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Posts posted by Beccah

  1. I have to say I love this one. It is definitely reminescent of CK1. Drop the harsh, sharp notes I always hated. There you have it, Lp#9! I had my spray boosted w/ H&S. Which is also a unisex blend. So I can't wait for my husband & I to step out all matchy-matchy, lol. I love,love,love this beautiful fragrance.-Be Blessed,Beccah-

  2. Hi :thbf54f4bf: . The pheromones will depend on your own individual skin chemistry. Even that changes from day to day. If you see something that grabs you pheromone wise. My advice would be pick it up & give it a week. Also they are oil based, so the warmer you are. The more hits you'll probably get. I think Dominance is a wonderful work blend. Just go easy, it's better to have none on @ all than to overwhelm people. I know Djac likes Est., Rosebud prefers Open Windows. I love H&S and Dominance. It all depends on you're personality. I like dominance for work, because I am 4'11" 110lbs(usually, lol). It gives me a taller more in charge presence. I got mine in a fragrance blend, so it is half the strength of the unscented. The H&S is a warmer, fuzzier blend. You might want to be careful wearing it @ work. As you may find yourself blabbering about pretty flowers, lol. It depends on your personality. I am not really a very affectionate person., so I enjoy wearing it out to the club. It makes me less 'icy'. As far as the cops. I haven't used BC in over 4 yrs., so I am great w/ using the LAM. It comes in like 4 varieties, & is very easy to layer w/ your favorites. I would definitely say you should try LpRed w/ your cops. It's a very, sexy blend( I wouldn't wear it @ work!). I hope this advice helps give you @ least a starting point to experiment. Dolly's journal is a great place to learn at. So is Esmies. -Be Blessed,Beccah-

  3. Oh, yes.... It's all about the "let's make babies", nesting, settling down, "let me take care of & protect you" vibe :10_small16:


    I'm a bit weary about my H&S... I think I'll keep that on hold for until I do meet a man and use it to add abit of intimacy etc... It makes me waaay too soft & cuddly LOL



    Ha, it takes more than mere Est. to soften my Ice Queen heart *Kidding*!

  4. In my experience, EST is also responsible for a I want to make babies with you vibe; when men get protective and worshipful that's one of the ways the impulse manifests itself...sort of the highest compliment they can give, heh.



    The Est. huh? No wonder it doesn't work on TT!!! He already wants more babies,lol. I think it also exudes the marriage vibe to some guys. I do like it almost better than pop. potion though

  5. That's another on my 6 month old list. He's just soooo busy. And I'm really glad that he is so busy - in this corp environment, it shows how good he truly is, to have so many people clamoring for his talents. And I adore the guy, he's blazingly smart and really funny, truly good hearted and honest - his wife is awesome, his tech is awesome. They need more employees (just like we do) but sometimes it's not easy to find people in your locale with specific expertise, and they're kinda out in the middle of nowhere too, so it makes it even harder. So I be patient. kinda.



    I volunteer to relocate & work for LPs/Pheros!!!

  6. Well I will give you my experiance for what it's worth( $.02). My boss was being cranky w/ me(female). I tried Bosom Bows. I think that made it worse! Prolly cuz she felt more comfortable to berate me. I have long since switched to Sorceress. Now whatever I say goes. The Dominance blend is wonderful. When I am @ the bar, I love Heart & Soul. It does give the 'higher value' vibe. As evidenced by the men bringing up marriage & babies w/ me :10_small16: . I did boost my LpRed w/ it, so keep in mind that LpRed causes strong reactions on it's own. It does comes w/ a warning label. I have unscented now. So I will review Wed. night w/ something else. Let me know what you have & I will see about layering the two.

  7. Synch. Not for me. Stress smacks my cycle around like a ping pong ball. Plus the duration of (used to be) 10+ days meant that the numbers never crunched that way. Although...I have a theory that the pheros of a cycle can trigger one.


    Phero boobies. I can almost see the email spam now... LOL!


    :666: It's very dificult to mess w/ my cycle due to TT being a weightlifter. I knew I was pregnant the first day I missed my friend.

  8. Seriously stalking the Stamps.com notice and a big - NADA. Nothing.


    So crushed.


    Have two gigantic orders in - the sale made me totally manic - and I sit here - longing - for the email.


    And I'm saving myself for some DA August Action - there is some Honey Ho and OOOOhhhhh in my future. Maybe even some Eternal Chain if it does end up boosted with EST.


    Such a p*sser. So many things to want -and yet- nothing showing up on my doorstep.


    No lovely sniffies. No super hot crush. (I'm getting blown off again by the TIC (totally inappropriate crush.) And Mr. Shelly is just not in the mood these days.






    Sighs again.


    I think I'll weed a garden bed. Or something equally useful but dull. Like Laundry. Or scrubbing toilets. This just s-u-x.


    I'd tell you "I am Cougar here me roar - but it's hard to be heard over the sound of cleaning supplies and weeding in the Gulf Coast Heat." Particularly if the TIC AND Mr. Shelly have no interest. Is it possible to re-virginize? Is that even a verb? How long can you go without action before it's like you never started?


    Is that a philosophical question similar to a theological question? As in - there are not right answers - just hilarious guesses? And good grief woman - get busy already as an answer?


    Sighs again.





    I think the nuns have to wait 7 years before they can join the convent. I wish I could loan some of my TTs sex drive to your man* He can take it!*

    So happy my notice came today :666:

  9. Gee...


    You people make this one sound sooooo good, I just had to see for myself

    yep...just went and ordered a bottle...is this serious addiction or what?


    can't wait to review for myself... in the meanwhile, I have to stay the hell out of the review section...I have NO willpower when it comes to LP's


    I have so much in the way of orders...oh wow, may have to get myself one of those racks for sure.




    Oh I'm right there w/ you. I talked my husband into buying body lotion for me. W/out him coming onto this site(yea Paypal!). Well after reading OCCO review. Now I'm like:"Honey, those cops formulas make me more interested in what you want to do*wink*. I really want to get the OCCORed to layer w/ my LpRed...Please?????"

    TT:"Sweety, I said I'd get you the lotion. Don't you have a bunch of stuff now?"

    Me:"Well I got a bunch free in the sale. I thought I was stocked up......but then I read the OCCORed reviews. Everytime, I think I can stop & take break. Something else great comes along!"

    TT:"I see...well I'm getting you the lotion, dear."

    Me:"It'll be good for you, too..."

    TT:"Enjoy your lotion, dear."

  10. BAHA!

    Except this is what Beccah looks like NOW, and the pic she chose of me is from when I was 20 - and I'm 44 now! :emot129:



    PM, I just ventured on the rest of this thread. I think I saw the more recent one of you on another thread( w/ that actor?) I think you've gotten better w/ age. ShelleyB & Lynne thanks so much for your complements :):party: Honestly,those pics were taken wearing my LPs. So, I guess you could say.......The ladies made me beautiful.

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