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Posts posted by july_girl

  1. I've been gone for quite a while, unfortunately had a lot of bad things happen over the last 8 months or so; even been in the hospital for the last two months and will still be here for at least another month. :( It's good to see all the sugared scents and gorgeous labels! As soon as I get home and settled back in, I can't wait to be able to buy a set of sugareds. Definitely the ones with mine and my kids pictures on them! :) (sugared gardenias-me, sugared oranges-my step daughter, sugared watermelon-my daughter).

  2. Maybe we should try to make a new blend in the vein of Soulmate? Other than that...perhaps Heart & Soul would fit that bill?


    Anyone else have an opinion of one that works similarly? Soulmate was not one that I had much occasion to wear while we had it, and it was so long ago, I do not feel like much of an expert on that one. Sorry.

    I was curious if there is anything different than PM or H&S that would have the same effects (or close to) as Soulmate? I have about 1/4 bottle of UNSoulmate left (I've been hoarding it) and it works excellently with hubby when we need to have some serious "bonding" time. I've tried the other two and they just don't seem to have the same serious vibe. I don't care for The Promise, so I traded away my bottle of it w/Soulmate long ago. Any suggestions?


    I've tried TH a couple of times, and still don't seem to get that same effect, although it is good. Soulmate makes him really cuddly, in a good mood even when we are discussing "serious" things (he doesn't get as irritated with me LOL), he listens better, and he's attentive. TH seems more like he gets talkative, still in a good mood most of the time, but not as attentive to me.


    I've tried H&S, TH, PM, DYG, OW, and TMI... none of them give me the same results as Soulmate. I hate to use what little bit I have on anything that's not an "emergency" lol. Is there *any* possible way this blend or something new will ever be brewed that works the same way? I'm getting desperate ;)

  3. If the PM is worried and nabbed a bottle, then I'm terrified!! Please let the LP gods hear my prayers, lol :D

    Yikes! I've been offline for a bit, and am just now getting a look at the new releases...this is one I definitely want! I hope hope HOPE there is some left when I'm able to buy :(

  4. Well, I've tried this a couple more times, and I just can't say I love it. I don't do florals very well, and the floral/chocolate mix just isn't me. I've had some odd comments from people when I wear it, nothing about pot smell, but just "what's that funky smell?" kind of comments. I think I'll have to add this one to my trade list, as I don't see myself wearing it. :(

  5. I'm sad. I really, really wanted to love this one! It has coffee, chocolate, amber, caramel, cream....some of my most favorite scents! Smells awesome in the vial and I couldn't wait to try it.


    BUT. Once on, its a super dooper strong coffee, overwhelming at first, with even a bit of the bitter that coffee has. It almost made me nauseous :( I thought the cream would help balance out the coffee a bit, but all I got was screaming COFFEE! And then after an hour or so, I got some kind of funky musty smell mixed in...maybe that's the vetivier? Or maybe the cops, although after an hour, I wouldn't think it would be that. So confused!


    I've tried it twice now, with the same thing each time. I'll wait a bit and give it another try....


    This one worn with Odalisque is spectacular. The scents are very complimentary.


    Maybe I need to layer it with something? I'll try this!! :)

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