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zade kay

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  1. Very powerful scent. It's a woman who down and dirty and in your face sexy. Might be a little too loud for my personality, but I love the scent in a bewildered, wish I could dare to be this bold.
  2. In the bottle: I get all hyacinth. Almost overpowering. Wet: Hyacinth still, but toned down, and I'm smelling a sweet citrus, probably the orange blossom. Smells gorgeous, but I wish I could smell more of the fruits and sweet herbs. Dry-down: The sweet herbs and fruits come out and it's a soft scent that I really love. I can't really describe it, it makes me think of being little and hiding in my mom's bed, her sheets over my head, early in the morning, getting whiffs of her perfume and the breeze carrying the scents of the garden in. Sweetly, innocently feminine, and for me it's a really comforting scent for me, it really does remind me of my mommy. As for the effects on my boyfriend.. I put some Betrothal on midafternoon and when he got up from sleeping most of the day (he's on midnights) he staggered out in his underwear (lol) and gave me my usual kiss and instead of following his routine (and I'm talking no deviating, ever) of going to sit on the computer to wake up, he ended up crawling behind me to lay on the couch and spent almost half an hour running his fingers through my hair and snuggling me. To the point where he wouldn't let me up to pee. It was very sweet. He didn't comment on how I smelled however, probably because the scent was very faint at this point and I have to huff my wrists to get it.
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