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Posts posted by Curiouschic

  1. I get perfume on my seat belt too. Especially during the warm weather.


    I love adding sugared Honeycomb to Sugared French Vanilla it is delicious, and I think the Honey gives it more throw and makes it sexier. I also added it to Winter solstice and it did the same lovely thing.


    Ooh those sound like good combos, I am definetly going to have to try them!

  2. OK, the verdict is in......my darlin' LOVES this one......when I asked him for his opinion so I could post it, he said, "It just smells sooooo f***ing GOOD!" I won't repeat what he said it makes him want to do to me..... :D That could be partly due to the scent and partly due to the pheros (it does have TAL in it, after all.....and I layered it with Essence Oil)......


    He has liked a number of them, but it has been a while since he liked one this well. While we were watching tv, he just kept leaning in and saying......I really REALLY like that one.....


    He has also told me that I need to wear this one when we attend the concert Friday night with his co-workers and friends......


    Very nice...now how does he like the name? Seems to me the name is DEFINETLY appropriate in your case :D

  3. I am not good with descriptions, so bare with...


    I find when I put this on I get a deep dark chocolate scent with a lil something else, it isnt honey, it may be the musks. This last for about 10-15 mins and then slowly there is this deep and rich honey scent that comes out. I am not super fond of honey scents on me, so I was a lil uncertain but the scent keeps going and it mellows out to a nice chocolate honey scent both seductive and calming.


    I am going to have to wear this around my friends and fam to se if I can pull it off as a "me" scent. If I cant, this will surely be a bath oil cuz it is so rich and yummy.

  4. oh yes I did thanks curious :) is it the second rebrew? lol


    Sorry just saw this Q, and no it was the first rebrew. Anyone who received Pherogirl from me it was from the first batch of PG being rebrewed. :D

  5. So am I the only one on whom this is butterscotch with celery?


    I dont Smell butterscotch, celery but I find there are so many different smells surrounding it. One time I will get one smell and then the next time I smell something a lil different. I find it to be an amusing scent for that.

  6. Mmmmm, been wondering about this one .

    Sounds like one i could use . Thank You for sharing . :D


    If you like Lavender, you should try out Sugared LAvender. It is my FAVORITE! so soft and soothing, and the sweetness, mmmm! I highly reccomend it.

  7. Hi Ajia,


    There is a quick way to find if there is a reveiw on a scent of interest. When your looking at the page with all the reviews on it, after the last thread tere is a "Search"on the left hand side. AND there is a bar that says "Enter Keywords" All you need to do is enter the fragrances name, or a portion of it and you will get all the results that relate. Find the one that has the name of the scent and voila :D


    Hope this makes sense and helps! I find it OH so handy!


    CC :thumb_up11:

  8. I am assuming the duty is from the LP package. They opened my last one at the border but it was only samplers so I didnt get charged anything. However this LP order is many bottles, so I figure it couldnt get through without being charged.


    I doubt it is one of the packages from my swaps, if for some reason it is, I can make a case and get the duty back.


    And why now? I talked to a postal worker today and they said it is pure chance. If you order ten times, you may only get hit once. Its like crossing the border. usually you just get asked questions and then they let you through, but once in a while they pull you off for a thorough search.


    The post office is not supposed to have it available til 1'oclock tomorrow. But it is literally across the street from my house. So I am going to go in later when it is quiet and see if they have had time to process it :D

  9. Ok so when I order packages across the border, I am somehow usually safe from duty...not this time! Wowser I have a heavy duty bill sitting on my desk beside me. AND my mind started to wander thinking, "now is it really worth it, ordering all these scents THEN paying duties on them... :D DONT SAY THAT! (I tell myself)


    I looked back to see what was in this order that is waiting for me to pay duty, and well, my mouth began to water. SO many of my favorites are sitting abandoned at the post office. WORTH IT?! OH YES, YES, YES!!!!


    Not fun to pay, but the first whiff will make it oh so worth it! :lol:


    (There's a glimpse in to CC's mind...hope you enjoyed :001_tt2: )

  10. Heh ya I always love coming home and seeing that little box in the mail. It's like I give myself a present every few weeks...hehehe! But anyway, Um, I think my favorite one is "Vain" I notice ever since I started ordering ive order "Vain" the most in sample sizes Thanks to the Clearance Sale I got a big bottle of it now. I'am by nature a very nice person and iam more giving then taking when it comes to people but sometimes my humbleness can be not good for I feel that people can sometime weather consciously or subconsciously attack me on a spiritual plane . With "Vain" I feel more stronger and when I look into a persons eyes they can't take away from me unless I give myself. I dont know if this makes sense but I truly like "Vain" a lot. Its doesnt make me selfish but just more stronger I think more knowledgable weather I should give myself off to this person or not. Also, "Something voodoo comes this way" is amazing! The smell, and the self confidence it gives me. I love this website! :D


    Have you tried any TAL based Pheromones? They might give you a lil more take charge Alpha feel, that you have come to enjoy :lol: Something like CFM?

    Also take a look at some Dominance Pheros, that could be fun!


    Glad to see you are enjoying all your lovely packages!

  11. I"m curious about this too, wondering which vercion of PG it is most like thuogh? I haven't smelled them all, actually I finally got a sample of PG to try today from a swap and I don't remember which verison it is... not sure when I'll tryi ti though cause of the cops...


    Hey Ivy, did you receive the package I sent?

    If so the PG is the rebrew. :D


    Hope you enjoy.

  12. Ooh me jealous!


    (Too make photos bigger you need to take them bigger on your camera (which is a setting) or save them in a normal format on comp. Looks like this is saved in avatar size, even smaller then email size)

  13. I actually recently got a bottle before even testing it. When I first tried it it seemed a bit too resiny smelling for me and I was afraid i would get a headache. However,after wearing it again TODAY ( I have like a dozen perfumes on right now though lol) it's seems much nicer and i can smell a sweetness and it seems more multifacted than the first time.. not sure why that is. It's lovely, smells just liek juiced garden faeries! muahaha

    It is kinda hard to explain the scent though besides that it is a lovely grassy floral concoction.


    Thanks Ivy, this is definetly on me tester list. Oh my the list is getting long! :D

  14. I totally agree with you Dolly. I ordered a tester in one order and then before the oreder came I ordered me a bottle of HS. However when my tester came I didnt like it at all, it just didnt work for me. I actually ended up canceling the bottle. Well just the other day I pulled this one out again and OMG it is just lovely now. It has softened and there is a silky yum to it that wasnt there before. I am enjoying this scent now and am glad that I let it sit.

  15. I have talked to Mara, and the poor dear is running herself ragged! Danna is out of town, and Mara is handling this all by herself! That is why she hasn't been on the forum for a few days.


    She says that she hopes to have them all ready by Monday at the latest. She may have them ready earlier, but is not for sure. So, be patient sweeties......they will be available soon!!


    Thanks for the info Dolly, I was beginning to wonder if she was ok over there. I have noticed her missing around the forum and have sent some emails to her with no response. SO I figured she was busy, but I wanted to make sure :020105~21:

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