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Posting Etiquette


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Hi. :)


In light of recent events and trends Mara and I have decided to make certain expectations clearer to the community. We treasure the LPMP forum because we have a great group of people who respect one another and the spirit of the community: people who are kind, caring and generous. And we want to keep it that way; but even so. communication is important because, after all, that's what we do here: we communicate with each other and foster a relationship built on mutual interest and respect.


That said, here are some salient points I'd like everyone to keep in mind when participating. Respect the forum by respecting the wishes of its owner, the lovely and talented Mara.


(Author's note: there will be visual aids as example at a later time.)


-Quality, not quantity.

As you know, members receive store credit based on post count but it is not a privilege to be abused. That is why posting in certain subforums does not add to your post count; they are for fun and interaction. We appreciate your participation and especially your reviews. Please keep in mind that when you are posting in a review thread, in either the Reviews or Pheromone Arena subforums, that we desire content which is helpful to others, and only post content which is relevant to the discussion and as substantive as you can make it. We're not asking for florid prose to rival Anne Rice, but the review subforums are there to assist others with their buying decisions as well as squeeing about your favorite scents, or even commenting that you don't like certain ones; good, bad, indifferent, it's all important. And because your time and effort in commenting about the fragrances and pheromones is valuable to us, you are rewarded for it. Please make it worth everyone's while in doing so.


-Find the thread.

I know members have commented numerous times that it can be difficult to find existing review threads, and I believe I am completely understanding of this issue when I've had to merge threads. However, I can honestly state - as both a moderator and a long-time member - that there are review topics for nearly every release over the past 3-4 years, especially since Beccah has been tasked with creating these topics going forward. Many times, in order to merge threads, I have had to search every page of the subforum to find the relevant topic. And I feel that if I can make the effort in order to keep the area tidy, so can you. I would ask that you please attempt to do so.


-...and another thing...

I know some members are posting from their smartphones or tablets and this can affect the functionality they access in regards to the board. I am sympathetic to such issues (although I do not have that problem myself, as I own neither type of device). But if you are responding to multiple posts in a thread, or have additional comments to add and yours is the last post in the thread, please please please use the Multiquote button and/or the Edit button. They are located in the bottom right-hand corner of each post (right next to each other, in fact). As you read through a thread and see posts you want to respond to, hit the Multiquote button for each one. It will tally up all the posts you want to respond to, and provide you with a reply button; clicking on it will paste them all in the "reply to this topic" window for you, where you can then type in your responses. If you return at a later time with another response, please edit your last post if applicable. If it's been hours and there have been several replies since your last post, then it's common etiquette to insert another point of discussion. But if you are posting consecutive multlple replies in a topic then that constitutes a possible abuse of post count accrual.


I understand there are members who don't have much experience with message boards and/or the Internet in general. Or those with techophobia. But we would ask that you show the same care and consideration in your communications here as you would anywhere else. We think we're worth it. If you plan to be an active forum member then learning how to do these things shows respect for the community as a whole. And that is one of the cornerstones of our zeitgeist: respect and empowerment. We're not heavy-handed moderators, and we don't want to be, but we do want this very special magical place to remain just that for everyone.



your friendly neighborhood lunamod

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