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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Hmm, you've given me the idea to boost an unassuming wax melt with phero. Think I'll be stocking up on phero trials because those premade dropper vials are dang convienent!
  2. Lol, we have a Columbia in Missouri. Yeah, Le Wiz is a great guy, he deserves all this praise & more. He always gives me great advice whenever I call to chat.
  3. Dang this is one sexy scent. The ginger & patchouli amplify each other, melding into an earthy sweet scent. The vanilla is subtle in the background sweetening things up, just so.
  4. Haha, she's not getting the one that Mara's holding for me, neither. ​
  5. Ok, I love this one. Wearing this oil is almost a spiritual experience. I get dragged down into my base instincts & I start feeling that void that prompts me to contact the FWB, even though he's clearly ignoring me & it's better that we not be in each other's lives in any capacity. So I wear this, & I feel uplifted. I actually had the thought "there's plenty of other fish in the sea, at a least a billion of them," while I was wearing Heart oil. The other negative feelings I get during the holidays seem to get a nice cleansing too. Energetically, this is pure love.
  6. Yes, this exactly. There's a soothing quality to this. I was feeling bummed out about my dating life. I now feel soothed & calm about everything.
  7. his perfume while totally different, has a similar vibe to the one above, as it's a delicious but sophisticated floral. (I love them both!) Here's Michelle's description: The notes I want are dark chocolate, raspberry, black orchid and honey. I want to evoke a feeling of a deep, sensual connection like a long drawn out kiss or an intimate slow dance where two people are lost in the moment with the music and each other. I would like to name it Kizz Me. It's a bit of a play on words, but named after a dance that I have been learning over the last couple of years. Kizomba, an African dance characterized by close partner connection and smooth, grounded movement, often referred to as African Tango. The dance originated from Angola and the music is sung in Portuguese. Ingredients very much as Michelle described: Darkest chocolate, black orchid, black raspberry, dark sexy honey, and I laid these strong ingredients on a bed of non-foody vanilla. Wonderful!
  8. Lei says: I'm thinking of a fragrance that would pair well with LFN. Something sexy, seductive, and provocative - a night perfume - I'm imagining a self-confident woman who's unapologetic about her looks and sex and feeling comfortable about who she is, with her image and her choices. A woman in a sleek black dress with high heels, sipping her cognac and leaving traces of her red lipstick on the glass, giving off the femme fatale vibe... I want to be able to wear something where I can feel powerful and independent and sexy and not need a guy type of vibe. Lei gave me a lot of great note choices to play with, and I'm really thrilled with the way this came out. It's sophisticated and sultry, it cruises in and around the scent types and seems to encompass them all. A little floral, a little delicious, a little woody....here's the notes I settled on... Ingredients: sandalwood and mahogany blended with vanilla and tonka, a dash of slightly spiced floriental musk, a little swig of black currant and a sprinkling of petals of jasmine and Bulgarian rose.
  9. In Molly's words: I love fresh, clean scents. They make me feel renewed, refreshed, and energized. Like “smudging” my soul… I definitely could use that right now. My grandma had a saying, “it will all come out in the wash” and I’m hoping that is true. My favorite laundry detergent is a magnolia and lily blend. Magnolia is, as you know, one of my favorite scents, ever. I love the sweet, fresh, clean scent of the blossoms. Some of my favorite LP blends have the non-foody vanilla and linen notes. I want it to be innocently sexy, so the fresh spring honey would be a perfect addition. But I also want to be able to wear it to work, so not smutty, LOL. Ingredients: Non-foody vanilla, fresh linen, white musk, magnolia blossom, and spring honey. Fresh and clean, soft and approachable, huggable and squishable, but dignified and polished too!
  10. Gorgeous pieces, all of them!
  11. EGGNOG ~ Fertility, beginnings, eternity, rebirth, future life, nutrition, prosperity, lessening of inhibitions, mood elevation, sacred odes. GINGERBREAD~ Increases gold in the home, evoke a sense of family, deflect illness. PUMPKIN ~ Fertility and plenty, sexual stimulation. ALLSPICE ~ Luck, health, prosperity, money. LACE PHERO BLEND ~ Contains Alpha-Androstenol (mood elevator, attraction amplifier) plus the precious ultra-feminizing pheromone Estratetraenol.
  12. Elementals: Water To ebb and flow with the tide, and ably ride the waves of emotion...those born under a water sign - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - are thought to be naturally empathic and masters at reading the moods and emotions of others, able to go with the flow or influence trends. For those who wish to submerge themselves in the fathoms of the psyche and explore the complex inner world, take the plunge with our aquatic Water elemental blend and discover your depths! Scent: Bladderwrack, sea salt, cucumber, eucalyptus and honeydew on a base of soft powdery musky vanilla.
  13. Elementals: Fire The power, passion and excitement of roaring flame...those born under a Fire sign - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - are known to throw caution to the wind, considered daredevils for whom every day is a chance for adventure and risk. To embody the element of Fire you must be spontaneous and impulsive, enthusiastic, with a burning desire for realization. Let our potion of smokey woods and burning hot spice ignite the passions within you.... Scent: Smoldering sandalwood and sensual black musk, fiery cinnamon and clove, on a base of soft powdery musky vanilla.
  14. Beccah

    Elementals: Air

    Elementals: Air To fly high and reside in the blue-sky realm of dreams, your imagination soaring without limits...those born under an Air sign such as Gemini, Libra and Aquarius may have an innate capacity for tuning in to creative energy and to see above and beyond the horizon, able to view the potential of tomorrow. To enter the expressive realm of Air is to raise your awareness and hone your intuition, and our ethereal Air elemental oil is designed to assist you in channeling these attributes, encouraging you to access lofty heights of potential. Scent: Ozone and Hedione on a base of soft powdery musky vanilla.
  15. Elementals: Earth Steady and sturdy, reliable and down to earth...the Earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn can be depended upon to provide stability and practicality. Rooted within the element of Earth, one is focused and productive, responsible, providing a foundation for all which can be created. Enjoy the scent of rich loamy earth and growing things, and develop your attunement with the physical world, grounding yourself with our Earth elemental oil. Scent: Rich earth and young fresh-cut stems on a base of soft powdery musky vanilla.
  16. Chakra: Root The Root Chakra grounds us in the material world, reminding us to center ourselves in the primary force of our existence, with courage and honesty towards our fellow human beings. This Chakra Oil is a passionate fiery Red vibration, lending us energy for the enjoyment of life and appreciation of all we experience. Thick aged patchouli and spicy ginger EO over a base of soft non-foody vanilla.
  17. Chakra: Sacral The Sacral Chakra represents our external connections, those concerns we face when we develop a sense of who we are in reference to others, our place in the world and what we may accomplish. This Chakra Oil glows with the confident vibration of Orange, invigorating our senses, bestowing us with enthusiasm, power and energy. Tangerine EOs over thick sandalwood with a splash of vanilla.
  18. Chakra: Solar Plexus The Solar Plexus Chakra is the exact center of the subtle body. Here lies the power and strength of your physical core, the point at which we honor our best and most powerful self, and to balance this Chakra requires the all-encompassing vibration of Yellow so that you may glow with optimism and the awareness of a keen mind. This Chakra Oil assists you in attaining an essential understanding of yourself, the courage of emotional development, aligning all the points along your path of self-realization. Tangy grapefruit oils over lemongrass and lemon blossom on a base of soft non-foody vanilla.
  19. Chakra: Heart The Heart Chakra is ruled by love and wisdom, and this Chakra oil radiates with the deep Green of life, that which restores and renews. This Chakra is the primary point of all the nodes, as it contains the sacred spark of the Divine as well as intuition. To open one’s Heart Chakra is to embrace forgiveness and evolve to higher understanding. Pink rose and red rose attar over thick vanilla and vanilla bean oils.
  20. Beccah

    Chakra: Throat

    Chakra: Throat The Throat Chakra assists us in finding the way in which to communicate our truth and our manifestations of a better world. Let your voice be heard in all things, self-expression is sacred to your sense of power and realization. This Chakra oil vibrates with bright Blue expression, protecting the throat area, keeping the voice clear and resonant. Blue chamomile and eucalyptus.
  21. Chakra: Third Eye The Third Eye Chakra allows us to see beyond all seeing, it is the center of higher wisdom and of intuition. This Chakra Oil is imbued with the creative vibration of Purple, for dreaming and for psychic voyages. To seek the truth of all which is seen and unseen requires only that you open your sacred Third Eye… Lavender and clary sage on a bed of white tea.
  22. Chakra: Crown The Crown Chakra represents our path to the divine, and this Chakra Oil radiates with the brilliant White light of purity and of cleansing, as the sacred life force flows through the Crown and into the other nodes of the subtle body. We are inspired by visions of perfection, imbued with grace and in harmony with all existence in the Eternal Now. Jasmine and frankincense on a base of soft non-foody vanilla.
  23. Absolutely gorgeous scent. I don't normally care that much for passionfruit, but everything balances out so well. The grapefruit keeps it from becoming cloying.
  24. Everything looks awesome! Hmm, I don't have any lapis in my collection, nor have I been to look at any crystals for a long while. I noticed that I've been strongly attracted to working with my selenite wand lately, though. All the negativity from this election cycle has left me in need of a lot of healing energy. ETA: I forgot that I've been wearing Sarasvati a lot, as of late! Duh, communication. Lol
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