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Posts posted by july_girl

  1. Well, I've asked a few people and not one of them gets the weed smell...I barely noticed it, for a few minutes at the most. Mostly all I get is a super deep rich floral chocolate. I like it, but I'm not sure I love it. I'll have to try it a couple more times. Even hubby didn't get the weed scent, he was kind of disappointed LOL!

  2. Brown sugar ginger yumminess! Two of my favorite things, so a definite winner for me. I'll be stocking up on this (as long as it's still available when the next NR come out!)

  3. Ok, I got my sample of this today, and I thought for sure I would get the mint, but mostly I get chocolate and the mint is very faint. Its there, just not as "minty" as I had hoped it would be. Maybe after a while it will show up, I'll wait to see how it is in a few hours.

  4. I really liked this one last year when I got it, but I tried it again the other day and I got overwhelming cinnamon and green scent. I don't remember it being so cinnamon-y; not even sweet cinnamon, like in Buns of Cinnamon, just overpowering strong cinnamon mixed with an almost pine (?) smell. Maybe there's something weird with my chemistry right now...I'm going to put this up for now, & try again later on. :-\

  5. Okay so...I gotta warn ya: the stank is pretty dank at first. :lol:

    BUT, once that note burns off (get it? get it?!) then it's a very cozy chocolate floral thing.

    Yikes! I hope this works for me, I really want to try it. I love chocolate scents!


    It gets much better with the dry down, and trust me it's great with gingery fragrances.

    Yay! I love ginger scents, too. I have horrible patience for letting things dry down, though LOL. I'm glad to hear it gets better after a while.

  6. I wanted to love this one, but its a no go. Too strong on me, even hubby makes faces with just a few drops on me. I think its the honey again, whatever kind is in it, not to mention the strong musks. It goes "bad" on me not long after applying. I've gotten several "ugh, what's that smell?" comments. To the trade thread it goes....

  7. :Emoticons04269:


    So, I reserved a bottle of Tabby Tiger. I can probably get one other bottle, so I have decide between Glitter Kissed, Merry & ...and I Feel Fine. *sad face* I just know if I get samples of the other two, that I'm going to love them, they will be super popular and run out, and I'll end up scouring the trade threads like a madwoman lol. What to do, what to do? Why won't my money tree grow? I've been taking such good care of it!! :moneyfairy13:

  8. GINGER (BREAD) ~ Fiery and fortifying, induces passion. Intensifies love spells and success spells. Love, money, success, power. Ginger increases sensitivity in the erogenous zones.

    MARSHMALLOW ROOT ~ Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading.

    BROWN SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.

    HAZELNUT ~ Intuition, wisdom, protection, fertility.

    HOLIDAY SPICES ~ Luck, health, prosperity, money.


    Contains golden mica - shake it up! :)



    I'm officially on my way to poverty even if I buy the sampler pack first.

    AAARRRGH! Why? Why must there be so many awesome scents that I'm dying to try, and I know I can't get them all? :( This sounds soooo awesome!

  9. I loved this one in the bottle, but on me not so much :(


    Anyway, I traded this to someone who LOVES it :)

    And I thank you very much! This is one of my very favorites, I've gone through one bottle and one spray. I can't get enough of this sometimes. Not to mention, its the doctor that I work for favorite scent, and when I wear it to work, she's always in a better mood lol!

  10. Wow, I really like this! My daughter says she thinks it smells like burnt caramel corn, but I don't get that lol. But I do get the caramel, not much chocolate, really spicy at first (not like cinnamon or cardamom spicy, but not exactly pepper either...maybe it's the wasabi?) but soon settled down into a nice creamy spice. Hubby likes it too! ;)

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