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Archive: Teddy Man (original)


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It seems like most of the male phero blends out there are geared towards being the alpha dude, conquering the competition, scoring, dragging girls off by their hair... Ok, that's all good, but don't you just love it when you have your big teddy bear all to yourself, your head on his shoulder in front of the TV... drowsy, comfortable and snuggly? Mmmmm...totally sexy!


Did you know there's actually a pheromone for that? It's called beta-androstadienol and it is excreted by the "Alpha Male at Peace". It relaxes both women and men, is said to lessen the symptoms of PMS in women, and makes us feel dreamy, soothed and secure.


We've added this to a set of bonding and subtle sexual arousal pheromones for the perfect cuddly, sensual, experience. The fragrance is soothing, but sexual, as well. Woody and mossy, with a resinous base.


Created by: Mara Fox

Label art: Mara Fox

February 2009


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