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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. As long as members are posting reviews, they get to pick 2 free trials per month with any order of at least $25.00. We are happy when people take advantage of the offer, we love reviews! And when you hit 200 posts, Wendy, you'll earn a $5 store credit at that spot and every 100 posts after that.
  2. Yes, of course! Excellent! You saved up $120.00 in credit! Ask for an invoice via email and let John know you want to redeem - give your forum name and post count. Thanks!
  3. I tried not to make the scent too overpowering - the notes of coffee and raspberry and almond are all quite strong, so I intentionally muted with vanilla. I do not think that I personally would say it reminded me of marzipan, sorry!
  4. The following is posted under ANNOUNCEMENTS on the upper right of the front page: Announcements Our SPELL COLLECTION 2015 is a double set of 20 potions, therefore, you will need to purchase two monthly packs to get all 20 samples, and must specify SET A or SET B. They are divided alphabetically, so Set A contains Blessing Oil through Money Multiplier, and Set B contains Mother Goddess through Whisker Wishes. Full bottle sets are the regular discounted price, and will contain any 10 of the potions of your choice (but no more than 2 of the same one). Additional info about the potions and Sigils on the labels can be found on our message boards here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=10146
  5. THEY'RE UP! I'm checking them now, let me know if you find any glitches, thanks! Thank you, my buddy Luna for the incredible scribings! ::SQUISH!:: And hey, listen, even though I added the option to add pheros on the bottoms of the pages, I'm gonna try to talk you out of that if I can. These potions do not need them, and in fact are based upon centuries old lore that pretty much accomplishes phero-style results without them. So my suggestion is to use them as they are, and if you feel like you need an extra boost sometime, then layer them with your unscented pheros. Cool? Enjoy!
  6. I am programming them now! I think I need about 6 more hours...hoping to have them up by 10 pm Pacific Time, so tomorrow morning for most of you.
  7. Thank you so much for posting these, Elizabeth! It really is fascinating to see the process. You have the most graceful, fluid hand. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
  8. A bottle of Lusty Cherry has come available! Someone released a hold, so if anyone wants?
  9. Sample Sets - just choose A or B If you choose a set of 10 bottles, you can pick what you want but no more than 2 of each potion. Bottle sets are discounted $50 off the price of them individually, more if they are phero enhanced.
  10. What we here use for Spell Parchment is Chinese Prayer Paper, made especially for burning.The purpose is very similar but not exact, but it does burn up very quickly. Not as fast as magician's flash paper, but pretty quick! And the intent is so close and already built into the crafting of it, that it's really perfect for our use.
  11. The spell parchment paper is the perfect medium to draw your own sigils too. We'll teach everyone how to make their own so you can do them for any purpose. It's very potent magic!
  12. I think Mother Goddess would make a great tattoo! I agree with Lovestruck, Betsy, I think Peaceful Home especially would make a great print. You should think about offering them in your Etsy shop!! Anyone who gets a bottle of Fascination Potion will be getting a little copy of that label....it's a targeted potion...you write the name of the person you desire in the open space provided and burn it! More info when the descripts are up.
  13. Sorry ladies, moving these comments down so I can get the labels all together up top. Thanks!
  14. Mother Goddess - I attract and comfort beings great and small, as I am nurturing, loving and protective. One True Love - I am in a happy, healthy, mutually loving relationship. Peaceful Home - My home is peaceful, serene, loving and welcoming to all of those with good intent. Pendulum Potion - I am logical and wise, and make balanced, informed decisions. Protection Potion - I am protected and safe. Quarrel Mender - Our dispute is happily resolved. Road Opener - The way is clear! Serenity Potion - I am calm, relaxed and sleep restfully. Star Power + Popularity Potion - I am confident, happy and fun, and attract many friendships which are loyal, nurturing and enjoyable. Whisker Wishes – My wish is fulfilled!
  15. Blessing Oil - May whomever be anointed with this oil experience this blessing as a circle of love and light wrapped around them, to protect, heal and strengthen. Determination Potion + Mega Watt - My tasks are complete! Fascination Potion + Copulins - Think of me, dream of me, be with me. Glamour Potion - I am elegance, beauty, glamour, and grace. Harmonious Self - I am emotionally centered, calm and balanced. Hex Deflection - I am a mirror that deflects from me, and reflects back to the sender, that which I would return to them. Love Thyself - I am beautiful, slim, healthy, and happy, and I LOVE the way I look! Liquid Mercury - My communications to others, and to the universe, are perfectly received, perfectly clear, and perfectly understood. Lucky Van Van Oil - Luck and good fortune are my constant companions. Money Multiplier + Swimming w/ Sharks - I am completely comfortable financially.
  16. One True Love - I am in a happy, healthy, mutually loving relationship. What are these beautiful squiggles on the labels, you ask? What do the sentences below the labels mean? These are SIGILS, these are themselves, a SPELL. So not only is there a spell IN the bottle, but one ON the bottle as well! A sigil is a magickal image crafted out of the letters of a mantra or incantation, so below, you will see the mantra we chose for each potion, which you can repeat as you empower and use your own personal bottles. Our very own ElizabethOSP is the artist behind these gorgeous sigils!!!! She did a stunning job, I am extremely thrilled with these. She went above and beyond with her task, adding charm and cleverness to the designs making them extra special! (Peaceful Home is just fabulous!!) ElizabethOSP, I encourage you to share your process with everyone like you did with me in the emails, quite a treat! This is a double set of 20, so we are separating them into two portions...Set A and Set B...you'll have to buy both sets to get them all, but you do not need to do so at the same time. We are just dividing the sets alphabetically. Same goes for the full bottle collections, you'll have to buy both to get all 20, but they are the usual discounted price per collection. We still have a few days before these are up and orderable on the site. Please wait until they are officially listed to order. Thanks and Enjoy!
  17. Shooting for labels by Monday. Go out and enjoy your day!
  18. No worries, Ladies! I am finishing up the upcoming collection now ...should be orderable sometime next week. Thanks! xoxox
  19. I'm happy to add to the collection if I have the ingredients on hand. Bamboo is something that I always keep a supply of, but unfortunately, I do not often have the oils you mentioned. But, Satsuma - I assume you mean the orange? - is already a component of Sugared Oranges
  20. I'd be happy to make you Sug Bamboo. Just write it into your order and I will make it.
  21. I commented more in depth in your other thread, but will say again here: These oils are too concentrated for face and neck area, which is a more sensitive area of the skin especially if you shave there. Try instead wearing on chest and inner arms. If you still have a reaction on chest and arms, you may be allergic and should discontinue use.
  22. There were two colors of sequined bags - red or pink! Glad everyone likes them!
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