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Posts posted by SWBookworm

  1. Hi again!


    Yes, it most certainly CAN and DOES give the other person that "First spark" "First butterflies in the tummy" feeling all over again.


    It is also amazing in that it causes sensory memory perception, meaning that once that person is away from you, say to return home or to go to work, if you have left traces of a fragrance containing T-DHoc on their clothes or in their car, as soon as they smell AND sense it, the wearer is recalled right into the person's memory. I absolutely love this molecule.




    Ail )O(


    I have to admit that it makes me a bit nervous. I mean, if you're on to a good thing, do you want to reset?? Or does it work differently than that??

  2. I am not the biggest chocolate scent fan. SO I am going to start with a sampler, although I LOVE the original so it wouldnt surprise me if I end up with a bottle of this goodie :D I think Treasured hearts would be perfect. If I didnt have a bottle I would have amped my Sugared lavendar with it.




    I agree with luna. I think this would not be a good mix for cops. I dont think scentwise it would cover well (except the ladies are miracle workers). Also I know this is a fertility potion but too me cops arent synergis (sp?) with it.


    But I could very well be wrong :wub:




    You have a point with the 'energy' that cops have vs. the fertility aspects of Egg. I trust y'all's judgement!! My problem is I'd like to try some blends with more cops but I am seeming to gravitate towards the lighter scents that don't take them well.

  3. L.A. Law -(scroll down to this paragraph on that page) At the height of the show's popularity in the mid-1980s, attention was focused upon a fictitious sexual technique named the "Venus Butterfly". The only clue describing the technique was a vague reference to "ordering room service". Fans and interested persons flooded the show's producers with letters asking for more details about this curious kink.


    And if you follow the Venus Butterfly link they are even so kind as to provide the exact technique which I believe was given on Rescue Me. (I really have to start watching that show.)


    ETA: Now I really, really, really want a scent called Venus Butterfly that's got a mega-dose of BI and Cops... the kind of dose that would be like viagra if it were a phero.






    That sounds like a GREAT idea--thanks for looking up the reference, it was driving me nuts!!!

  4. I'm getting the scent of my favorite incense without smelling like an incense factory. It's deep, but subtle, dark but with a playfulness to it. It's definitely going into my 'me-likey' pile. My skin is really drinking it in. Maybe it's got something that my body really wants!

  5. You are my complete opposite when it comes to skin chemistry and scents. Sugar LOVES me. Florals seem to think they're soap on me.





    Another member that is my complete opposite. I don't need to know anything more once I hear 'fertility' aspects. Intent or not, I can just imagine my little eggies racing out of their ovaries in search of sperm that is not forthcoming... and then somehow cleverly devising a way to gestate into a fetus in the total absence of said sperm.


    That presented an interesting mental picture!! I'm trying to find a happy medium between the sugars and the florals. To Sooth works great on me, but some of the more florally-florals don't. And the sugars smell kind of dusty, but not all.


    As far as fertility, I'm finally in a place (it was a very long trip) where I wouldn't mind if my eggies raced out and gestated. And so, I might have to get two bottles of Egg! :D


    But the nice part about so much variety here is that there's something for everyone's body chemistry and taste!!

  6. If you like to Sooth a Broken Heart, you should try Sugared lavendar or Egg. Sounds like you have some similar scent choices to me :D Your list is FAB!


    Curiouschic!! Egg has now been rebrewed!! I'm going to get a full bottle (based on your recommendation since we do seem to like the same scents) but probably with some pheros--maybe Treasured Hearts. Do you think it's too light to get some cops in it as well??

  7. Well, I think I know my full bottle (unsniffed) picks as well as samples. Tantric Butterfly, Egg, Cuddle Bunny for full bottles and Nymph, Hotter than Hell, LP: Spring, Cheap Girls, and Little Goth Girl samples.


    Now that someone's mentioned the fertility aspects of Egg, I'm intrigued....

  8. When you say "sneeze" are you meaning due to allergies?


    My sis in law is allergic to ALL scents, so it seems. However she never complains when I am wearing LPs. It is so nice to be able to wear scents to family outings now :)


    Even strongly scented shampoos set him off but I've worn a couple of things around him without an sneezes at all. I don't know if its allergies or just a really sensitive sense of smell. Either way, he's my litmus.

  9. Witch Hazel, what is this. I have heard of it before, but have no idea its purpose or where to obtain it.


    If you like to Sooth a Broken Heart, you should try Sugared lavendar or Egg. Sounds like you have some similar scent choices to me :) Your list is FAB!


    WOW! I cant believe that one is sold out! It wouldnt surprise me if someone has a tester of Nakai Nectar for you to try...


    Egg sounds kind of interesting. I've heard it mentioned but don't have any. I'm getting a trade list prepared so maybe I can get a sample that way. I'm having SUCH a blast with all of the new scents and trying phero combos too.

  10. Tried it yesterday. It dried down nicely and until my man was right on me, he couldn't really smell it. I asked a friend to take a whiff and it didn't make him sneeze (even strong shampoos send him off). But WHOO-WHEE! Lovin' the Nectar! And since it's getting towards spring, I'm wanting scents that are a bit lighter.

  11. Well youve got the right attitude :) The discovery of scents that are just right with your chemistry is lots of fun. Lil sad at times when your skin makes a BEAUTIFUL scent go off.


    Thia forum is soo fabulous because of the encouragement of the ladies. It is so great to have you on here.


    So what are your top 5 fave scents so far?


    Okay, well, it's definitely the scent note and NOT the cops. Had on Nakai Nectar--WOW! I don't think it'll be an everyday kind of thing to wear, but it dried down nicely and the cops definitely had an effect.


    So far, my fave five scents are: LP:Red, To Soothe a Broken Heart, Nakai Nectar, Swimming with Sharks (for work, really makes my mind work better), and JALN. I have to be very sparing with anything I wear though cause he's sensitive to scents. I'm putting To Soothe at the top of the list.

  12. No shame on you! You are working on PR for LP today, and customer service :(


    Sometimes it is necesary to take a break from your world. When you do you usually come back more productive :)



    Alright I am out for the night LP world. I will prolly be on tomorrow lots as I think I am going to play hooky from work. I am a lil groggy from taking a sleeping pill so I apologize if none of this makes sense.

    I found out my dad is in the hospital. No other news as he is in BElize. Something to do with his heart...not good. I dont think he has much more time left and it is destroying me ( I just found out).

    Anyways sorry for plunking this on this thread...I am going to fall asleep on my computer now...nite


    My thoughts are with you and your dad. I've traveled a lot in my life and know how hard it is to be far away, especially when stuff like this happens. Take care of yourself!

  13. Nakai Nectar is a lovely scent but I will let you know that I can note the cops in this blend. Let it drydown before letting him smell it. I wore it today, LOVE it, but still note cops when I put it on. :)


    Not everyone likes honey, I am so not honey ho :) Personal preference. It may be that scent note and not the pheros. And just so you dont get sad, I have MAYBE one honey scent, but MANY great phero scents AND perfumes. Lots of great LP's if you have to avoid honey for your honey :D


    I'm really thinking it's the scent note. I'm finding my way through all of the goodies and samples that I've got and am starting to find some that I think will work. Lovin' my LP:Red and To Soothe a Broken Heart and he seems to like those as well. It's all good! And I am working my way through some pheros and am experimenting, which is also good!


    I appreciate all of you taking the time to help me out and encourage me!

  14. OMG, Jim West. Now that one I had no trouble with identifying as HOT, even when I was 6. LOL! I even liked that hideous remake with Will Smith (who is one of my favorite people on earth). Last week I went on youtube and watched all the different live versions of Will doing Wild, Wild West. D'oh! What is wrong with me!


    Loved those short jackets and the tight pants (on the original West). The show itself was a cross between Gunsmoke and Batman with all of those wild bad guys (and a lot of them played bad guys on Batman too).

  15. Yeah, we were all skeptical about TNG, but I ended up loving it. My favorite of the spin-offs is Voyager though. (I know, I'm alone there.) I just like the way it has more of a "family" atmosphere than any of the others, with Janeway being like cool, tough mom.


    My dad introduced me to the original Trek when I was a kid too! I always thought of Capt Kirk like a father figure. In the 80's, we used to race home from band rehearsal to catch the 11 pm showing of Trek every night, and my bass player used to say, "We have to go home and watch our boyfriend". And I couldn't understand what she was talking about, cause to me it was like watching daddy. Then one day, when I finally reached the age that Shatner was at that time, I was like OMG, he was HOT! LOL! I never thought of him that way. And George Reeves' Superman too...it didn't occur to me that these were hot guys until I was like THIRTY!


    Star Trek is the only show my mom would let me stay up to watch. I did like a lot of TNG episodes too but I have to admit my favorite spin-off (don't hate me) was Enterprise (only the first and last seasons though). The last season totally rocked it as a pre-quel.


    Loved Galaxy Quest too. Beautifully done--hit all of the right notes with me! Crewman #6 who finally got a name.

  16. Okay, that's a starting point for me, but if you wouldn't mind posting in this thread please with your results after you try that, I will help you again, but I need to see how that experiment goes for you first.




    Ail )O(


    He doesn't seem to like the honey-based scents at all (hence the punt on Sexology and on Pherogirl) so I thought I'd try the Nakai. He likes the scent of To Soothe, so I thought I'd try it with just the est and b-nol. He likes Couer de L'amour and the LP:Red with est and b-nol.


    I've generally been wearing TH and Soulmate (both a once next to each other) with a variable LP scent.

  17. bwaha!

    I am so very pleased that I have company in my ST geek fandom. LOL! I truly did not think anyone would get that quote, and Luna and Bookworm knew it right off. I love you guys!!!


    So...the KSBF is wisking me off to Vegas for the weekend, YAY! and generally I loathe Vegas, (I don't gamble and I hate all the cigarette smoke), except I adore the Star Trek goodies at the Hilton. I love sitting in Quark's bar and staring at the models of the ships on the ceilings, and I simply must stock up on goofy paraphernalia once again. Can I pick up anything for anyone? Perhaps some Romulan Ale or a Tribble, or a red shirt? A pewter Voyager keychain?




    I try to avoid the red shirts if possible. I always imagine the poor guy on the original series showing up to work and getting handed a red shirt and knowing it was a VERY temporary gig. <grin>


    Enjoy your trip!!

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