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Posts posted by hearts

  1. Is orange blossom powdery? Because I'm getting that amazing LP original base with the most soft and delicate.... Floral/powder? I'm surprised I like this! Orange Blossom is more miss than hit for me. But this is a hit!

    This scent is very gentle and just perfect for springtime. I feel girly and pretty wearing it.

  2. Not evil or selfish at all. But you seem pretty angry and uptight about it. You can't ask people on a forum for advice and then act Insulted when you don't like the advice given.

    You cant just go out and "get a woman". (Maybe a hooker though lol) And since you mentioned you've never had a girlfriend before indicates that whatever you're doing isn't working.

    Do you have any friends that are girls? Most of the guys I've been with happened by meeting through mutual friends and hitting it off. If I catch any air of desperation- I'm out. It's sexy when a guy doesn't have to try so hard because they are confident in themselves. Make me laugh, charm me.. But don't act desperate for just "any woman because I've never had one".

  3. I really like this one! I'm getting the fresh and clean type of thing but it's also got that woody sweetness from the cedar. It reminds me of a lightly scented shampoo... Which is a good thing. This scent makes you seem like you didn't try to hard, you just naturally smell this amazing.

  4. Just be yourself... But don't expect pheros to do ALL the work. They work as a suggestion or subtle push.

    For example, picture this, a Woman who took the time to put on makeup, do her hair and find the perfect outfit. But if she's not comfortable or seems uninterested in talking, you're going to assume she's not into it or giving mixed signals.

  5. Hi welcome! Another bit of advice that i wish I listened to: don't assume the heavy hitting sexual mixes will get you more hits. Socials work amazing too. Perfect Match is one of my favorites!

  6. I'm definitely getting more of a honey-amber instead of honey-vanilla. It is not smutty at all on me, but I do get that spice in the background like Tyvey mentioned. It's a very warm, golden type of scent. It reminds me of something else but I can't place it.

  7. ^^ Yes I was thinking that too. ^^

    You have LFM which is a great feminine with EST (queen type) scent. I was also going to suggest you get a trial of Cuddle Bunny. For those times you want to be extra female & cuddly.

    Test stuff a few times before you judge too:)

    See, LFM makes me wayyyy too queen B. I love it... But I can overdo it easily.

  8. Welcome!!

    Maybe try some of the blends with EST? They tend to soften things up. Like Heart & Soul or Lace.

    Hopefully someone with more phero experience will chime in. I've been here a few years but still feel like a newbie!

    Look forward to reading your reviews!

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