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Haha! So I'm not the only one then? Good! Lol! How do you pay Mara with your debit card? I'd rather do that. Quicker. I wanted a few things from Lynne's trade page, too. But #1, I can't afford them right now, and #2, I haven't figured out the person-to-person PayPal thing. I'm sure it's easy enough - I'll do it once and then feel like a dolt 'cause I couldn't figure it out before. Doh!

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At some point in the payment process it says something like "don't use PP account and pay as guest using debit card". You have to put all your info in every time just like paying for anything else online.

That's the thing I don't get about PP. Waiting for money to clear or something? I just think the card is easier. But like you I'm sure if I did it once I'd feel pretty stupid for being so weird about it.

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I never noticed that option before. I'll look for it next time I order. I hate waiting for the stupid payment to clear. It feels like it takes forever! And if I can get it to come straight out of my account, what's the point? Thanks for pointing that option out! I think you might have just made it WAY too easy for me to spend my money! Lol!

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You'll need the person's email address to make a payment on PP. As your account should be charged in USD so you'll have to choose "gift" to save yourself and the receiving party some admin charges. My account is in a foreign currency and thus I have to pay a certain % of the amount sent and it takes a day or two for the money to be credited into the receiving party's account (although the transaction is reflected in my credit card bill immediately).


Sometimes, 'traders' might ask for LPMP GCs. You might want to purchase the GCs when you are place your order to save PM the PP charges imposed on her.


Hope this helps.


I don't think I have seen the 'debit card' option on my account. I might have to explore further as it will be better if I have the transactions charged to my local bank card than to my foreign currency credit card.

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Thanks for explaining all that JOC! That's awesome! I would like to buy some things from the Trading Post sometime, (how could I not? - there are so many great deals and opportunities!).

MissDC, I'll check it out next time I order... thanks for the tip! :)

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Hey Pinknika,

That's a really good idea - the perfume swatches. Let me know how they turned out for you.

A lot of women here tell their partners they're using pheros. I have several reasons why I'd rather my partner not know, but I may change my mind in the future.

It is fun testing things out on him now, when he doesn't know. It makes it much easier to gauge his responses. He's sorta predictable, so when there's a change in behaviour it's easy to spot.

I keep scheming and replanning my next order, (and the next, and the next), trying to figure out how I can get a few of the UNs, some boosted scents, and some unphero'd scents, too, but I always have to scale back, 'cause the order winds up being something ridiculous like $500! Haha! I think that in the end I'll probably boost and use some UNs. I suppose it depends on what works for me.

Right now I need a money potion to keep me in LPs!


Well, I am not sure if it's the best idea because it actually wastes a lot of perfume, I dip a cotton ball in each vial and label it with those tiny long sticky notes and let them dry. It's like when you go to a dept store and you spray the paper strip, something like that. I like smelling my perfume that way, it's super crazy and a waste but it's something I do with all my perfumes before I put them on my skin.. lol. I know what you mean, I need a $$$ potion too HA.

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Hi pinknika! Check out the trading post! You can trade/purchase scents other members tried, that they dont like/dont want, and you can usually get them for a little less. Some members also have deals on samples (samples they've gotten from LPMP), 4 for $10, and I've even seen 6 for $10, so If you want to test many before you buy a bottle, it's definitely a way to go. Just read the rules for trading/purchasing because Mara set up a system to minimize 'swaplifting' BUT swapping/trading on the forum is at your own risk. I've purchased from 3 members so far, and have had no issues, as this seems to be a nice/honest community of folks. Its a good way to save a little money for the big bottles you like!


And if you're active in reviewing scents on the forum (LPMP or Pherothruth), you can get 2 free samples ONCE per month (not on PEs or UNs though), with a $25 purchase. Theres a link at the top in the gift shoppe, I think. AND theres a Buy two, Get 1 deal on selected scents...skim though Bisou's intro thread, I think the list of scents is posted (no pheros though)...not sure how the B2G1 works, or for how long, but its also a deal I saw recently. And Mara is so awesome, she may throw in a few freebies with orders. So theres a few different ways to save a little bit. But it is definitely an addiction :Emoticons0086: so get ready! And as with any addiction, the person addicted WILL find a way to support the habit ;)


Trading Post!!?? Why didn't I see this before!!? Thanks I will check it out!

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Well, I am not sure if it's the best idea because it actually wastes a lot of perfume, I dip a cotton ball in each vial and label it with those tiny long sticky notes and let them dry. It's like when you go to a dept store and you spray the paper strip, something like that. I like smelling my perfume that way, it's super crazy and a waste but it's something I do with all my perfumes before I put them on my skin.. lol. I know what you mean, I need a $$$ potion too HA.


I don't think I have the patience to do what you're doing! But I *am* a pack rat, so I'll probably keep all of my vials so that I can remind myself of what everything smells like, and so that I can enjoy the labels, even if I don't happen to purchase the large bottles.


Trading Post? Yes. I definitely need to figure that out.

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