady" to him. Even Sexy by V. S. ....The two he will "tolerate" right now are

    VIP by bijon & Fairy Dust by Paris Hilton(barley acceptable)...I think VIP is musky, Fairy Dust is Floral?

    What LP sents are close or have the same make-up...No Roses, they give me a headach...I want to order & layer unsented pheros under/or mix....I want to order tomorrow....so any help will be great.. :D


    My boyfriend has the same 'issue'. He'll tolerate Cuddlebunny and To Soothe a Broken Heart.. so far. I'm hoping he'll like orchid and rose BAM.

  2. Hey Bookworm my dear,


    I am definitely cool with that... where can I send the paypal(email me paypal account name if you don't wanna post it here...hehehe)


    my email is my username at yahoo


    you can order and then when it arrives send half to me. Just let me know when you wanna place the order


    and mucho gracias lady




    I'll email you!! Do you want it in DPG or the silicone base??


    eta: I'm a dork, it's in DPG, it's the other unscented pheros where you get to choose. <sigh>

  3. this is a pretty, candy sweet girly fragrance but it doesn't come across as too sweet like a kid's scent.

    there are some definite grown-up notes in there that make this elegant and just plain gorgeous.

    my only complaint is that it's too soft and really doesn't last long on me.

    when i first put this on it's perfect and i LOVE it, but within a couple hours, i am only getting a faint pink sweetness coming from my skin...like it's my own scent and i'm not even wearing a perfume.

    i wish this could be the same scent it is, but amped WAY stronger so it would last longer.


    Try getting it in a lotion (love the shea and aloe) and then layer the perfume over the top. It really should last longer, especially because the Ladies (and John) really scent-up their lotions (unlike other places). It has the double effect of doubling the scent plus the lotion puts a layer down so your skin won't drink the scent so quickly.

  4. Mine is waist length now, and I learned VERY quickly not to put the cops in the hair....I am a big time hair-flipper, and EoW in the hair smells a lot different than EoW on the skin!



    I can't wait to get BAM though.....and more LAM.....I am going to be BLAM-ming all over the place!


    I'll be sure to keep the cops out of my hair. EST seems to do okay though.

  5. Mara and I had this fantastic idea for the label of BAM! But we were thwarted at the final fence!


    BAM! Was supposed to go inside one of those BAM! POW! SPLAT! bubble-type things you get in superhero comics, or in Popeye, but Mara couldn't find any PD pictures or stock photos to suit, so that idea was sadly canned.


    Shame too, as I think it would have been fab! ^_~


    I love BLAM! It's hysterical. Another two hours and I would have had a monitor to remove wine from again after reading that SWBookworm, but as it is, I just nearly fell off my chair from laughing, & now have a badly skinned knee.. :blue_dancing_banana:




    Ail )O(


    Too bad you couldn't find any photos for the BAM! label (although I do love the ones you have). That would have been totally fabulous!



    But I'm VERY glad you got a good laugh in, even though you now have a skinned knee to show for it and, at the very least, you didn't have to clean your monitor!! :)

  6. ROFLMAO...hehehe,


    Now that is my first hardy laugh for the day...that is so funny Bookworm


    BLAM!...too funny




    Glad you like!! Now we'll have people BLAMming all over the place, if some of the LAM stories get taken to the next level (although in some cases, I'm not sure that can happen).

  7. "Tail", "Liquid Magick", "Morning Glory", and "Money Honey" looks amazing. I can't wait for the discriptions. Iam going to be placing my sampler order probably at the beginning of next week sometime. Wow these look absolutley fabulous! :blue_dancing_banana:


    Agreed. Those are the ones that have piqued my curiosity. Trying to decide if orchid-rose BAM or spicy BAM would be the way to go also. I have the original LAM and would like to layer the two....

  8. In addition to what Luna has said already about Beta-Androstenol (Beta-Nol) I just want to say that when you slather BAM! All over, you have to think a LITTLE bit more carefully about application points, than you do when you use LAM..


    Here's why:


    BAM! Contains a high concentration of Beta-Nol, and in all seriousness you should NEVER use heavy amounts of high concentration Beta-Androstenol unless you are fully prepared for all you will hear, and ALSO for all you will perhaps let slip.


    Yes, it DOES indeed foster deep communication and bonding - but in very high concentrated amounts, it definitely and seriously DOES act like a somewhat crude form of liquid truth-serum. I have used it for that very purpose to get to the bottom of something when I knew a friend was in trouble, and the results were let's just say, shocking..


    In order for Beta-Androstenol to affect you as little as possible, and to very much affect those around you or your partner, you should AVOID applying it to the wrists, inner elbow crooks, face, or neck. Keep it to the hair, back of the neck, backs of knees and cleavage.


    With BAM! (and LAM) I would NOT advise it going in the hair, as copulins cling to hair for DAYS, so you really shouldn't be putting any blend containing copulins in the hair at all.


    If of course, you want to also be Little-Miss-Honesty, then apply to the places I just said you should NOT apply it to (except the hair) unless you only want to mainly affect other people.


    Beta-Androstenol lends a "Best-Friend" vibe to things even with people new to you, but I have only noticed that effect at low concentrations, and the concentration in BAM! Is anything BUT low..


    What you get from an application of 50 mcg and above of Beta-Nol, is that it brings to conversations within a relationship a slightly more serious side, and you really can have some very good heart-to-hearts if that is what you're looking for, by just using this level of concentration.


    I use Beta-Nol and copulins a LOT, and it's absolutely one of my favourite combinations for giving a relationship a very empathetic loving feel to it. Add a spritz or two of EST to your hair and it's a wonderful bonding formula, and creates a great sense of comfort and unity in a one-on-one situation between two people. The addition of copulins to sex it up as in BAM! Means you can take that deep communication right to the next level, and sex will almost definitely have a caring side to it, and will feel almost cerebral at times.


    Beta-Nol is well-known for causing people who have literally just MET you, to feel like they have known you for a very long time, and in MEDIUM-high doses such as the dosage in Sexology, it doesn't so much act as a truth serum, but more like a bonding agent. It really can promote a sense of trust and a level of deep comfort. But in LAM! The concentration is HIGH, so just be aware that you MIGHT affect yourself and could give away things you really had no INTENTION of giving away..


    I guess you could say LAM is great for really getting things hot, and definitely for playtime, whereas the formula used in BAM! Is very much something that can enhance a relationship or can help to draw someone you would like to perhaps show a bit more interest in you, closer to you. Without a doubt it does that.


    Hope this helps a bit! :D




    Ail )O(


    FANTASTIC post Ail! This is really good to know. I'm contemplating what would happen if you layer LAM with BAM--does it equal BLAM????

  9. Nom! Nom! Nom! Is how I described how I wanted the scent. It has honey, dark vanilla, caramel, and brown sugar! See...nom nom nom! It's going to be sweet and edible. B) Why does baklava sound so good now? I have this baby boosted with Sexology as well, so I have two bottles coming: regular and super leaded! ;) Sweet!


    The only thing missing with my likeness on those bottles are my dimples...BIG ones! :lol:


    WOWSERS! Definitely sounds nommy, especially the leaded version!!!

  10. bwahahaha! Shelly, you crack me up. Danna says you should put on the lucite shoes and do a sexy car wash scene for the neighbors, to show off your new curves! :)


    Sorry, we don't have the Pheromone X and Actor's Magic blends yet. Trust me, I have been begging, but apparently the lab at Stone is really backed up busy right now.


    However, we did make the Magnet (LAM) variants everyone asked for, and a new one too - BAM!, with Beta-Nol instead. :) Each lightly scented, available in 5 scents:

    1) Sugared Vanilla & Honey (Original)

    2) Pink Amber - Pinky sugars with Tunisian Amber added for depth.

    3) Spicy Brown Sugar - Brown sugar, a hint of cinnamon, and a drop of amber for depth.

    4) Orchid Rose - a light and fresh floral combo.

    5) Sandalwood & Resins - Warm sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli.


    So I take it that BAM will be Super B-nol with cops?? If so, orchid rose for me.

  11. Why is polyamory crazy? I realize the perception is out there, but I think that's wrong. It's not for everyone, true, but some of the most emotionally fulfilling experiences can be obtained by thinking outside the box (*snickers at my bad pun*). However, if your husband wants to see some girl-on-girl...it's been my experience that other girls aren't really looking for casual fun in that respect (unless a lot of alcohol or other things are involved).


    Forgive me if I'm wrong or maybe splitting hairs, but I think that polyamory is really a more accurate term for long-term, multiple partner relationships. I have several friends who are poly and it's different than an open marriage or a birthday threesome. For the record, I think that as long as everyone is cool with it and it's all open and above-board (no secrets) then it's all good. That said, I concur with Luna's comment--my understanding of the 'scene' is that single girls who want to play with couples are called unicorns (I know the term is used elsewhere with different connotations) because they are so rare.


    Again, that said, someone else gave some good advice--wear perfume and pheros that help with girl/girl bonding and have your hubby wear something to attract as well.

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