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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. Houston we have activity. Yesterday was kindof slow. As for today it's only 9am here and he's already come to talk to me about something trivial (with this funny look on his face) and has also bumped into me...by accident of course. He was walking behind me and I turned around suddenly. Oh my. I just know I'm stirring up raw emotions here and am starting trouble. But this is too good to pass up. He's a FOX do doubt.

  2. He's back from his meetings and guess whose was the first office that he walked into. Mine of course. I'm beginning the payroll process and he wanted to make sure that I had everything I need. These where his words exactly "Do you want me...I'm sorry let me rephrase.that. Do you need something from me". and then he just stands there waiting for my reply. I say "It depends on what you have in mind". He starts blushing. That was a priceless moment. I'll report more as they come.

  3. Dolly, I told you. It sounds like True Confessions is working for you. This stuff is priceless. I ordered another bottle. I find that people will start to talk and lose control to the point where they can't stop talking. They have no ideal what's happening. Yes TC works really well around females which is awesome. In the work place you want to cater to both sexes.


    Well today for me has been quiet. I'm not a big fan of Mondays. Of course my HOT CFO has walked past my office at least 6 times so far but we havent really had a conversation yet. He is sending me more emails then usual and is giving me the DIHL look whenever he sees me. Interesting. I think if we were in a closed room together he would say what's really on his mind.

  4. I wholeheartedly agree. It seems that thus far I've been buying all of my pheromone blends from here at LP. And Dolly it's exactly like you said. Everything here (potions, phero potions, shirts, magnets etc. )is top quality. A lot of love has gone into making the potions and it's reflected in the quality of all the products.

  5. As always Ail your post are so enlightening. This is great to here. I have a bottle of the Popularity Potion but haven't tried any yet. What's really gotten my attention is how you liken PP to MX135. I loved the reaction's I got with MX135 but ran out eons ago. I'm going to have to give this one a try.

  6. I think you've really summed it up Djac. I am married and I think he's being caution. Which is the smart thing to do. But oh this is too much fun and the sexual tension is really building up. I do agree there would be nothing wrong with a lunch here and there. That would be safe right. He's here now and has just come by to say goodmorning. He is so HOT and I do think he wants me. Time will tell. I'll post back later hopefully something juicy will have happend by then.

  7. I'm just sending a quick hello to everyone. It's Monday and really early here at work. I'm always the first one to arrive. My CFO is not here yet although I expect him any moment. There is one thing. He left me an email on Friday saying to "Have a great weekend". This would be no big deal but he has NEVER left me an email just to say something like that. Never. Interesting. Maybe I was still on his mind over the weekend. We shall see...we shall see.

  8. I flirt aroud my hubby too. His guy friends come over more to see me then him. They always remember my birthday, what type of wine I drink and also bring me little gifts. It's so cute. One of the guys father has a crush on me and he's at least 70 yrs old. He's a cute old man though. They've all been friends since kindergaten and all still live close to each other. The hubby loves to see the attention I attract. Of course he knows about the pheromones. He thinks it's fun and it I'm into it it's ok with him. And your right Dolly, I think the hubby enjoys the attention and isnt unnerved because he's secure I wont cheat as well. It's just not my style. But my goodness I am a big flirt and good at it.

  9. Nothing much happened after that. I ran into him before leaving and he still looked quite interested. I'm playing nice this weekend because the hubby is on a fishing trip. He's so sweet he even called me from the boat. Most guys would be in there own world that doesnt include wives, not him. This gives me a chance to rest up until Monday. I'm going to play around alittle more with my mix but not much all the mones seem to be working like they should. I may add some Robin and Marian potion to it. I just love that stuff. I'm going to buy a full sized bottle later today. BFN...maybe

  10. Interesting shoe analogy Djac and I like it.


    Well my results thus far. I have lost count again how many times my CFO has walked by. So I'll take a guess. It's 12:30 now so I figure he's come by at least 12 times. This is no lie. It could be more. There is a definite difference from yesterday. He only walked by my office yesterday but today he has come into my office twice. OMG he's walking by again. Hell I think I need a new pair of shoes. So where was I... Oh yeah he came into my office twice and the last time was to tell me that my promotion will go through next week. He was excited and out of breath when he was speaking to me. Hmmm. I'm a bad girl but OMG he is so SEXY. I've also noticed that when he does come in contact with me he inhales deeply and loud enough for me to hear. He also said that my jeans were HOT and I wore them well. I think that if I got him somewhere alone I would be able to get him in a compromising position. Or it could be he who could get me in a compromising position. Did I say that. Hey I can fantasize right. No harm in that....right.


    I'm sure I'm receiving hits elsewhere but I've only got my antennae up for Mr. HOT CFO right now. The HR guy has offered to buy me lunch today and he keeps walking past my office too. I'm having way to much fun. The hits just keep coming.


    I almost forgot. I did try out my concoction on the hubby last night. It worked rather nicely. Let's just say that I am sore from all the exertions from last night. He was like a sex crazed energizer bunny. He kept going and going and I kept coming and coming.

  11. My brew was TC, Me,Jane, Synchronicity and some Primal Instinct/w thrown in for good measure. My cover is a mixture of Robin and Marian, Pink Sugar and Sugared Berries. Yesterday was awesome.


    Today I am wearing the same as above but I have now added some Blantant Invitation, and Unscented Super Sexy to the mix. And I'm here at work now. I got here early and thought I was the only one here but was wrong. As soon as I sat behind my desk my CFO was standing in my door. Hmmm. Happy Friday everybody. Let the games begin.


    Djac, yes your absolutely right. It's so much fun to be a good girl behaving bad sometimes. Hey I'm only trying on some shoes it's not like I'm gonna buy them. :(

  12. And that makes the umpteenth time my CFO has walked by with water in his hand. Oh BTW were both the same age 40 something. The only difference is that I'm very married. Hey you know what they say about forbidden fruit. It's so funny and sexy.Tomorrow is Friday and we can wear jeans. I look fabulous in jeans BTW. Combined with my concoction that I'll be wearing it should be really interesting.

  13. Thanks Potion Master. I am having such a good time with True Confessions. It's almost 4pm here now and the hits just keep coming. I applied more around 1pm. With TC it seems that folks arent as inhibited as they normally are. Especially in an office setting. My CFO is still walking past my office it seems every 15 minutes or so he's pretending to get water from the fountain. My goodness how much water can one HOT man drink. Hey he is HOT so I guess his thirsty. :witchnaner: And earlier I walked past a gentleman who is normally standoffish and stuffy who just gave me a big smile and said from now on he's going to call me "Sunshine" Aww shucks. I will most assuredly buy another bottle of this soon.

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