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Posts posted by liz

  1. THOSE Descrips WERE AMAZING LUNA (aka: Julian Lune) !!!! You've REALLY OUTDONE yourself GURL !!


    an' read it the way you suggested :)


    "Her breasts yielded just the slightest bounce, seeming to be suspended by some force of gravity not yet quantified by leading physicists."...HAH !!

    looked and felt mine and wished mine did that !!

    and Agent Cuchi Head, I read her words in "Charo" voice


    AND LUV, LUV, LUV Seven the talking kitteh !!



    eta: and I'm even gonna try "Sexpionage"...yikes emo46.gif



    OMG Liz LOL! You should have said it was your creamy sweet pussy.

    I'm glad everyone is enjoying it was much as I am. I have gone through 20% of my first bottle already! I want to try Halo's idea and use it with Occo Ambrosia

    oooh...nice idea ! I have a trial sz from the 1st time around, i'll have to try it TOO rrrr-rr rrrr-rr

  3. I got my btl of LV's SLP yesterday...YAY !! :cat690:

    at first I got nothing :nope02716: , then swiped again and got plastic :cry: (sorry LV), took a shower (crappy day at work), poured a glass of wine and tried it again and OMG !!!! there it was that CREAMY COCONUT :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co , musk and tinge of the Ylang Ylang (that doesn't always play nice w/me) !

    It had to be the sweat (it's been VERY HUMID for what seems like MONTHS), other scent I wore that day and frustration of having to do 5 days work in 3 cause I took Friday off...sheesh ! ANYWAY, I SLATHERED IT ON and it was still faintly on my skin this morning !


    VERRRRY NICE Creation LV !! and VERRRRY NICELY DONE Mara & LPMP team !! :kiss43::kiss43::kiss43::hearts0425::hearts0425:

    oh and this am I when to the market and two guys were behind me in line, one said do you smell that? the other yeah...smells kinda like coconut, smells good, 1st guy again think it's the chick in front of us, me, I just turn my head and smiled, they blushed, hee :Emoticons04263:

    I was DYING TO SAY "IT'S MY SWEET PUSSY" :sleazy: but I behaved and held back :say19:


    ps: so glad there was a re-brew and I got one !! any left I may be needing another :)


  4. LOL.....yeah I think I still have about 3/4 of a bottle of Dark Side that I kept and use for rare occasions only.....it is very powerful, for sure!


    I have 1 and 1/2 btls of 3 that I purchased way back when, this and Christine's Sin City were GREAT dARk PEs !!

  5. Last night I joined some friends at their annual Summer Solstice Bonfire so I wore EN 2013, and the "spicy sweet" was SCREAMING to push through the Redwood, so I decided to help it a bit by layering w/Flambe...YAY !! and it resembled the original !!

    So I wore it again today :) and TONIGHT w/GOTCHA...another fire tonight !!

  6. Ok so this was one of the first scents I tried - let me back up for a sec and alert everyone that I'm scheduled to bleed any second and everything on me is - giving me a headache - smelling overly masculine - or making me want to eat everything in sight.

    This one fell into the - I want to eat everything in sight. It started off a bit creamy, the something came shoving through that was salty and dry. I didnt get much spice - I'm a bit frustrated because nothing smells real right now.

    It's like my skin chemistry is half matrix half inception. It's like my life is stopped right now because I can't properly test the NRs

    And smell them in their unPMS blood revolution full glory.

    Will report back on this one since I know it will smell better I'm a few.

    I don't think it's your nose or that you're about to bleed, I don't get spicy OR sweet either :(

    all I get is REDWOOD (like in Luna's Delicious Wood), and something "plastic-y" :( :(

    I hope this ages well


    *again...this is only personal experience and opinion*

  7. Liz, what is it you love best about this scent? Is it really spicy?

    Liz, you've already tried this?


    I know everyone is talking about the cumin, but for ME it's the combo of SAFFRON AND Cumin that I loved about the 1st version...hoping this will be an equally good (GREAT) substitute, cause the 1st version is/was PHENOMENAL !! I have few FAVORITES and GOT TO HAVES, this is/was one of them, I bought this unsniffed the 1st time and wished I had purchased 10 !! it had a SPICY, LATIN FLAVOR to it (and it is just be a personal opinion.)


    (and it's just a personal opinion.)

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