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Posts posted by liz

  1. excerts from journal... :)


    Because The Night...goes to the flea market :lol:


    Anywho,went to check mail and see what was going on at the local swap meet now that the weather has cooled and it is growing in size...thought I might run into Mr. TD&T but found out he is out of town,ummm,found this out from a *friend* of his, who might be a former friend if word gets back how he behaved around me :001_302: Was slathered in BTN w/La Femme Noire and had a spritz of LFM in my hair ...oh my ladies,this is a FUN combo,ummm who cares that it was 9 AM,eep,I felt like playing and it must have showed ,does anyone get a little flushed in the face from this ????


    I found a, looks like new,Have-A-Heart trap,for $10,and had been looking at a small cut glass candy dish,that would place nicely on my altar table,sooo,he said,oh and take that too,no charge,while grinning and blushing.


    So many *hits*... LOL, had this older gentleman and his little dog follow me all over :o ...lots of flirting,some quite on the heavy side,I was not really looking for anything else but sure felt I could pretty much...well :lol: ...and walking away to the parking lot, felt that similar Cougar strut and that all eyes were on me...gotta love that touch of 'none :P


    ATTA GIRL !! :w00t:

    think I should move out to your neck of the woods

  2. Blackberry am lover here !

    and this smells very much like it and Marshmallow Fluff.

    VERY SWEET, almost too sweet for me

    after a few mins I got a headache, and both scent and ache have now died down

    love the label though :)

  3. Mara you are too much,I am just grinning from ear to ear,of all days for this to arrive :lol::abfx: ...don't want to give it away,ok just one of them :666: thumb and ring can kiss,but stay in the middle if you like being on top :rofl222: caliicacklesrunningoff

    ring ? they must be random goodies !

    Huh? I'm lost...but I love your cackles! What is this mystery?? Does everyone get one??

    think Mara mentioned it comes w/sampler in the NRs thread

  4. oh crap !


    Raq...you're gonna love this one !!! (was it you that wanted to really try this one?)

    The majmua (sandalwood ?) and vanilla meld nicely together (maybe the buttercream has a play in it too) AND the dragon's blood LOVES ME TODAY :thumbup:

    EXOTIC is putting mildly, or it could be cause I'm in LPMP euphoria right nao ! (sampled 4 NRs, that's my limit these days)

  5. WOW !

    wet...the geranium punched me in the nose, ouch ! don't think I shook it well enough (too eager in sampling :blink: )

    but as it blends with my chemistry, geranium starts to play nice and I get the copal (like in Cocamama ?) and the sage, and a light smokiness in the background

    Dia de los Muertos captured in a bottle !

  6. not ever trying the original, I can only say I'm elated to have the opportunity to try the rebrew !

    light, delicate, yet sugary and lovin' the moss in this !!

    I'm a RESIN woman, but this heavenly (I dare say)

    if it resembles the original, then I understand why Dolly LOVES this one so much.

  7. 3 words...




    took a sample out at random, Jack...aaahhhh dreamy :love-you: , nicely blended !!

    not overpowering, slightly powdery but not in a bad way, just right

    I want to try this w/B2 for sleepy time

    and on SP...after hot SEXX !!

    drydown is light and soft almost teasing you, sexy and manly

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