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Posts posted by Beccah

  1. Okay so my first order was Mercury Retronaught, Santa Carla, 7mins. to Midnight, & monthly sampler.

    I got my ship notice Friday for this one. I did want to add LPAutumn'09 amped w/ Dominance to this order, but I held back so I wouldn't add TAT on it. Unable to rest until I got my hands on a sale bottle of Sweet Revenge amped w/ Dominance. I went ahead & add the LP'09, & another bottle of 7mins.(as there were only 2 in the cart). I did this unsniffed knowing someone will trade me, if need be. I hope it works out, I love Ail's Heart & Soul.

  2. Alcohol doesn't last as long. I'm having success layaring alcohol over oil, on other blends. So in light of this one flying off the shelf, & my being unable to rest till I grabbed a bottle of this fall's Love Potion variant amped w/ Dominance. I caved & grabbed one of the last two bottles in the cart. I think my original order should be here this week.

  3. I tried Teddy Man today, got it for my man, but thought I take a swipe first...It smelled like cigarettes....It doesn't list smoke or tobacco in it...but even in the sample vial...It's smells like old ciggarette smoke...???? What note is that????



    Old cigarette smoke? Huh, maybe the phero & walnut are making an odd combo to your nose? To me the strongest note is the walnut.

  4. Aw, dammitall! Thought there were a few found... ah, well...


    Another question, anyway... are these likely gonna stay the prices for alcohol stuff? I was thinking (yeah, ok, wishing, hoping, dreaming, drooling... whatever) when I first saw the term 'beta testing' that it was a free or ridiculous discount on stuff to guinea pig it. It looks though like the prices are what the ladies were estimating earlier. So, I'm wondering if these prices are pretty much set. AND, finally, if we get an alcohol phero with scent added, how much scent is there? I swear I read it before, but can't find it now. :begging: Sorry if I'm buggin'!!


    Well don't hold me to the pharmacon info, if you've heard otherwise hunny. As far as the alcohol prices. I am not Mara or Dana. I can say after procuring alcohol, & glass bottles myself. That the prices are fair. It is very espensive to ship these things. The prices the ladies have set is including shipping. Let me put it this way. I bought a bottle of alcohol & the shipping was the same price as the product( it's a HAZMAT item). So unless you want like a bunch of leftover stuff like moi. I would leave it to the experts,lol. On the scent add in question. It is 5ml. I hope that helps you, KB sweety.-Be blessed,Beccah-

  5. Sorry if it's been asked already...is the pharmacom cuddle bunny available in alcohol?



    Nope Pharmacon is gone forever, sweety. So I've experimented w/ converting my 2 of my LPs to sprays. Using Mara's suggested ratio of 2:1. I am very pleased w/ the alcohol base. I have decided in the future, I will order an alcohol base & the original base. As I feel that alcohol layered over oil would be an ideal diffusion combo. For now as I have an 8 oz. bottle of alcohol from elsewhere( I iz impatient). I will only be converting half my bottles. Also, will be saving denero for christmas,lol. After the holidays, & the bottle is gone. I'll be leaving it to the experts. No risk of the Ladies spilling my product that aways. Not that I have, I just hate risking it.-Be blessed,Beccah-

  6. All it has is EST - maybe too much EST for him? Or maybe if he still wears the Heart & Soul-amped fragrance then he's having a bad reaction to EST on you now. Hard to say, really.


    I think it's personally subjective...I'm attracted to anyone who attracts me, whether they're into me or not. I've been known to carry a torch for someone for years, so...but I'm a fantasy-driven person (which is typical for Pisces) so secret crushes and whatnot are fairly normal for me. Taurus is a good match for Pisces, as are other Pisces (although that doesn't work for me), and Capricorn too (my delicious Mr. Rabin is a Capricorn, *dreamy sigh*).



    Thank you Luna. He does fine when he wears the Est.(H&S). He's so much more agreeable. When I wear it....He freaks! Well, he has been on me about having another baby. So maybe it dredges up hostility about the issue? My theory on any pheromone is this. As we all know, our sense of smell is directly wired into the lymbic center of the brain i.e. the emotional. I believe the receptors for the pheros are linked to that center also. So if he harbors hostility, even unconsciously..? I'm w/ you on carrying the torch for years! I still think about an ex or 5 on a weekly basis *sigh*.....

  7. Alright, so @ first I wore this one w/ something else sprayed over it. I loved the effects, the smell went rancid on me. Now after months of aging. Wildflower has tamed down. I can wear it, whatever went rancid on me before has melded & calmed down considerably. So I turned one of my precious bottles into a perfume spray. I can't wait to wear this one out, by itself @ long last. I iz so looking forward to TTs vaycay.-Be blessed,Beccah-

  8. It's funny, for being a water sign Scorps are so *ahem* dirtyearthy. :lol:


    I have been drawn to a lot of Taureans (and also Aquarius, this is why Mara and I are brain twins) but really I have to be with a Scorpio. Not all Pisceans do, but I do. They're the only ones who really "get" me on a intimate relationship level, I've learned.



    I tend to be drawn towards those that are smitten w/ me( is that normal for pisces?) I've only had a couple Scorpios dig me :( Mainly it's always been Taurus, Sagitarius,Capricorn, & Pisces that have been drawn to me. Ok so I've tried Eternal chain on my TT. He like literally freaks out. I have no clue what it is that makes him flip( in a bad way)?

  9. Say we had something like Sorcerer or whatever pre-made phero blend - do you think adding the alcohol base will dilute it *too* much?



    Actually, I had the same thought on that! I was considering using 5mls. of the prephero'd blend & 5 mls. of the DPG full strength unscented phero blend. I think that would be a good mix.-Be blessed,Beccah- Editing to add: This is what I'm doing w/ the last of my Popularity & the last half of the bottle & a half I have left of Wildflower. Halloween will be fun. I iz hoping to meet new friends!!!!

  10. Finally was able to order. After almost violently murdering the cowroker who came in to relieve me* KIDDING* Sorry if thats so negative. I went w/ the 3 full bttles I knew would be GGG, fo'sho'. Mercury Retronaught, & mins. 2 midnight, & Santa Carla rebrew. Sampler pack to assauge my desperation for all the NRs. & B-day present for Ms. Sugar offa the clearance sale. I iz soooo happy now.-Be blessed, Beccah-

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