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Archive: Chakras 2024: Yellow - Solar Plexus

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Chakra Collection 2024: Yellow - Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus chakra resides at our very core and keeping it clear and balanced is crucial for physical vitality, assisting in the manifestation of self-esteem, good health, and control of mind, body and spirit.

The bright optimistic wavelength of yellow as envisioned by lemon blossom and lemongrass EOs, pineapple, and plantain, with a perfect underpinning of silky-smooth vanilla and sandalwood.

(PS: for further benefit you can make an edible version of this blending as a smoothie using banana, lemon and pineapple!)


Each year the wheel turns once more and we begin the quest anew for a better life, for bringing our own unique talents and energies into harmony within and without. To assist you in the fulfillment of a positive New Year we offer our newest set of unisex Chakra Oils, each crafted with ingredients which vibrate within the frequency of the seven energy nodes of the body. Imbalances or blockages of the Chakras are thought to cause physical and emotional ills, while balanced Chakras are thought to allow the free flow of energy throughout the body. Wearing colors and scents of the proper vibrational hue are believed to open and balance and create a state where health and harmony thrive.

Utilize and enjoy these oils as fragrances to indulge your senses and in meditative work towards the realization of your highest self. Because here at LPMP we strive to encourage you to add a little MAGIC to your life…this year and for always.




Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art:  Mara Fox 

Chakra Collection 2024


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