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Posts posted by Countesszero

  1. I'm wearing Robin and Marian today. I purchased a sample in order to test it out. I simply love this potion. It so much reminds me of Potion Bastet. Which is my ultimate favorite of all times. I'm going to buy a large bottle of R&M because this brew is precious.

  2. Thanks Djacquelynstew, I'm waiting for my fresh new bottle now. I still have some left and have been trying to test it out a bit more. I have noticed that it makes me feel really sexy when I wear it. Oh and the sexy jeans don't hurt either. At work the guys are always walking around with that "look" on their faces and I love it. Hey you only live once. You might as well attract all the attention that you can so you can be remembered. Fondly of course.


    I purchased some Popularity Potion along with my other goodies. I can't wait to try that baby out as well. I'm having so much fun with everything here and I'm sure everyone else is too.



  3. Super Sexy really works. I'm going to purchase another bottle so that I don't run out. I'm getting good results from my husband and also co-workers. Yes I wear it to work. In my environment there's lots of good looking guys and hey it doesnt hurt to be "Super Sexy" even when your married. There's nothing wrong with a little sexual tension to get the blood pumping.I've found that once someone is exposed to my mone signature that they keep coming back for more. All the while breathing deeply with starry looks in their eyes. It's a lot of fun to see. My husband is very responsive to the pheromones and other scents that I use. He was a wild animal in bed but now he's an acrobatic, aggressive, wild animal...and I like it.

  4. Very good description of whats happening with this potion. I was try to put it into words but was having trouble. After about an hour it smells really sweet on. I may have to get a large bottle of this too.

  5. Kittenish is turning into one of my favorites. I may have to purchase a large bottle of this. It has a tanginess to it...like a playful bite from a kitten.

  6. Music of the Spheres gives me the urge to get back into meditating. I can't distinguish between one scent or the other. They all seem to flow together...like beautiful music. I still have a whole bottle of the Chakra balancing potion and I think it'll go nicely with this. I'm going to try a combo.

  7. I've received all my wonderful potions and am on cloud nine. I was especially impressed with Me,Jane. The combination of banana, coconut and vanilla really blend well together. Also the African Kola Nut and Brazilian Guava Flowers really take this brew over the top. With a little TAH thrown in for good measure how could you go wrong. I just want to slather it all over myself. I'm going to FL soon on vacation and this potion will blend really well while I'm sitting under a beach umbrella sipping a pina colada. I'm going to have to stock up on this baby.

  8. I ordered the full sized Fortune Cookie and Rocket Chick along with the sampler and Me,Jane. I cannot wait for everything to arrive. I simply love the scents and walk around sniffing myself like a crazy women. OK so it's not that bad but it's getting there. Although LovePotion Perfume has been around forever I think that their approach to different scents and there qualities are very innovative. I love the uniqueness of everything.

  9. Hello Everybody and long live the Queen. :) I have fallen in love with the scented Cuddle Bunny and most everything else here. The potions are great additions to my already large pheromone arsenal. I'm addicted.

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