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Archive: Dirty Pretty Thing


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Dirty Pretty Thing


Doesn't she look like she's up to no good? (I bet she smells like it too! ;) Yeah, that kinda girl that can get away with anything.


Pretty Fruits and Florals, (encompassing the properties of love and attraction, beauty enhancement, acquisition of wealth, creativity and femininity), melded with dirty Musks and Resins, (for sexuality, creating hypnotic atmosphere, protection and stealthy invisibility), plus a dirty little dash of honey — the scent of female musk, (for enticement and seduction).


The pretty notes shine lunar bright at first, but slowly, excitingly, the dark and dirty side reveals itself at last... ;)*

FRUITS and FLORALS ~ Love and attraction, beauty enhancement, acquisition of wealth, creativity, femininity.
MUSKS and RESINS ~ Sexuality, creating hypnotic atmosphere, protection and stealthy invisibility.
HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive, use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover, happiness, fulfillment.


Created by: Danna Taylor

Label art: Mara Fox

May 2009


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