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Posts posted by Pheroman

  1. I got a trial vial of this and really like the smell.

    Having so many products i have only worn this a few times recently and it just seems to have an aura of quasi oriental mystique.

    I also slightly smell a similarity to some high quality Japanese incense a friend once gave me.

    Its long lasting, great phero cover and matures very nicely on my skin.

    Cant believe nobody has reviewd it and unfortunately its sold out.

    I wonder if there is anything else similar scented.

  2. I mixed him up a small 2 oz bottle with some witch hazel and perfumer's alcohol, and added his sample of Excalibur for scent.

    Hey Dolly, can you (or someone) please explain exactly how you make aftershave from scented oil?

  3. Raq that was the first intimacy too, not like we were all comfy buddies and that.

    I wear on my neck and very small amount (1-2 dabs)on wrists.

    I tend not to put anything under my nose area/centre of neck as i dont want to effected too much.


    Another instance was visiting a "prospect" (been there a few times) when lil offspring decided to matter of factly enlighten me with "mommy doesnt like you" :ange::shocked:

    LOL I love this stuff.

  4. I will paste an experience from the other forum:


    Fast forward a few hours and i get what could be some type of "hit" from the "true confessions" in weaponX that makes women tell you their crap ie "deep bond", "know you forever".

    While naked in bed she starts talking about her problems scare.gif yikes!

    This when on for about 5 mins until I managed to change the convo by using some happy associations of previous events.

    Dangerous stuff this can be.



    This was WeaponX plus added True Confessions (and other pheros) smeared around neck.


    3-6 drops is all it should take for notable effects.

  5. The closest to commercial scents in my stash, for my nose, are Dad 4 Men and WeaponX.


    And I too find commercial scents very harsh with few exceptions.

  6. Welcome! Good to see familiar names.

    I get 5-7 uses from a 1ml sample vial.

    Its strong stuff, I will put 1-2 drops in a 1ml vial and fill the rest up with pheromones.

  7. Well we all know that women generally have a better sense of smell than males, so I was surprised.

    For me it's obvious tobacco. Even before i get the top off.

    She was obviously confused by it. Even stranger is that she is a smoker.



    " You smell like snatch"

    You need to correct him: "Salacious Snatch"

  8. May make good name for an oil "Salacious Musk".


    Used it again with more pheros (SS4M + A1) mixed in as the scent is strong.

    But I got similar comments that Synergist got, from a woman early 20s next to me.

    "something smells foody....kinda like....curry? Like someone is cooking stuff"

    another chimed in "sometimes you get smells from the food bar down the road, but i cant smell much"

    I said nothing, but she didnt stay long. The other one didnt seem to want to leave.


    Synergist got it wearing “Passion in Pink”, I got it wearing UN for men. Neither have common ingredients.

    I guess some people are just not used to foods scents on other people.

    It doesnt seem to smell like curry to me, and i dont like curry scent.

    Oh well, cant please them all.

  9. I have been using UN for about a week, and this definitely is an attraction getter.

    At first I thought it was a little strong, but it settles to very nice salacious muskiness on my skin when mixed with strong pheros like SS4M.

    Its an eye/glance beacon

  10. And what exactly would be in your PE Mr Heffner?

    Uhmmm besides :censored: , I would say a cross between TeddyMan2 and Homme ~ Summer Solstice 2011.

    I wanted to put that SS2011 on my icecream, 2ml in the test vial just wasn't enough so I will have to wear it instead.

    Well I have not worn it yet...soon.



    And I would say the name is more Spinal Tap influenced.

  11. That's just a line. I use it all the time but with my cats when I have men over. They get so flattered when I say "Oh my God! They are laying on your clothese! They really feel comfortable with you!!"

    Men seem to perform better with the inflated ego provided by this trick.

    LOL when the bitch is humping my leg or the female great dane bowls me over, jumps on me and licks me, i am not so sure.

    But yes, its never inflated enough. The ego too.

    Cats I dunno, they seem to steer clear. The other pussy will do fine.

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