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Posts posted by Eggers

  1. I tried a touch of Phero Girl last night, more to test the scent than the cops. I really love honey, and I wanted to see if this went wonky on my skin. I'm happy to say, it didn't. I just put a couple little dabs beneath my belly button, and I was in heaven! The scent itself is quite powerful, which was a relief, because I didn't have to do any crazy contortions to smell it! It smelled awesome when I put it on, and it still smelled awesome when I woke up.


    On the 'phero' front - I'm not sure if it was just the knowledge that I was wearing cops for the first time, but I definitely felt a little... stirring. I don't know. Maybe I had more on than I'd thought? I don't really know how much I'd have to use to 'get results'.


    Not really any sexual reaction from the boyfriend, though he was up and down getting stuff for me last night - without my asking, which is a bit strange for him. Just little things, like coffee, an apple he cut up for me, some cheese and crackers. Stuff like that. He also let me choose what to watch on tv. And at one point, he turned and just stared at me. When I asked him what was up, he smiled and said, 'Nuthin', and went back to what he was doing.


    Oh! And because I'd had a shower before bed last night, I didn't have one this morning before work, so there was still a little honey wafting around from my navel. When I got to work, I was doing all this cleaning stuff, like vacuuming and other yucky stuff like that, and my stiff-upper-lip manager - the 60 year old man who doesn't have *any* wrinkles because he never smiles - followed me around like a little boy. He was having a great time, laughing and chatting up a storm. That was most definitely out of the ordinary. Don't get me wrong, I love my manager,but most of the time it's like he has a poker up the __________.


    Anyway, the skinny is that I love this scent. It seems to suit me, (WooHoo!), and it could be that I had some very minor reactions from the men in my company. Or it could be that I saw something that wasn't there, because I knew what I was wearing. Either way, this will be getting a lot more wear from me in the future, if only for myself, 'cause I loves, loves, loves smellin' like honey!

  2. I just wanted to add a strange development, and I don't know if it has something to do with last night's use of Lace or not. But I thought it was kind of interesting.

    I work in a fancy-pants restaurant. So fancy-pants that my boyfriend only ever walks in the place if he's forgotten his house keys or something like that. He's extremely uncomfortable there. But because our chef is very good, tonight my boyfriend turned up completely out of the blue to have dinner with his chef friend, (to show off 'my' chef)! It was the most bizarre, out-of-character thing for him to do. It's something he would have done when we were first dating, so it really tickled me.

    I don't know if this has anything to do with the vibe we had between us last night, but it was so cute, and odd, that I thought I'd share. :-)

  3. I just tried this last night. My first 'pheroma'. I absolutely loved it. It went on my skin like creamy, slightly spicy eggnog, and pretty much stayed that way all night. It went over really well with my boyfriend too, which was really nice. He actually tucked his head under my shirt when I asked him to smell it!

    I was surprised by how little this changed, and by its staying power. It faded a little overnight, but I could still smell it in the morning. For a first pheroma trial, it was a really happy one!

  4. Hi Quinwa! I'm new too, so I'll be waiting to see what the ladies recommend. They're so very helpful, I'm sure you'll get lots of good suggestions.

    I just tried Lace for the first time last night, (in Garland and Lace), and it was great. I loved it. And I think my boyfriend was kind of keen on it, too.

    I hope you find something you love. It shouldn't be tough to do here! :-)

  5. I don't think I'd have enough restraint to set the perfumes aside. I'd never be able to stand the anticipation! It's bad enough having to wait for them in the mail...


    I love face and body scrubs. I guess I should try one from here one of these days... They change monthly, too, don't they?


    ETA: these scents are the best foody scents I've ever smelled. I can see why you'd want to get them here. I'm usually more of a florally, spicy, woody girl myself, but it's the foody ones here that have my full attention.

  6. Hiya Luna. I was pretty happy with the way I went about my experiment. It was kind of cool to see how his behaviour changed once I got closer. I swear there was a moment right after I put it on that he looked almost as if he'd gone rigid. It didn't last long. I was still on the sofa at this point, and remained there for about 3 hours. We watched a movie, and then I had a nap on the sofa for about an hour, ('cause I was so pitifully tired I could hardly keep my eyes open). After I woke up, we ordered pizza, and watched another movie, and after we ate, I put a couple more dashes of G&L on, because I love the smell, and he did the 'stiffening-up' thing again for a few minutes. I don't really understand what that was about. But it went away as quickly as it did the first time. And shortly after that I joined him on the floor, and well...


    I enjoyed getting some insight into how pheros work. It was interesting to see his reactions. I have to admit that I was hoping for him to be moved to being more softly affectionate himself. More sensual, I guess would be the word. But he's affectionate in the way 10 year old boys are affectionate - with pokes in the ribs and tickles - and I would imagine that if EST were to inspire physical displays of affection in him, they would be of the 10 yr old boy variety. While I find this kind of affection jarring, (try using a knife or cooking on the stove while someone is poking you in the ribs in an effort to flirt with you! Lol!), I will happily take it, because it's his way, and I love him.


    Calii, yes, we did have a lot of fun. It felt a little like what it felt like when we were a newer couple, and that was such a satisfying feeling. I really enjoyed it, and I'm very much looking forward to experimenting a lot more with him. It's interesting, too, because I've obviously told him about the new perfumes, (of which he fully expects to be smelling a lot), but he's unaware of the pheros, so my results are less likely to be skewed. I'm hoping to have a lot more un-skewed testing in the near future. ;-) I'm glad you liked what I wrote.


    Oh! And if things hadn't progressed so quickly when they began to, well, begin, I would have added cops, too! He was just too quick for me. Lol!

  7. So I got my first shipment of trial scents a few days ago, and while I'd been planning all along to use cops first, (at home, alone, with my BF), I wound up trying Lace last night. I wasn't feeling particularly sexy - I was tired, and so not feeling the sex vibe within myself - but I was staring at this little pile of scented phero samples, and ached to try something.


    So I put on a little Garland and Lace. (I will review the scent in the review section later). I chose Lace mostly because I was anxious about his reaction to EST. It's something that seems to resonate with my personality, and I really want to be able to wear it around him.


    As best as I could using the tiny dipsticks from the trial vial, I used my approximation of 'the Mara manouver', then added a l'il swipe to the inside of each elbow, and a little swipe on each side of my neck, then a dot on each wrist, smooshed together. My boyfriend and I were sitting across the room from each other, watching movies, and I was curious about how much he would pick up, if anything, from a distance of about six or seven feet.


    At first, nothing. If anything, he seemed to suddenly get kind of silent, and he almost seemed grumpy, but he was super-tired, too, so it may have just been that he was 'fading'. But the silence/grumpiness passed, and we had a great time watching cheesy movies, and laughing. We were having fun. I got up a few times, and crossed the room close to him, to see if I could make my yummy little cloud of scent reach him, but he didn't react to even the eggnog yumminess until I bent over and 'fluffed' my shirt out at him, and asked if he liked the scent. His response was to lift the hem of my shirt, and stick his head right under! That seemed like a pretty good sign.


    He didn't appear any 'softer' to me. Ha! He still made me go down and pay for the pizza we ordered! But he was generally in a good mood - tired, but kind of giddy and full of jokes, which was nice.


    Later on, (this was a l-o-n-g night of movie watching), he grabbed a blanket and curled up on the floor in front of the tv. At this point, I was kind of bummed that I didn't notice any enhanced affection from him, (can you tell it really, really bothers me that he's a hands-off kind of guy?), so I decided to take matters into my own hands, and curled up with him on the floor. It was nice - you know, normal, but nice. But it wasn't until I tried to get up to go pee that I realized the Lace must be doing its thing, because when I tried to stand, he grabbed a handful of my shirt, and kept pulling me back down! He used to do this in his sleep: I'd try to get up to go to the bathroom, and he would clutch me in his sleep, and refuse to let me get out of bed. This was just like that, except that he was awake. It was pretty sweet, I have to say. And very funny. And not really like him. I was pleased.


    It didn't occur to me that Lace might cause a sexual reaction in either one of us, either. But it did. In me it was pretty subtle, but it was definitely there. I suppose that it was pretty subtle in him, too - until it really wasn't!


    All in all, I'd have to say that my first phero-experiment went pretty well. The whole thing was quite a bit more subtle than I'd been expecting, which was a pleasant surprise. I think I got a good idea of how far my little cloud extended around me, I got to see that my boyfriend is not going to react badly to EST, I got some snuggles, (although I had to initiate that myself), and I got a little nookie.


    So, yeah... I'm a pretty happy camper right about now.


    I'm interested to see what the difference is between Lace and cops. I don't know if I'll have opportunity to try the cops out on him tonight or not. But if I do have the time, I'll certainly be giving them a go!

  8. I will Katz, thank you!


    ETA, just before I go to bed I'd like to say that I had each scent on my arms for about 2 - 3 hours, and the only one that didn't like me much was Darling Clementine. Sad. It smells lovely in the vial, and great on my skin for about half an hour, then it turned to 'brown' cake.


    On a happier note, the rest of the scents seem to love me! Very happy about this.

  9. Hiya Dolly! Yes, I just did my first smearing session, and I've got to say that I smell fan-freaking-tastic! Such FUN! At this point I'm almost thinking 'pheros, schmeros', 'cause I just smell too good to care!


    Marquess, I hope your WooHoo package comes soon. Waiting is the worst! I'm so not built for patience...


    I am currently wracking my brain to figure out my next order. Everything smells so yummy that it's going to be next to impossible to decide what to get first. Next to impossible, but SO fun!


    'Scuse me, I'm going to go enjoy smelling pretty for a while before I have to go clean myself off!


    ETA: Hee!

  10. Hey Raq On! I've opened every single vial to have a sniff, but as I had to work this evening, I couldn't dot myself with everything. Though I've gotta say, I was sorely tempted. Everything smells so freaking awesome!


    I did wear Carolyn's Man Nip to work tonight. It was one of the samples in my little freebie sample bag. I loved it, but my boss kept walking around asking, 'what's that weird smell?' Eventually I was like, 'Oh yeah, that's probably me.' He said it smelled smokey, like I was on fire. I took it as a complement! LOL! As it was, I spent the evening discreetly huffing myself - until a woman with a really LOUD perfume came into the restaurant, and then that's all I could smell. I swear, I could smell this woman's perfume from about 30 feet away!


    Of all the scented pheros I got, I most loved the smell of Mara's Rocket Fuel, Cuddle Bunny '09, Far, Far Away & Darling Clementine. But there wasn't a single scent that I disliked. Ooh! I loved Cops & Robbers, too, which I didn't expect. I mostly got it for the novelty factor - smelling like a jelly doughnut? Okay! But it's pretty amazing. And I loved Phero Girl, which smells exactly like I imagined it would. If it smells nice on my skin, it'll become one of my favourites, I'm sure. Honey is my favourite food. I drown just about everything you can think of in the stuff - including my face, 'cause it's good for the skin - so the fact that I might actually be able to douse myself in honey is pretty darned exciting!


    I was pretty excited to find Knot in my little goodie bag, too. It was one of the scents that I was most wanting to try, and it turns out that both the boyfriend and I love that scent. So I'm a happy little camper.


    I'm home from work now, and I have the house to myself for a couple of hours, so I may have to indulge in a little dabbing session and then wash it all off again before the boyfriend comes home. I have to say, I'm bummed that the boyfriend won't be home until late, and that I have to work early tomorrow morning. I'd have liked to put something to the test with him, but I s'pose that'll have to wait.


    Still, now that it's all here, all I want to do is put them on to see how they smell on my skin! I'm also a bit curious about how all of my cats are going to react - one of them was sniffing the bag with a look on his face that made me think he might be plotting to abscond with my trial vials, one didn't seem to give a hoot what was in my box, but the third is a 2 year old unneutered male, and I'm a wee bit worried about how he'll react to the stuff. The last thing I want is for him to start spraying, because he's been very good about not so far. He'll be getting snipped in about a month or two. Sooner if he reacts strangely!


    Okay... let the sniffing begin!

  11. Whoa! I've opened so many vials my thumbs hurt! But it was so worth it. I cannot believe how beautiful these perfumes smell. They're so grown-up. I think I expected them to smell a little more... I don't know, rustic maybe? But they're gorgeous, fully rounded scents, and I love them. I've been sitting here smelling vial after vial, and with each one I opened I thought, 'You're gonna be my new best friend'! I am in love. And I think it's fairly safe to say that I'm newly and officially addicted. I want to smell like any of these perfumes, all the time, every day for the rest of my life.


    I loved the little sample packet, too. I was particularly pleased to see Knot and Flowers in the Moat, as these were two fragrances I was hoping to try. I'm happy to say that I love them both. I'm also extremely happy with the others. Man Nip smells nothing like I would have guessed, so that was a pleasant surprise.


    I am so, so happy with my perfumes. And with the service you provide. So I just wanted to say thank you so much - to everyone involved in the creation of these lovely scents. Hell, I even want to say thank you to the US Postal Service for getting them to me so quickly! Lol! Thank you.

  12. I really hope this is the spot. I am SO FREAKING EXCITED!!! My first little box of samples has arrived and it looks so pretty! And it hardly took any time at all to arrive! YEAH! Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone at LPMP! And thank you for the little sampler, too - it's SO CUTE!


    Now if you'll excuse me, I have some hardcore smelling to do!



  13. I agree: Educate your kids!


    Skye, how cool it is that your kid asked you about sex. I think it's awesome that he trusts you enough to ask a question like that. And I also think it was pretty brave of him to ask his mom, too. Cool kid. Cool mom.


    I always hated babysitting because kids always ask me those awkward questions!


    I don't think I''m perimenopausal yet. Although the weird winter weather is messing with my internal heat &cooling system this year, so it feels like it!


    Lady V, I always used to get squeamish watching kissing scenes in Happy Days and Three's Company in the presence of my parents!I thought it was too sexual,and I was embarrassed. Hrm...it was probably pretty obvious back then that I was a cathholic kid! Lol!




  14. Marquess, YES! That's the word. It's been bugging me all day! Thank you! You just saved me from a 4am head-slapping!


    Crookedteeth, I'd really like to know what that's all about too. Sometimes I wonder if I ovulate twice a month or something.


    I was a truck driver for a while - the only woman - and it sucked. That's one environment I don't ever want to have to brave alone. I drove with my boyfriend, and the other men still behaved like sexist piglets!


    Catholic school sucked, too. I got out as soon as I could, and went to public school. Public school was waaaaaaay better. Stricter, but better. At least where I grew up. I always had a romantic idea about going to private school, though. It's funny what they don't want to teach you about in school. I can't figure out why they wouldn't exxplain the sex ed stuff while it was actually useful. Imagine how many woomen would have had a chance to finish being kids before they started having them...

  15. Crooked teeth, I'm a server (waitress) in a restaurant, and I've noticed for years that I make way more money when I'm ovulating. But for some reason, I *also* make more money when I have my period. (Incidentally, this is also one of the times I mentioned that my BF gets frisky - during my period, without fail), so it's really making me wonder WTH's up! I gotta say, it's pretty nice having two weeks a month where the money is killer!


    I wonder if those kids were Catholic? I'm only kind of joking, actually. Our school was the only catholic school in town, in addition to 3 other, public high schools, and we had the highest teen pregnacy rate!

  16. Oh yeah! Rushing into sex is not what I'd advocate either. I waited until I fell in love and was loved back before I gave in. I think at the time I was just so thrilled to be having sex with this awesome, gorgeous, sexy guy that it didn't occur to either of us to think about technique. Once the shock wore off, I started to become more interested.


    I'm sitting here wondering if there was ever a time I regretted having sex at age 16, but I don't think there ever was. I'm glad I waited for the right guy. He's still in my life, actually. He's like a son to my parents, has become like a brother to me, and in fact, married one of my friends from high school! He was definitely a good pick. ;-) I think we're gonna keep him!


    ETA hey! I think I just highjacked my own thread! :-) lol!

  17. It's nice to have a guiding hand, I think. But I'm also a self-teacher. If I'm interested in something, I will exhaust the subject. I'm a compulsive reader, too, so at this point, my book collection is pretty eclectic. The sex section is pretty fun! A few years ago it merged with my aromatherapy section, and if I could find any books about pheromones they'd probably live in that section too. There's really something to be said for being self-taught in anything, and that is that passion is evident. If you're truly interested, you will learn a lot, and you will learn well. Plus, in the case of learning about sex, it's pretty darned fun! All hands-on, so to say...


    Gosh, I really wish I could make a little blushing smiley-face right now...

  18. Thanks Mara - and Luna. It makes sense now.


    Luna, we did get sex ed, but it was purely a case of the mechanics of the body. There was no mention of actual sex, or pleasure. Of course not, 'cause who would want to have sex for sheer pleasure?

    My mom was always pretty good for explaining stuff, too. She's very no-nonsense, which I appreciate. Although, we did have the conversation about the pill about a year too late! (In that I was already taking it when she decided that we should, perhaps talk...)

    I have endometriosis, so I've always had a bit more reason to learn about the female reproductive system. But it *was* when I was about 21 that I learned how all the feel-good bits work! It was a revelation: "So *that's* what that does!" Nifty, nifty...


    ETA: Lady V, I just spit out my coffee! Titty Juice???

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