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Posts posted by Darbla

  1. Since PheroBoy is gone, what's the closest available now? Super Sexy for Men?


    Let me clarify what I'm getting at. This is kind of veering off the original topic (PheroBoy) but I'm responding to some of what was mentioned in this thread.


    I'm pondering on what will give me a little more sociability but gravitas at work. I want to project an image of "I'm nice because I choose to be, but don't push me" to my female boss. This woman is literally on psych meds to control her mercurial moods and try to make her tolerable by other people. I don't know what all she is on, but this type of person wears a normal person out by the end of the day, but upper management loves her because she gets the job done. And not just my image to her, but in general I want to project "nice but don't push me" to everybody, and have a mood-elevating effect as mentioned. May's comments above resonate a lot with me. Plus I play racquetball with a bunch of guys, so something that projects friendliness, mood-elevating, and fun-loving might be beneficial in that social situation. In that situation, I want to decrease female sex appeal and just be "one of the boys".


    So I started thinking a mix of Alpha-Androstenone and Alpha-Androstenol might be something to investigate. Here are some choices from LP:


    "UNscented Pheromone Blend for Men: MVP

    An Alpha-Social mix for men, excellent for work AND for play! The uplifting, friendly attitude of Alpha-Androstenol leads the way - for popularity and making the wearer the center of attention, with a balanced blend of Androsterone and Androstenone beneath, for a clearly masculine signature that gives off sexy and powerful alpha-male and respect signals, while lifting the mood of those around the wearer." (which androstenone is it in this? alpha or beta?)


    "CHARISMA UNscented pheromone blend for Men contains the following pheromones: Androstenone, Androstenol, and Androsterone.

    These are the three pheromones naturally excreted by a healthy adult male. What makes our CHARISMA blend more effective than other products containing these ingredients, is that the ratio of each pheromone in this blend is biologically identical to that excreted in nature - it's the exact natural biological ratio, just greatly amplified. This is important to note because when pheromones are blended incorrectly, they can send a chemical message to the brain that simply does not compute - such as a uniquely feminine pheromone being worn by a man or vice versa - a person on the receiving end of the chemical message may simply be turned off, because it doesn't make sense to the instinctive part of our brains. The advantage of using this biologically identical ratio is that the human brain accepts the chemical message without question. It's the same as nature, but greatly amplified, so that the wearer quite simply comes across as 'more than' the next guy. More charismatic, more attractive, more powerful, sexier... you're a Super Man, and by comparison, he's Elmer Dudd. "


    "UNscented Pheromone Blend: DOMINANCE POTION - for Women

    A sexual attraction potion for women with a clearly alpha signature. Let 'em know who's boss! This blend can be helpful in the boardroom, as well as in the bedroom. Contains a blend of Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone and Alpha-Androstenone. "



    I probably ought to try Dominance for Women and not dabble with the ones for men. Except that the percentages of each pheromone are going to be different in each of these mixes, so which to choose? I suppose I'm asking based on your experiences, since we really don't know the exact ratios for me to make a decision based on that.

  2. THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!! Itz SOOOOO YUMMY!!! :thumbup::):) The scent brings back good memories of the little me eating favourite coconut biscuits!!!


    Soooo, where does one get "coconut biscuits"? :)

  3. I've found the "green" part of LP Green doesn't play so nice (but the base is wonderful) but with Lucky in Love the green is nice and fresh within the sweet base, I think it brings the two qualities together really well.

    I'm just the opposite: I don't do well with the base. The original LP and it's few variants never work out well on me. "Black" has probably been the best of the bunch on me before "Lucky in Love #7" came along, but the others I ultimately gave up on as not the best scents for me. Which saddens me because everybody else seems to enjoy "Red" so much.

  4. No reviews yet on the most recent scrub? I have never bought a scrub here as I usually make my own, but I have been sorely tempted by this one!



    "Scrub of the Month for March 2011


    We're going CLEAN and GREEN this month, with a Salt Scrub scented with Clover, Green Musk, Aloe, Birch Leaves, and a dash of Cucumber, Mint, and Flowers. FRESH!



    Multi-grained spa and sea salts, shea butter, sunflower oil, avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, foaming bath butter (water, glycerin, sodium cocoyl isethionate, sorbitol, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, sodium chloride, phenoxyethanol, tetrasodium EDTA), fragrance, green food coloring."

  5. Somebody posted in the "scent of the day" thread that she was wearing Mara's Rocket Fuel + OCCO Pink and she felt absolutely fantastic. I didn't realize that copulins had that kind of self-effect on us wearing it. So I came over here to look for self-effects and found this thread. Do cops really do that? I have avoided them because I was concerned about blatantly broadcasting sex (I'm just too low-key for that) but it might be worth experimenting with them for this kind of thing. Maybe using them in low doses.


    I also thought about using low doses to see if that would work for the DIHL, "can I help you with that?", men falling all over themselves to make your life better, but then I'm not sure that works better with a "raging assload" as some of you so delicately put it. :yeahthat:

  6. Looks like Teddy and B2 are the same, but from different manufacturers. I suppose I'll just have to close my eyes and pick one and hope the one I get has the best effect. Not sure why there are two "Teddy"s in the drop-down menu, though.






    UNscented Pheromone Blend: B2 - 1/3 fl.oz.


    This unisex blend has proven successful for a wide range of uses.


    This blend was originally designed as a same sex attractant for men (under the Boy/Boy moniker). It encourages rapt attention and camaraderie between men without the confrontational macho aspects present in typical "alpha-male" phero blends that are geared towards conquering women, and is a fabulous party-vibe mood elevator too.


    With the first ingredient boosted, (our current B2 formula), we utilized this blend in our Teddy Man phero-enhanced fragrance for men. The "alpha-male-at-peace" pheromone seems to make females feel ultra-cuddly and relaxed, and this blend quickly became a favorite for straight guys too.


    The comforting, placating and protective feeling women experience when exposed to this blend has also led to wide use amongst females. When worn by women or diffused in a room, it lends the impression of a calm male presence. Our female users have reported that applying it to their pillow or themselves before bed makes them feel more secure during sleep, and that when used within groups of women, it has a generally happily satisfied effect on the group - making them less likely to crave additional male attention. Female users also report an easing of PMS grouchiness when exposed to this blend.


    Ingredients: Androstadienone, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate, androstanone, alpha-androstenol, androsterone.




    UNscented Pheromone Blend: TEDDY POTION BB


    THIS BLEND IS FROM OUR ORIGINAL FORMULATOR, BACK AGAIN, YAY! While the same components as B2, each maker balances the ingredients a bit differently.


    This unisex blend has proven successful for a wide range of uses.


    This blend was originally designed as a same sex attractant for men (under the Boy/Boy moniker). It encourages rapt attention and camaraderie between men without the confrontational macho aspects present in typical "alpha-male" phero blends that are geared towards conquering women, and is a fabulous party-vibe mood elevator too.


    With the first ingredient boosted, (our current formula), we utilized this blend in our Teddy Man phero-enhanced fragrance for men. The "alpha-male-at-peace" pheromone seems to make females feel ultra-cuddly and relaxed, and this blend quickly became a favorite for straight guys too.


    The comforting, placating and protective feeling women experience when exposed to this blend has also led to wide use amongst females. When worn by women or diffused in a room, it lends the impression of a calm male presence. Our female users have reported that applying it to their pillow or themselves before bed makes them feel more secure during sleep, and that when used within groups of women, it has a generally happily satisfied effect on the group - making them less likely to crave additional male attention. Female users also report an easing of PMS grouchiness when exposed to this blend.


    Ingredients: Androstadienone, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate, androstanone, alpha-androstenol, androsterone.

  7. I went to order a B2 beta spray, and when I clicked on the drop-down menu to pick which phero I see:


    Teddy Potion BB (unisex)

    B2 (unisex)

    Teddy BB (unisex)


    I'm confused about which should I order for the relaxing, comforting aspect that a lot of you are getting? I'd like to spray my pillows with it to see if it helps with relaxing and sleep.

  8. SWEET PINE ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.

    CHYPRE ~ a blend of Civet, Ambergris, Oakmoss and Musk, it is considered a potently sexual combination with wealth drawing properties as well.

    MUSK (Indian and Egyptian Musks, and animalic musks: Muskaro, Mink and Muskrat.) ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.

    VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.

    AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.

    SPICE ~ Fiery and fortifying, induces passion. Intensifies love spells and success spells. Love, money, success, power.


    Light, bright green from the pine, as opposed to a deep mossy green. There's almost a citrusiness (I'm sure I made that word up). Perfect for Springtime coming up, and I'll probably go thru this sample fast. Because of that mention of spice "Intesifies love spells and success spells", I think I may use this in a love spell for finding that guy on the label. :) (or a reasonable fascimile, tee hee)

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