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Posts posted by therapygirl

  1. Ok, so PMS combined with speaking of my ex-SO to Mara yesterday triggered a major crying jag from about 2-5 am. Literally pitiful. Got all the horrible helpless, hopeless feelings that are such a hormonal deception and literally cried until my pillow was soaked. I know that tears contain stress causing enzymes, so I am glad I got rid of them, but it wasn't until I slathered Teddy Man that I started to feel better. I am now snuggled in a ball in my bed thinking that today is another day...

  2. Have been using Un with Teddy BB and Rose Cookies with BB in my office. These are the original melts. I pinch off a little bit and drop in the warmer. Everyone loves how my office smells and as a plus, other people from work have been reaching out to me so I haven't been so isolated and lonely. I think that everyone is happier for it!

  3. Mara, do you do girls, because if you do girls, I will do you. I have had the worst day ever, and I promise you that whenever I have had a day like this, literally for YEARS, LP always does something wonderful for me. I have been through times in the past few years that the only nice things in my life have come from here. An LP sale. What a wonderful thing to look forward to. Sigh..i am drinking. i had a piss-poor day. An LP sale is the loveliest thing ever. I hope I am not still hung over for the sale. Love you.

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