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Archive: The Curious Experiments of Konrad Dipple


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A fresh, green, slightly spicy fragrance for men. Notes of crushed green grass, electrically charged ozone, sweet musk, German tea and spice make for an eye opening and summertime fresh scent. 


The Curious Experiments of Konrad Dipple is a fresh men’s fragrance, flashes of ozone, green grass, German Tea, animal musk, woods, and spice - the perfect recipe for any experiment.


Prominent Notes: Grasses, Tea, Musk, Woods, and Spice.


Created by: Danna Taylor

Label art:

June 2007


Review Thread


After Mary Shelly’s 1818 version of Frankenstein became a literary classic, many people felt that she had captured something raw and brilliant in the famed tome. What has come to light in the past few years, is that perhaps Mary Shelly actually got the idea from a living man; one who called himself a scientist, but whom others considered the devil himself.

The Frankenstein family sold their Rhine castle sometime near 1670, the actual reasons why and to whom it was transferred are unclear. Some mentioned that the family Frankenstein was cursed, and anyone who lived in the castle was cursed as well.

Konrad Dipple was born in the castle, located in Darmstadt, Germany on August 10th, 1673, the only son of a Lutheran minister. Dipple was rumored to have fought often with his Father over religion, politics, and science.

He studied theology, philosophy and alchemy at the University of Giessen, where he angered Professors with his extreme behavior and a paper entitled On Nothing, inferring that he had learned nothing, or that what they had taught him was worth nothing in his eyes. He finally obtained a masters degree in theology in 1693. He published many theological works under the name Christianus Democritus. Dipple loved to claim royal ancestry, often signing papers with Frankensteinensis, and Konrad Frankenstein.

Upon returning to Frankenstein Castle he dealt in alchemy. Villagers lived in fear of the madman that dug up bodies, and stole pets and livestock for his experiments. Dipple used electricity in work involving reanimation of the flesh and ground up bodies for a gruesome concoction he called "Dipple’s Oil." Dipple drank the oil daily, convinced that it was a true elixir of life. It did, in fact, contain ingredients that contributed to its use as a muscle stimulant, and helped relieve the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and other diseases that affect the skeletal system. Rumors swelled around the village, and in hysteria, Dipple was chased from the castle, the villagers convinced that they had driven the devil out. In 1704 in Berlin, he and the manufacturer Heinrich Diesbach used this oil instead of potassium carbonate in an attempt to create a new red dye. To their surprise they created a blue dye known as "Berliner Blau", or "Prussian Blue". Dipple gained his doctorate in 1711 and lectured on alchemy, the occult, and theology extensively.

After being chased out of numerous colleges, he quietly returned to Castle Frankenstein where his strange experiments continued. Working with nitroglycerin, he destroyed part of the castle and eventually discovered and refined its medicinal usage. Dipple was hunted and feared by members of the church, and many historians now believe that some of the tales of Dipple stem from the church’s smear campaign.


Konrad Dipple died in 1734. Some stories claim that we was found in the churchyard, surrounded by open graves and the bodies of those we was planning to experiment on. Other accounts claim that he was found in his lab, frothing at the mouth on his experiment table.

In 1814, Mary Shelley and her soon to be husband Percy Shelley were traveling through Germany. It is believed that the Shelleys visited the Burgstasse region during a riverboat trip. In the early 1800s, the castle was visible from the Rhine and possibly provoked an excursion into the surrounding villages. Later, letters from Jacob Grimm to Shelley were found that told Mary to investigate the life of the madman in the Frankenstein tower.

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